Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah
if you must think of it like that...think of it as God's way of avoiding over crowding. We honestly dont need everyone in the world reproducing
and if you must think its a sin, its not your job to say what someone else can do...that is GODS JOB...not YOU
His way of preventing over crowding? You cannot be effing serious. He said "be fruitful and multiply". Why would He go against that?
And I'm sure death would take care of things. And don't say their isn't enough food or water. There is. We were taught to eat to live. There is plenty of food. Check peoples' cabinets and fridges.
And your right it is His job to judge but don't we live in a system where judges and juries send people to be fried in a chair or injected with poison?
But whose judging? Everyone I've seen are giving their opinions. When you give your opinion on murdering being wrong aren't you judging too?