California teen named nation's first transgender homecoming queen!!!!!

you dishonor your screen name
I been saying that, dude is literally the opposite of Huey Freeman, he doesn't deserve that SN.
If a man has a sex change, and their drivers license/birth certificate/ social security says they are now a woman .. they are suppose to run for homecoming king?

Funny you guys reasoning is you don't want your kids to be subject to these things. It'll be such a shame for your kid to make genuine friendships without caring what they have USED to have between their legs :lol: oh the horror

Can a kid really decide if they're transgender though? In high school, it's fine if a child makes that choice, but do you really think a person can really decide if they should be a transgender in middle school and under

It's none of my business though. When I had my son, first thing my pops told me is no one can tell you how to raise your kid except you and my son's mother. If a parent allows their child to do that it's none of my business. I'll tell my son you treat everybody the same unless they're a--holes.
It's none of my business though. When I had my son, first thing my pops told me is no one can tell you how to raise your kid except you and my son's mother. If a parent allows their child to do that it's none of my business. I'll tell my son you treat everybody the same unless they're a--holes.
You sound like a good father.
What does one thing have to do with the other?

Multiple problems can exist at the same time.
When has hatred ever been a good thing for humanity. We are just repeating history. 50 years ago people thought black people were animals, and if they were allowed to drink from the same water fountain it would be the end of the world.
there's a reason these debates are pointless and not worth discussing.

anyone with opposition is labeled as an evil bigot monster.

they expect us to listen to everything they say. respect me for who I WANT to be through SCIENCE not for who i AM.

flip a coin and decide at will what your identity is and make people accept it too.

and before someone brings on the tears about it being a difficult and tough decision to make for transgendered people...

So pretty much you just gotta go along for the ride of whatever the **** they say.

"“I’m asking all of you who accepted me as a transgender to now understand: I was misdiagnosed.

“I am already using the men’s room and dressing accordingly,” he noted.

“It’s so odd to be experiencing this from the other side; as recently as last Friday, I felt I was indeed a woman, in my mind, body and soul."
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Umm if we cant draw a line between genders and

Da powers that be want to create a post gender think thats "good" for humanity?


I think da united States needs to give more power

To da states so that certain poisons can be isolated

From da rest of us.
there's a reason these debates are pointless and not worth discussing.

anyone with opposition is labeled as an evil bigot monster.

they expect us to listen to everything they say. respect me for who I WANT to be through SCIENCE not for who i AM.

flip a coin and decide at will what your identity is and make people accept it too.

and before someone brings on the tears about it being a difficult and tough decision to make for transgendered people...

So pretty much you just gotta go along for the ride of whatever the **** they say.
It is definitely worth discussing. I'm glad I live in a country were I can actually discuss this without being hung. If some of you lived in Iran with your mentality you'd probably be lynching homosexuals and transgender people. Doesn't that bother you?
Lynching homosexuals in Iran =/= objections to a teenage transgender winning homecoming queen.

Dudes be throwing out anything in these discussions to derail the validity of opposing viewpoints.
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Lynching homosexuals in Iran =/= objections to a teenage transgender winning homecoming queen.

Dudes be throwing out anything in these discussions to derail the validity of opposing viewpoints.
Did you read what I actually said guy....I said if you lived in Iran with your mentality you'd probably go to a gay/transgender lynching.
Lynching homosexuals in Iran =/= objections to a teenage transgender winning homecoming queen.

Dudes be throwing out anything in these discussions to derail the validity of opposing viewpoints.

Its disgusting....

Like its gonna get to a point where if i object to my

Potential son wearing a skirt to kindergarten im

Gonna be a bigot. :lol:
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Its disgusting....

Like its gonna get to a point where if i object to my

Potential son wearing a skirt to kindergarten im

Gonna be a bigot.
I mean if you're son has that inclination there's nothing you can do about it, unless you decide to beat and pray it out of him. In which case he'd just grow up miserable and depressed and you would've done your job as a father.
Its disgusting....

Like its gonna get to a point where if i object to my

Potential son wearing a skirt to kindergarten im

Gonna be a bigot. :lol:

I mean if you're son has that inclination there's nothing you can do about it, unless you decide to beat and pray it out of him. In which case he'd just grow up miserable and depressed and you would've done your job as a father.

Its disgusting....

Like its gonna get to a point where if i object to my

Potential son wearing a skirt to kindergarten im

Gonna be a bigot. :lol:

And that's where I draw the line. Its one extreme or another with these arguments all the time. There's nothing being a bigot about objecting to your male son wearing a dress. He's under my roof/my rules until he turns 18 then he has the option to leave if he don't like my rules. No male son of mine will be wearing dresses and I won't support that "individuality" if that makes me a bigot then this is a sensitive world that's quick to reach and call anything being a bigot.

If my son were to be gay, I would love him and respect him the same way I would if he's straight because a parents love to their child should be unconditional but if he were to be gay I would probably notice the potential signs and hits at an early age or as he grew up so it really wouldn't be a suprise to me but the reality of it is that most parents would prefer their son to be straight if given the option between the two choices and again there's nothing that screams being a bigot to me about thinking that way also.
And that's where I draw the line. Its one extreme or another with these arguments all the time. There's nothing being a bigot about objecting to your male son wearing a dress. He's under my roof/my rules until he turns 18 then he has the option to leave if he don't like my rules. No male son of mine will be wearing dresses and I won't support that "individuality" if that makes me a bigot then this is a sensitive world that's quick to reach and call anything being a bigot.

If my son were to be gay, I would love him and respect him the same way I would if he's straight because a parents love to their child should be unconditional but if he were to be gay I would probably notice the potential signs and hits at an early age or as he grew up so it really wouldn't be a suprise to me but the reality of it is that most parents would prefer their son to be straight if given the option between the two choices and again there's nothing that screams being a bigot to me about thinking that way also.
He's going to do whatever he wants after he leaves your home. Is it really worth ruining the relationship between you and your kid? If my son tells me he feels like he's a female at 13 and wants to wear a dress I'd let him, he's going through something that is very difficult I'd be a horrible father if I add to it. He has to deal with crappy human beings at school, I want him to come home to a non-judgmental environment at home.
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Its disgusting....

Like its gonna get to a point where if i object to my

Potential son wearing a skirt to kindergarten im

Gonna be a bigot. :lol:

I mean if you're son has that inclination there's nothing you can do about it, unless you decide to beat and pray it out of him. In which case he'd just grow up miserable and depressed and you would've done your job as a father.


Nah, children are molded by their environment and social reinforcement.

A boy might see all of these confusing images in the media and have an inclination to try out something that was traditionally viewed as feminine....but if you responsibly and lovingly explain to him that it's not something that he should be doing and show him the alternative, it's highly likely that he will have a change of mind.

If we allowed children to ignorantly carry on toddler rage and childhood violence, like y'all suggest we do with transgenderism, we would have have a society of killers and psychopaths (more than we already do).

Grow a spine, draw a line.
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He's going to do whatever he wants after he leaves your home. Is it really worth ruining the relationship between you and your kid? If my son tells me he feels like he's a female at 13 and wants to wear a dress I'd let him, he's going through something that is very difficult I'd be a horrible father if I add to it. He has to deal with crappy human beings at school, I want him to come home to a non-judgmental environment at home.

No, you'd be a horrible father if you let your teenage child do whatever he/she wants on a whim to support his "individuality". Children, especially teenagers, have parents for a reason, to give them guidance, not to let them do w/e they want because that's how they "feel."
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