Call of Duty: Ghost | OT | Xmas Gun Camo LIVE for X360, ONE and PC, PS4/3 on 12/18

IMO with this new dev team (sledgehammer) i think its a good time to bring back the world war 2 era/theme.

It hasn't been done in a while

CoD has become rather stale (still one of my all time favorite game franchises) in the past couple years

and new consoles that do not have a ww2 game.
IMO with this new dev team (sledgehammer) i think its a good time to bring back the world war 2 era/theme.

It hasn't been done in a while

CoD has become rather stale (still one of my all time favorite game franchises) in the past couple years

and new consoles that do not have a ww2 game.

Funny I was telling my XBL buds the same thing.
You want another  WW2 game?  
[h2]First-person  and Third-person shooter  games[edit][/h2]The Medal of Honor  seriesThe Call of Duty  seriesThe Battlefield  seriesThe Wolfenstein  seriesThe Brothers in Arms  seriesThe Hidden & Dangerous  seriesThe Day of Defeat  seriesThe World War II Combat  seriesThe Deadly Dozen  seriesThe Battlestrike SeriesThe Red Orchestra  series
The Sniper Elite  series
You want another WW2 game?  

Not exactly another ww2 game.

I want a true next generation CALL OF DUTY WW2 game.

Comparing all those other ww2 games to what the Call of Duty franchise has brought and hopefully will bring to the table is like saying all FPS are the same. Thats like saying all burger joints are the same. Doesn't work that way for gamers.
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I'm just saying WW2 has been done in every possible way.  I WikiAnswer'd "How many WW2 movies have been made?"  The best response was too many to count and as many as there are turtles...

I can't see what they could possibly do different.  Zombie Nazis? wait...
I'm just saying WW2 has been done in every possible way.  I WikiAnswer'd "How many WW2 movies have been made?"  The best response was too many to count and as many as there are turtles...

I can't see what they could possibly do different.  Zombie Nazis? wait...

Well to be honest Call of Duty is in a bad situation.

On one end of the CoD haters dont care how much really is different from game to game and yell "ITS THE SAME EVERY YEAR"

On the other end of the CoD haters yell "(insert unique quality of current CoD) IS THE WORST ADDITION TO CoD EVER"

I just think if they go away from the modern/futuristic theme, it'll be a good refresher that the CoD franchise needs.
they should just put treyarch on this whole thing and release every 3 years. infinity ward and sledgehammer are clueless right now.
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they should just put treyarch on this whole thing and release every 3 years. infinity ward and sledgehammer are clueless right now.
Nah Black Ops II is the worst COD of all-time. I won't even buy anymore Treyarch games.
Not sure if srs.
He's serious, treyarch haters are irrational.  Only real difference between IW and Treyarch CODs are a slower time to kill and more weapon recoil on the Treyarch games.  Which I feel rewards accuracy and ability more than the IW games.
He's serious, treyarch haters are irrational.  Only real difference between IW and Treyarch CODs are a slower time to kill and more weapon recoil on the Treyarch games.  Which I feel rewards accuracy and ability more than the IW games.

Not to mention that Black Ops II also had the worst spawning of all-time too. I've had every single Call of Duty game and Black Ops II/World At War were the absolute worst. The first Black Ops was great though.
He's serious, treyarch haters are irrational.  Only real difference between IW and Treyarch CODs are a slower time to kill and more weapon recoil on the Treyarch games.  Which I feel rewards accuracy and ability more than the IW games.
Not to mention that Black Ops II also had the worst spawning of all-time too. I've had every single Call of Duty game and Black Ops II/World At War were the absolute worst. The first Black Ops was great though.
Worst spawn system? Have you played Ghosts yet?

Don't know what to say about you speaking ill of WAW, that game was great.
ghost is my first iw game and its easy mode compared to treyarch games. its fun to be in gunfights and outsmart your opponent. all im doing now is put the hitbox on em and shoot first. the killstreaks are weak and there is no vsat
this game promotes clans and with the low time to kill, big maps, rigid character movement and weak high tier killstreaks the **** do you expect a solo player to beat full parties. dont get me wrong ghost has grown on me and i like the weapon selection, hit detection,character mods and the vertical/flank routes on medium/small maps. it also takes some skill to use a shotgun in this game compared to bo2.   

with the addition of another developer we will see alot more difference between releases aka bo1/mw3/ghost. no brand can survive that fast of a rotation. this might be the very last iw cod.
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Black ops 1 zombies were the best, keeping it simple made it work. Find the power, get your perks, get money and stay alive. Blops2 they had me giving liquor to some giant ****** just so he could run through some debri jus to get juggernog.
Watching people argue about witch cod was the best/worst is like watching people argue about which jordans should/shouldn't get retroed.
Black ops 1 zombies were the best, keeping it simple made it work. Find the power, get your perks, get money and stay alive. Blops2 they had me giving liquor to some giant ****** just so he could run through some debri jus to get juggernog.


I happen to enjoy that map.
I'd be down for some extinction.

I'm on XB1 - JamesYoung707.

I been wanting to play but its hard when people dont have mics. :lol:
Any extinction players on Xbox one. PM or add lmk u from NT gt Shotta messiah

Added u bro. We can get it poppin this weekend
I hate these kids on cod. They report people 4 cheating cuz they get owned. 2 of my boys are suspended right now cuz we get crazy K/D's. They don't even investigate they just ban or suspend cuz someone raged and used their stupid reporting system

I was reset on the first black ops for the same reason. I'm a geek but not enough to hack to win in COD. If I was a hacker I would hit a bank or something at least lol whatever sorry 4 the rant
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