California teen named nation's first transgender homecoming queen!!!!!

Imagine if your parents let you live and do whatever you felt at 13... :lol:

I'd definitely be dead by now trying to act out a rap video.
It's funny these dudes get so worked up over this...

Guess what? Gay and Transgender people aren't going anywhere.

He's going to do whatever he wants after he leaves your home. Is it really worth ruining the relationship between you and your kid? If my son tells me he feels like he's a female at 13 and wants to wear a dress I'd let him, he's going through something that is very difficult I'd be a horrible father if I add to it. He has to deal with crappy human beings at school, I want him to come home to a non-judgmental environment at home.

He can do whatever he wants once he turns 18 until then I make the rules. While my kids will be taught to be tolerant and respectful of those who are different, that sadly isn't the norm. Its stories of kids killing themselves off of being bullied, picked on and made fun of and i would try and shield him from that as best as possible. If I knew he would be wearing dresses and dressing like a girl regardless of my stance I would home school him. The adult world is more tolerant towards that stuff but teenage kids can be brutal due to both ignorance and immaturity as most probably regret the bullying and way they treated some people when they get older.

If me objecting to my son wearing dresses would damage my relationship with my son I would just tell it to him like this. Its a lot of kids who don't have fathers in their lives, I put a roof over your head, buy your clothes, feed you, treat you good, and most importantly am involved in your life full time so while growing up I have every right to have a say in what you do, wear, act etc. if your going to disregard everything I mentioned that I do for you and let something as petty as me not letting wearing you wear dresses affect your relationship with me then that's sad. Its a different extreme but no daughter of mine is going to dress provocative and extra revealing and no son of mine is going to wear dresses. When their 18 they can do what they see necessary. Sometimes you need to make unpopular decisions for your kids that will make you be the bad guy for a while though.
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Nah, children are molded by their environment and social reinforcement.

A boy might see all of these confusing images in the media and have an inclination to try out something that was traditionally viewed as feminine....but if you responsibly and lovingly explain to him that it's not something that he should be doing and show him the alternative, it's highly likely that he will have a change of mind.

If we allowed children to ignorantly carry on toddler rage and childhood violence, like y'all suggest we do with transgenderism, we would have have a society of killers and psychopaths (more than we already do).

Grow a spine, draw a line.
lol so if the media is affecting people this way why isn't everyone gay/transgender. Transgender people have existed since before the television. Some of these arguments are horrendous.

Wait now being transgender is like being a serial killer? A lot of homosexuals grow up in homes and cultures were it isn't accepted and where it is  censored from the media, how do you explain that? I doubt homosexuals and people who feel they are transgender in Iran got that way because of the media. The one factor keeping transgenders from coming out are people like you, it has NOTHING to do with the media.
When all else people mad/angry/worked up, even when they are calmly expressing their opinions.

The logic, that y'all dudes stand on is so faulty it would be laughable if the effects of complacency wasn't tearing away at our social and moral fabric.

Violence, racism, pedophilia, war, poverty, injustice etc....probably isn't going anywhere either, I'm guessing we should just "deal with it" as well.
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Its disgusting....

Like its gonna get to a point where if i object to my

Potential son wearing a skirt to kindergarten im

Gonna be a bigot. :lol:

I mean if you're son has that inclination there's nothing you can do about it, unless you decide to beat and pray it out of him. In which case he'd just grow up miserable and depressed and you would've done your job as a father.


Nah, children are molded by their environment and social reinforcement.

A boy might see all of these confusing images in the media and have an inclination to try out something that was traditionally viewed as feminine....but if you responsibly and lovingly explain to him that it's not something that he should be doing and show him the alternative, it's highly likely that he will have a change of mind.

If we allowed children to ignorantly carry on toddler rage and childhood violence, like y'all suggest we do with transgenderism, we would have have a society of killers and psychopaths (more than we already do).

Grow a spine, draw a line.

Bingo. Till my kids is 18, my house my rules..eff all

That liberal bull ****. Men & women are 2 distinct

Groups in my household, if that makes me a "bigot"

Oh wells.
He's going to do whatever he wants after he leaves your home. Is it really worth ruining the relationship between you and your kid? If my son tells me he feels like he's a female at 13 and wants to wear a dress I'd let him, he's going through something that is very difficult I'd be a horrible father if I add to it. He has to deal with crappy human beings at school, I want him to come home to a non-judgmental environment at home.

No, you'd be a horrible father if you let your teenage child do whatever he/she wants on a whim to support his "individuality". Children, especially teenagers, have parents for a reason, to give them guidance, not to let them do w/e they want because that's how they "feel."

This. Parents doing their jobs eliminates so much

Nonsense in da world...

Imagine if your parents let you live and do whatever you felt at 13... :lol:

I'd definitely be dead by now trying to act out a rap video.

I would've dead or in jail if my mom let me do what

I want as a youngin in da 90's Washington heights.
He can do whatever he wants once he turns 18 until then I make the rules. While my kids will be taught to be tolerant and respectful of those who are different, that sadly isn't the norm. Its stories of kids killing themselves off of being bullied, picked on and made fun of and i would try and shield him from that as best as possible. If I knew he would be wearing dresses and dressing like a girl regardless of my stance I would home school him. The adult world is more tolerant towards that stuff but teenage kids can be brutal due to both ignorance and immaturity as most probably regret the bullying and way they treated some people when they get older.

If me objecting to my son wearing dresses would damage my relationship with my son I would just tell it to him like this. Its a lot of kids who don't have fathers in their lives, I put a roof over your head, buy your clothes, feed you, treat you good, and most importantly am involved in your life full time so while growing up I have every right to have a say in what you do, wear, act etc. if your going to disregard everything I mentioned that I do for you and let me not wearing you wear dresses affect your relationship with me then that's sad.
I'm sorry but your excuse is cowardly. People are racist against blacks, would u shelter your kid from racism? Doesn't it make more sense to let him be himself and learn to face the world than sheltering him then having him find out how the world really is when he's older. He has to develop coping mechanisms for horrible people.
Nah, children are molded by their environment and social reinforcement.

A boy might see all of these confusing images in the media and have an inclination to try out something that was traditionally viewed as feminine....but if you responsibly and lovingly explain to him that it's not something that he should be doing and show him the alternative, it's highly likely that he will have a change of mind.

If we allowed children to ignorantly carry on toddler rage and childhood violence, like y'all suggest we do with transgenderism, we would have have a society of killers and psychopaths (more than we already do).

Grow a spine, draw a line.

lol so if the media is affecting people this way why isn't everyone gay/transgender. Transgender people have existed since before the television. Some of these arguments are horrendous. :rofl:

Wait now being transgender is like being a serial killer? A lot of homosexuals grow up in homes and cultures were it isn't accepted and where it is  censored from the media, how do you explain that? I doubt homosexuals and people who feel they are transgender in Iran got that way because of the media. The one factor keeping transgenders from coming out are people like you, it has NOTHING to do with the media.

Did I say that they didn't exist before TV?

I was just posing a realistic modern example.

Murderers existed before TV too but there are current social factors that can exasperate qualities in a child, that may make them a killer.

Children are naturally experimental and inquisitive, if you allow them to go down any path that their mind wanders onto, that behavior will become ingrained into their psyche and personality as they grow older.
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Can anyone tell me exactly what makes a 5 y/o "gay" or "transgender"?

Secondly are there a bunch of dudes out there now that grew up as a transgender but were somehow repressed and now hate themselves? I mean I would love to see some stats on would be impossible to determine because this wasn't discussed ten years ago.

Honestly I really think people are overly sensitve, no one can have opposing opinions and there seems to be, at least an online verbal attack, on dudes not wanting their SONS to wear dresses....that is ridiculous in my book. I'm someone how a bigot if I dont' want to let my son go around in a wig and dress 24/7...if thats what being a bigot is, I guess I am because that doesn't sit well with me and I'm honest enough with myself to admit it.
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If I bring a kid into this world it is my duty as a parent to make sure

1. They do not suffer

2. They do not cause other people to suffer

Many parents do not live by these principles. Fathers do not want their sons dressing like a woman because they are embarrassed, but they try to do it under the guise of caring how he is treated outside the home. It has nothing to do with that, you're sugarcoating your own prejudices.
I'm sorry but your excuse is cowardly. People are racist against blacks, would u shelter your kid from racism? Doesn't it make more sense to let him be himself and learn to face the world than sheltering him then having him find out how the world really is when he's older. He has to develop coping mechanisms for horrible people.

Don't see how being a realist is cowardly. Teenage kids and younger kids aren't understanding of transgendered people and even if their parents try to explain it its likely they won't understand what their saying. Kids can be brutal at that age. Teenagers killing themselves due to bullying actually happens in case you didn't know.

At the end of the day you raise your kids how you see fit and I have no right to judge. I raise my kids how I see fit and you have no right to judge or criticize it either.

As long as a parent isn't beating, molesting, malnourishing their kids, or teaching them to be racist/sexist people have no right to judge them
Can anyone tell me exactly what makes a 5 y/o "gay" or "transgender"?

Secondly are there a bunch of dudes out there now that grew up as a transgender but were somehow repressed and now hate themselves? I mean I would love to see some stats on would be impossible to determine because this wasn't discussed ten years ago.

Honestly I really think people are overly sensitve, no one can have opposing opinions and there seems to be, at least an online verbal attack, on dudes not wanting their SONS to wear dresses....that is ridiculous in my book. I'm someone how a bigot if I dont' want to let my son go around in a wig and dress 24/7...if thats what being a bigot is, I guess I am because that doesn't sit well with me and I'm honest enough with myself to admit it.
lol why do they hate themselves? I'd hate myself too if I was raised in an environment that thought I am Satan's spawn and everything wrong with humanity. Human beings naturally lack empathy for things they do not understand.
Can anyone tell me exactly what makes a 5 y/o "gay" or "transgender"?

Secondly are there a bunch of dudes out there now that grew up as a transgender but were somehow repressed and now hate themselves? I mean I would love to see some stats on would be impossible to determine because this wasn't discussed ten years ago.

Honestly I really think people are overly sensitve, no one can have opposing opinions and there seems to be, at least an online verbal attack, on dudes not wanting their SONS to wear dresses....that is ridiculous in my book. I'm someone how a bigot if I dont' want to let my son go around in a wig and dress 24/7...if thats what being a bigot is, I guess I am because that doesn't sit well with me and I'm honest enough with myself to admit it.

Your last statement hit the nail on the head. Not sure what is more ignorant. Those that attack you and label you as a bigot for not allowing your male son to wear dresses or those who make fun of the boys wearing dresses. These topics on niketalk hinge on one extreme or the other and for whatever reason a middle ground stance isn't allowed. I guess.
lol why do they hate themselves? I'd hate myself too if I was raised in an environment that thought I am Satan's spawn and everything wrong with humanity. Human beings naturally lack empathy for things they do not understand.
This is what happens whenyou can't read. I'm going off your philosophy, if I "repress" my sons wearing a dress, he's going to somehow hate himself. I want to see stats on that....

secondly,can you provide an answer to my inquiry. What makes a 5 y/o gay or transgender? How do you know? Him wearing a skirt is def not going to be enough, I did a bunch of stuff that was questionable but I was never gay.
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If I bring a kid into this world it is my duty as a parent to make sure

1. They do not suffer
2. They do not cause other people to suffer

Many parents do not live by these principles. Fathers do not want their sons dressing like a woman because they are embarrassed, but they try to do it under the guise of caring how he is treated outside the home. It has nothing to do with that, you're sugarcoating your own prejudices.

I thank God that my parents had higher standards than that.

I want my child to excel and experience the best the world has to offer.

I know that takes me passing down my experience and reinforcing basic laws that have been around for millenia, while allowing them the freedom of individual experience, analysis and expression, to accomplish that.

But when you offer no guidelines or reinforcement don't be surprised when they end up a degenerate (which you would probably embrace as "normal").
Don't see how being a realist is cowardly. Teenage kids and younger kids aren't understanding of transgendered people and even if their parents try to explain it its likely they won't understand what their saying. Kids can be brutal at that age. Teenagers killing themselves due to bullying actually happens in case you didn't know.

At the end of the day you raise your kids how you see fit and I have no right to judge. I raise my kids how I see fit and you have no right to judge or criticize it either.

As long as a parent isn't beating, molesting, malnourishing their kids, or teaching them to be racist/sexist people have no right to judge them
My point is, these kids have to deal with so much crap outside the home and you're not always going to be there to protect them. The best thing you can do is provide a supportive environment at home, there's nothing worse than not being accepted in school then coming home to parents who treat you the same way. What do you do when the kid finally leaves your home to college, you can't shelter him/her for life.
I thank God that my parents had higher standards than that.

I want my child to excel and experience the best the world has to offer.

I know that takes me passing down my experience and reinforcing basic laws that have been around for millenia, while allowing them the freedom of individual experience, analysis and expression, to accomplish that.

But when you offer no guidelines or reinforcement don't be surprised when they end up a degenerate (which you would probably embrace as "normal").

Your last part is spot on. Your their parent not their friend. You sometimes have to make decisions they won't like and make unpopular decisions for their best interest. Letting kids do whatever they want is a recipe for disaster
I thank God that my parents had higher standards than that.

I want my child to excel and experience the best the world has to offer.

I know that takes me passing down my experience and reinforcing basic laws that have been around for millenia, while allowing them the freedom of individual experience, analysis and expression, to accomplish that.

But when you offer no guidelines or reinforcement don't be surprised when they end up a degenerate (which you would probably embrace as "normal").

Your last part is spot on. Your their parent not their friend. You sometimes have to make decisions they won't like and make unpopular decisions for their best interest. Letting kids do whatever they want is a recipe for disaster

Your last part is spot on. Your their parent not their friend. You sometimes have to make decisions they won't like and make unpopular decisions for their best interest. Letting kids do whatever they want is a recipe for disaster
Right until they leave your home, miserable with the same urges.
Right until they leave your home, miserable with the same urges. :\

So if you have a son and a daughter close in age (lets say 2 yrs apart) and they want to have sex with each other, you cool with that? You cool with your kids smashing each other under your roof because they "feel" a connection with each other?
Right until they leave your home, miserable with the same urges. :\

Not sure how wearing a dress is an urge. I could understand homosexual urges. If my child was gay him and his boyfriend could come through and hang out and id accept it, hell when they hit 21 ill hit the bars with them,
People are born gay. Him wanting to wear a dress is a whole other extreme.
Your last part is spot on. Your their parent not their friend. You sometimes have to make decisions they won't like and make unpopular decisions for their best interest. Letting kids do whatever they want is a recipe for disaster
Right until they leave your home, miserable with the same urges. :\

Look man, I'm not trying to beat down on you personally or slander homosexuals in general.

You are what you are. If you really feel like you are gay, own it and go about with your life. If you are simply confused, maybe you need to take a deeper look internally.

On the subject of transgendered children, I just think that allowing your child to do whatever they please is as detrimental (if not more so) than being overly repressive.
If I bring a kid into this world it is my duty as a parent to make sure

1. They do not suffer
2. They do not cause other people to suffer

Many parents do not live by these principles. Fathers do not want their sons dressing like a woman because they are embarrassed, but they try to do it under the guise of caring how he is treated outside the home. It has nothing to do with that, you're sugarcoating your own prejudices.

It will be my duty as a parent to help guide my kids' choices.

I would have a long talk with my son about why he wants to wear a dress and the implications it would have. It would be very important to distinguish if it was just a phase or something more serious.

Obviously the age matters too. Young kids are not old enough to wear whatever they want
So if you have a son and a daughter close in age (lets say 2 yrs apart) and they want to have sex with each other, you cool with that? You cool with your kids smashing each other under your roof because they "feel" a connection with each other?
What if your kid wants to have sex with a cat, would you let them?
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