Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (November 4, 2014)

eh.. you had your chance to get in a lobby with me.

Entertaining my viewers is significantly more important to me than playing a 1v1 with a dude who chooses to make me wait over an hour

even my viewers know to hop in or get left
and you are?


Game Update:  Xbox One; (PlayStation 4 & PC pending first party approval)

In-Game Updates:
    • Adjusted the center point of some sniper scopes.
    • Fixed a rare crash issue when switching profiles for guest users.
    • Fixed a rare crash issue when using camos on a weapon.
    • Fixed the sound of the SAC3 with the Suppressor Attachment to not play in stereo to all players on the map.
    • Various matchmaking and connectivity improvements.
    • Fixed issue where announcer's voice ignores the in-game option to disable it.
    • Fixed a rare issue when the Riot Shield would not be selected when changing classes.
    • Various adjustments to the Riot Shield; including model popping up at random, mantling onto, jumping off from, and interaction with grenades.
    • Fixed an exploit of rapidly firing a bolt action gun while sprinting.
    • Adjusted the time limit expiration for Red Baron gear after challenge has been completed.
Weapon Balancing Updates (Note: Adjustments affect base weapon and all loot variants):
    • HBRa3: max damage range increased
    • AE4: reduce recoil, increase number of shots before overheating
    • EPM3: reduce recoil
    • Tac-19: max damage range increased, reduced spread when using Gung-Ho
Security and Anti-Cheat Updates:
    • Added security updates and features.
UI Updates:
    • Fixed a rare issue when Supply Drops would not open.
    • Adjusted kill feed speed.
    • Adjusted UI of Exo Abilities descriptions for better readability.
    • Fixed an issue where the default player was not always being displayed properly in the Virtual Lobby.
    • Fixed a rare issue where the player is unable to sign into their Call of Duty account if connection is interrupted.
Clan Updates:
    • Added confirmation window when kicking a member from a clan.
    • Fixed a rare issue where Clan Wars Bonus XP was not being awarded.
    • Fixed an issue where clan members could see your presence even if you were set to appear offline.
Store Updates:
    • Fixed various issues with players not having access to the AE4 with the Season Pass.
    • Fixed an issue where an item was not being marked “Purchased” in the in-game store after installing.
    • Improvements to the in-game Store UI and purchasing.
    • Game will no longer prompt a player to install Atlas Gorge if they already have it.
Emblem Updates:
    • Fixed a rare issue with emblems on a second profile that's signed in a guest.
Scorestreak Updates:
    • Removed skull HUD element from System Hack Scorestreak UI effect.
    • Adjusted the score value the System Hack Scorestreak.
    • Adjusted the view of the XS1 Vulcan Killcam.
    • Fixed a rare occurrence of the Goliath Drop Pod getting stuck after colliding with an air-based Scorestreak.
    • Fixed a rare occurrence of the Orbital Care Package getting stuck after colliding with an air-based Scorestreak.
    • Fixed a rare issue where a player could become “invisible” when calling in a Scorestreak.
    • Fixed a rare issue where a players HUD would become blurry when using a co-op Scorestreak.
Ranked Play Updates:
    • Adjusted Ranked Play restrictions to include Exo Stim and Exo Cloak.
    • Improvements to party matchmaking.
    • Fixed an issue when quitting a match in a promotional game where it wouldn’t update correctly.
    • Fixed an issue where there was an excessive penalty if a player quits after playing several rounds in a multi-round match.
    • Added Ranked Play Division icons in-game to replace existing rank icons and text in scoreboard.
Game Mode Specific Updates:
    • Adjusted various spawning logic for Capture the Flag game mode.
    • Adjusted various spawning logic for Momentum game mode.
    • Fixed issue where the CTF flag was unresponsive to players that were on top of the flag when it spawned.
    • Fixed an issue with the CTF flag not returning if a player was standing on top of the spawn point.
    • Addressed rare issue where CTF flag was not being returned immediately.
    • Fixed issues with planting the bomb after attempting to swap weapons in Search and Destroy.
    • Adjusted dynamic event timing in Search and Destroy & Search and Rescue.
    • Adjusted various spawning logic for Uplink game mode.
    • Uplink Satellite Drone now freezes when round timer ends.
    • Adjusted passing distance for the Uplink Satellite Drone.
    • Fixed an issue where going out of bounds on certain areas of the map would cause the Uplink Satellite’s physics to behave strangely upon reset.
    • Randomized loadouts to survivors in Infected.
Map Specific Updates:
    • Fixed an issue where players were able to exploit certain objects to go Out of Map.
    • Fixed various Out of Map exploits across different multiplayer maps.
    • Fixed an issue where the Uplink Satellite Drone could get stuck in blue barrier on the Detroit map.
    • Adjusted Warbird flight path on Atlas Gorge.
Exo Survival Updates:
    • Updated various Exo Survival system mechanics and bugs.
    • Fixed a UI issue where the "Reviving" progress bar was not being displayed while under the effects of a "System Hack."
    • Fixed problems caused by the player disconnecting the controller before the class selection menu pops up.
    • AI will no longer target a player while in the class selection menu.
Single Player / Campaign Updates:
    • Fixed various lighting in the Single Player campaign level, Captured.
Hey guys, I took the Christmas Noob approach and got this game in December, so I've had it for alittle over a month now.
This game is honestly garbage to me. I don't know the general concensus on it, but I hate it. And walmart won't take it back without a recipt .
What do I do with it?
Hey guys, I took the Christmas Noob approach and got this game in December, so I've had it for alittle over a month now.
This game is honestly garbage to me. I don't know the general concensus on it, but I hate it. And walmart won't take it back without a recipt .
What do I do with it?
Send it to me
or sell it on cl ebay or that one gaming website
Was anyone having problems playing with friends online in public lobbies for zombies? We had to keep running private lobbies.

The map is kinda small so zombies can get intense, I wish there was more lil gadgets that you can build like old zombies maps but overall its a solid edition to the series.
I haven't played zombies yet, I've been having problems installing, it finally installed but I noticed no difference in the weapon changes, AE4 is still locked zombies won't load it keeps saying access through apps and games
I haven't played zombies yet, I've been having problems installing, it finally installed but I noticed no difference in the weapon changes, AE4 is still locked zombies won't load it keeps saying access through apps and games
U on Xbox or PS4?
they made the HBR a beast again. It has become a 3 shot kill gun once again for Core

I enjoyed all 4 maps lastnight now they just need to add search to the mix cause Hardpoint and TDM is for da birds
Just got this game. This is incredibly fast paced or maybe I just suck which prolly the case. I never talk to other players but I can hear them. They get upset very easily when playing newbie like me plays on their team :lol:
they made the HBR a beast again. It has become a 3 shot kill gun once again for Core

I enjoyed all 4 maps lastnight now they just need to add search to the mix cause Hardpoint and TDM is for da birds

Did the stats actually change or is it something you'll just notice?
they made the HBR a beast again. It has become a 3 shot kill gun once again for Core

I enjoyed all 4 maps lastnight now they just need to add search to the mix cause Hardpoint and TDM is for da birds
Did the stats actually change or is it something you'll just notice?
the max damage range was increased and using it with Reddot/Foregrip/Silencer thing is a beast, give it a try fam
My question is why hadn't young gave us his GT.
bro he's not going too, kid is a professinal troll. Not the first time I've seen him scared to post his GT, surprised he unblocked me actually.

Why they playing on 360 tho? Why not play AW on the One?
the max damage range was increased and using it with Reddot/Foregrip/Silencer thing is a beast, give it a try fam

I will I kinda alternated between that and the AK-12 because I never cared for the Bal. I just got the HBRa3 bear fist in a supply drop.
Speaking of supply drops did they update the challenges where you can earn certain weapons yet?

I had a similar issue with Ghosts, it would say I didn't have part 3 of the DLC when I owned the season pass. Hit up the COD forums and answers. There is def a thread for Ghosts, see if a similar one popped up for AW on the COD forums.

I will look for some now thanks
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