California propositions thread: Props 1,2,3,8,9,11,12 Pass, Props 4,5,6,7,10 fail

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

8 passed
Obama won
what a great day for America. I couldn't ask for much more.

Why because your views aren't his views.
Because his views (Obama's nor the rest of the Senate/Judges in Cali. ) don't coincide with Prop 8
And the issue is decided by the values/opinions of California cititzens. As I stated before, Obama is on record stating the he puts the issue inState's hand and that he respects State decisions.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

8 passed
Obama won
what a great day for America. I couldn't ask for much more.

Why because your views aren't his views.
Because his views (Obama's nor the rest of the Senate/Judges in Cali. ) don't coincide with Prop 8

Read my response. Do you agree on evry single issue of the people you vote for? I don't agree with Obama on evry single thing but on the vast majority ofmajor things in this election I agreed with Obama. gay rights is small fry special interest garbage. So yea I disagree with Obama on gay rights.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Nice that you have to bring yourself down to name calling. You really think Republicans are dividing races? That's the mindset of liberals. If you thought for yourself I'd think that would equate to being independent voting for a Democrat, not a Democrat voting for a Democrat.
Ok I shouldn't have said moron. My bad. I thought Mccain gave an exellent speach last night but his whole campaign was ran on divisivness sowhen he gave Obama credit his supporters booed as they have in the past when he told people the truth about Obama being a good man. So yes I think therepublicans were highly devisive not only in the presidential campaign but in the state level campaigns.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by In The Line For VIIs

Did Measure B in Santa Clara Country really not pass? I mean its like 66.4 to 33.6 or something. That's pretty #$*@ close. Recount?
SJ is like the last remaining piece to Bart. Why exclude the largest city in the Bay?
I want it to pass. BART in SJ FTW! It needs 66.6% of votes though. They lost by less than 0.5%.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Which is why I gouged my eye out when I saw DanPat
Just trying to be holier than atheists and follow the rules.

Your right those are sins. But we can repent and change our ways.Thats the point of repenting. To ask for forgiveness and better yourself. No one is perfect which is why Jesus came and died so we'd have the chance tochange.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by i3allistic

1A passed - i can now do a day trip down to L.A. and visit my folks down there

That's just the down payment. This is going to take years to build

yeah i know, but it will create jobs and travel/ business will increase for both norcal and socal
Originally Posted by spriigan8

Proposition 8 is more about the definition of marriage than it is about civil rights. Homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. I really don't understand where the violation of civil rights is taking place. Somebody tell me what civil rights are being denied? The right to say "I'm married"? It's a shame a lot of tax dollars will be used in this battle for years to come.
there are tax breaks and social benefits only available to people in marriages. not social unions.

a marriage is a financial venture.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by spriigan8

Proposition 8 is more about the definition of marriage than it is about civil rights. Homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. I really don't understand where the violation of civil rights is taking place. Somebody tell me what civil rights are being denied? The right to say "I'm married"? It's a shame a lot of tax dollars will be used in this battle for years to come.
there are tax breaks and social benefits only available to people in marriages. not social unions.

a marriage is a financial venture.
For who?
i cant believe 2/3 of la county residents approved measure R. sales tax jumps to 8.75 they can waste more money on the subway
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Which is why I gouged my eye out when I saw DanPat
Just trying to be holier than atheists and follow the rules.

Your right those are sins. But we can repent and change our ways. Thats the point of repenting. To ask for forgiveness and better yourself. No one is perfect which is why Jesus came and died so we'd have the chance to change.

Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

Which is why I gouged my eye out when I saw DanPat
Just trying to be holier than atheists and follow the rules.

Your right those are sins. But we can repent and change our ways. Thats the point of repenting. To ask for forgiveness and better yourself. No one is perfect which is why Jesus came and died so we'd have the chance to change.

I know, I said that many times. I love gays too. Just because he loves you doesn't mean he condones you to live and dwell in sin. Like ifsomeone has a drug problem. He loves them just as much as his angels. But He does not say continue with you addiction and I'll turn a blind eye.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

It is so sad that Prop 8 passed. Too many people fell victim to the propaganda that was being said by the "Yes on 8" camp. It was low to go with the "They will teach gay marriage", in school, but it worked. It scared the hell out of people and it swayed a lot of voters.

It is sad, California and it's people pride themselves on being progressive, this is clearly a step back. It is not going to eliminate gay people, so why take away their fundamental right to legally marry. In order to get the legal benefits of marriage. Don't bring the bible into this, or religion, seperation of church and state (people need to read up on that
). Homosexual couples want to get married to get the legal benefits of marriage.
at people still ignorant to believe that marriage is still a sacred, purely religious act.

It's a shame.

Completely agree. I just find the whole thing so frustrating from an intellectual perspective. I mean how does allowing homosexual marriage somehow undermine"traditional" marriage, really? Are straight people going to stop getting married? Is the divorce rate going to drop now? They Prop 8 proponentscan say what they want, but none of this is about "protecting" marriage or families. Its about punishing gays for being gay.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by spriigan8

Proposition 8 is more about the definition of marriage than it is about civil rights. Homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. I really don't understand where the violation of civil rights is taking place. Somebody tell me what civil rights are being denied? The right to say "I'm married"? It's a shame a lot of tax dollars will be used in this battle for years to come.
there are tax breaks and social benefits only available to people in marriages. not social unions.

a marriage is a financial venture.
For who?

for everyone. there are financial and and legal benefits tied in to being married. if there was nothing to be gained besides the nomenclature do you reallythink the concept of marriage would be as big a deal as it has been throughout history?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by spriigan8

Proposition 8 is more about the definition of marriage than it is about civil rights. Homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. I really don't understand where the violation of civil rights is taking place. Somebody tell me what civil rights are being denied? The right to say "I'm married"? It's a shame a lot of tax dollars will be used in this battle for years to come.
there are tax breaks and social benefits only available to people in marriages. not social unions.

a marriage is a financial venture.
For who?

for everyone. there are financial and and legal benefits tied in to being married. if there was nothing to be gained besides the nomenclature do you really think the concept of marriage would be as big a deal as it has been throughout history?
Wrong. In California virtually all rights that married couples have (tax benefits, testament rights, etc.) are given to registered domesticpartnerships. I say virtually all because there might be some obscure law given only to married couples, but that isn't what homosexuals are seeking. Inmy opinion, they are simply seeking the name of marriage.
I'm so pissed at prop 8 passing, and me along with like 6 liberal friends were arguing with 2 conservatives on my status that I'm pissed about prop 8passing.
It was about 50 posts in lass than an hour... yet the conservatives couldn't put it down and had to try to somewhat defend prop 8 being a good thing thatit passed.
People need to learn to look outside the box.
Originally Posted by truthmain

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by spriigan8

Proposition 8 is more about the definition of marriage than it is about civil rights. Homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. I really don't understand where the violation of civil rights is taking place. Somebody tell me what civil rights are being denied? The right to say "I'm married"? It's a shame a lot of tax dollars will be used in this battle for years to come.
there are tax breaks and social benefits only available to people in marriages. not social unions.

a marriage is a financial venture.
For who?

for everyone. there are financial and and legal benefits tied in to being married. if there was nothing to be gained besides the nomenclature do you really think the concept of marriage would be as big a deal as it has been throughout history?
Wrong. In California virtually all rights that married couples have (tax benefits, testament rights, etc.) are given to registered domestic partnerships. I say virtually all because there might be some obscure law given only to married couples, but that isn't what homosexuals are seeking. In my opinion, they are simply seeking the name of marriage.
by testament rights you mean insofar as subpoena/lawsuit/legal ramifications etc? because you're wrong.

and prop 8's fate will affect the future of gay marriage legislation throughout the united states, particularly in areas where the legislation isnt asfavorable to unions as it is in CA.

this isn't all about California. sorry buddy.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by spriigan8

Proposition 8 is more about the definition of marriage than it is about civil rights. Homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. I really don't understand where the violation of civil rights is taking place. Somebody tell me what civil rights are being denied? The right to say "I'm married"? It's a shame a lot of tax dollars will be used in this battle for years to come.
there are tax breaks and social benefits only available to people in marriages. not social unions.

a marriage is a financial venture.
For who?

for everyone. there are financial and and legal benefits tied in to being married. if there was nothing to be gained besides the nomenclature do you really think the concept of marriage would be as big a deal as it has been throughout history?
For the people who follow God it would be.


Masturbate once, go and pray, masturbate twice

Everyone has their demons and problems. Drug addicts stop and want to stop but have set backs as well just like everyone. Thats why we all have towork on our problems. Man all your doing is finding the negative that everyone has already acknowledge.

I'm so pissed at prop 8 passing, and me along with like 6 liberal friends were arguing with 2 conservatives on my status that I'm pissed about prop 8 passing.
It was about 50 posts in lass than an hour... yet the conservatives couldn't put it down and had to try to somewhat defend prop 8 being a good thing that it passed.
People need to learn to look outside the box.

Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are not thinking outside the box.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by truthmain

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by spriigan8

Proposition 8 is more about the definition of marriage than it is about civil rights. Homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. I really don't understand where the violation of civil rights is taking place. Somebody tell me what civil rights are being denied? The right to say "I'm married"? It's a shame a lot of tax dollars will be used in this battle for years to come.
there are tax breaks and social benefits only available to people in marriages. not social unions.

a marriage is a financial venture.
For who?

for everyone. there are financial and and legal benefits tied in to being married. if there was nothing to be gained besides the nomenclature do you really think the concept of marriage would be as big a deal as it has been throughout history?
Wrong. In California virtually all rights that married couples have (tax benefits, testament rights, etc.) are given to registered domestic partnerships. I say virtually all because there might be some obscure law given only to married couples, but that isn't what homosexuals are seeking. In my opinion, they are simply seeking the name of marriage.
by testament rights you mean insofar as subpoena/lawsuit/legal ramifications etc? because you're wrong.

and prop 8's fate will affect the future of gay marriage legislation throughout the united states, particularly in areas where the legislation isnt as favorable to unions as it is in CA.

this isn't all about California. sorry buddy.
No, I mean rights for leaving your spouse/domestic partner in a will or, in the case of no will, intestate succession. And as far assubpoena/lawsuit/legal ramifications, which are you talking about? I'm pretty sure gay people aren't asking to be married so they can be sued equally.

And I agree, it does affect rights in other states, but we're talking California here, and Prop 8 is only about California, buddy. In California,there's no "rights" that are being taken away, other than being called married.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Everyone has their demons and problems. Drug addicts stop and want to stop but have set backs as well just like everyone. Thats why we all have to work on our problems. Man all your doing is finding the negative that everyone has already acknowledge.
at calling nature's needs a problem. It's not a negative. If catholic priests could have intimate relationships like normal people I doubt we would have had the scandal in the catholic church.
Dude thats their beliefs. I'm not at fault for that and maybe your right. I'm not Catholic. Look I just try to live by what Jesus/Godsaid. Thats all. His wrod over ALL. Nothing will change that. Just deal with it and leave it to the polls. Man.
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