Call of Duty is like the Mortal Kombat of the arcade right now.

Apr 7, 2008
Because if you think about it... The arcade has changed locations and platforms these days. You might think they're long gone, but they're hotter than ever right now with the introduction of online gaming at home. Remember when THE go to video games in the arcades were Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter?! That's pretty much what first person shooters are to the gaming community right now. Yesterday's arcade's fighters.

I mean, think about it. Not a lot of people really messed with adventure games in the arcade. Nobody really messed with anything that wasnt multiplayer really. Remember how those racing games with all the seats lined up used to be in the arcade? They were HOT because they were MULTIPLAYER. Single player games never really did that well unles you were playing at home. Because you pretty much HAD to play single player. There was no way to connect and play online for competition unles you had a friend right next to you. So that's why I think single player games might be phazed out really fast because the arcade is now home, and multiplayer games DOMINATE the arcade.

Remember how a lot of Japanese companies were kings of the arcade and video game industry? It's because they're KINGS of the single player games. We used to compete, but we couldnt really touch them in single player games. Until recently with studios like Rockstar with the GTA series and stuff. But look at the paradigim. Japan is HEAVILY falling off now that we have home arcade systems where we can play MULTIPLAER at home. Because everything pretty much fell in order. What was Americas really breakthrough arcade games? Mortal Kombat and Killer Instincts, right? I could be wrong, but I think I've fulfilled all of my prophesies, I am up to date in all of my predictions. My train is running on schedule!
I pray to god they don't phase out single player games. Nothing was more relaxing back in the day then coming home taking off the clothes, hitting a blunt and diving into san andreas or playing final fantas 7 and just being immeresed in the story and ambiance of the world. Multiplayer is great for things like shooters and sports games but I don't play GTA or something like metal gear online. My cousin put me on a game called Skyrim which looks amazing and is single player and I honestly am more excited about that than MW3 or 2k12. Something about playing something at your own pace and just chillin I don't think can be duplicated by online play. I enjoy being alone so maybe that plays into it as well...................
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

I pray to god they don't phase out single player games. Nothing was more relaxing back in the day then coming home taking off the clothes, hitting a blunt and diving into san andreas or playing final fantas 7 and just being immeresed in the story and ambiance of the world. Multiplayer is great for things like shooters and sports games but I don't play GTA or something like metal gear online. My cousin put me on a game called Skyrim which looks amazing and is single player and I honestly am more excited about that than MW3 or 2k12. Something about playing something at your own pace and just chillin I don't think can be duplicated by online play. I enjoy being alone so maybe that plays into it as well...................

I'm sorry to really say it, but it seems as though it's going that way...

Remember when single player games came with an EXTRA called multiplayer?

Now multiplayer games come with an EXTRA called a single player campaign.

It's almost like a chore for companies to make single player "campaigns" now.

And I'm not saying I'm for this! I'm just simply saying... I love single player campaigns. I just finished Dead Space, and that's, by no means, a multiplayer game at all. And I have Assassins Creed 2 on the way back from Gamefly.

I love my single player games! But I just dont see high quality single player games lasting too much longer.
My main problem with single player is replayability. Once you beat the game, you'll probably never touch the game ever again.
Seems like PS3 has some of the best single player games out there other than Mass Effect.
I still prefer a great campaign/story over multiplayer anyday
I've prolly spent more hours on black ops then final fantasy games 8-13 combined but if I had to choose I had to choose I'd pick final fantasy.

Call of Duty is like that unhealthy addiction you want to get rid of.

With Final Fantasy I felt like I was exercising my mind and not killing it.

But Square Enix is slacking and not putting out any games so what can I do.
While on the subject of MW3, is it true that we will have to pay to play online. How will online multiplayer differ from MW2?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

While on the subject of MW3, is it true that we will have to pay to play online. How will online multiplayer differ from MW2?

I think maps are supposed to be smaller with less long line of sights.

Point streaks instead of kill streaks.

Three different sets of "kill streaks" - assault, support, specialist

there's gunna be way more UAVs and counter UAVs called in mw3 than in mw2

everyone will be running assasin pro instead of stopping power pro ( not in game )

pretty much it.  I think.  mw3 looks pretty much the same as mw2 otherwise.

Spoiler [+]
why I have a feeling this is another troll question though
I enjoy miltiplayer as much as the next guy and probably play it more (its fun to play with others) but single player is where its at for me.
There are still plenty of single player games that are doing really well. I think the real trick is to have amazing single, multi, and co-op level campaigns. Look at the Uncharted series.
Uncharted >>>>, in part because all 3 types of gaming are covered and all feel polished perfectly, feel complete and doesnt feel like a cheap afterthought thrown in the game last minute.
I also enjoy Assassins creed, Dead space, Metal Gear, GTA, RDR,

So for every 2 games that focus primarily on the multiplayer experience (COD and BF) You can name 5 that focuses on single. Yes a lot of them have a multiplayer option, but thats not the focus.
online multi-player games are pretty much all the rage now, but i can't be the only one who truly misses the real arcades of back in the day. there was nothing like playing SF 2 waiting in line to challenge the winner.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

While on the subject of MW3, is it true that we will have to pay to play online. How will online multiplayer differ from MW2?
you don't have to pay to play 
different maps, added features, they took some features off, added a few game modes
I see what you're saying but single player games will never disappear.
there was nothing like playing SF 2 waiting in line to challenge the winner.

You feel me? I remember playing against this sailor in jville who was beasting out with King in Tekken 3. He was nice with the combination throws and killed three dudes then I dusted him with lei I think his name is. Got mad arcade stories.. the home experience can't really be compared its just a different experience. Use to get hype after reading reviews of the lastest games in gamepro and gamefan that came out for the arcade then spending all my money at the arcade on tokens.
single player games will never die because only a select few games are truly played online for long periods of time

if you aren't playing cod, halo, gears, madden or nba 2k then you aren't making much of a splash online off the game console wise, even if the game is good you'll prolly not play it online much because everyone else is still playing the games i just stated

a couple years ago i would've agreed with you because it was new and exciting to play online but now people are used to it and some are over it

i haven't played online in almost a year and i used to play cod religiously
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

While on the subject of MW3, is it true that we will have to pay to play online. How will online multiplayer differ from MW2?

I think maps are supposed to be smaller with less long line of sights.

Point streaks instead of kill streaks.

Three different sets of "kill streaks" - assault, support, specialist

there's gunna be way more UAVs and counter UAVs called in mw3 than in mw2

everyone will be running assasin pro instead of stopping power pro ( not in game )

pretty much it.  I think.  mw3 looks pretty much the same as mw2 otherwise.

Spoiler [+]
why I have a feeling this is another troll question though
You so didn't answer my question. Will it be FREE the same way online is free. Someone told me that online MW3 will need some sort of extra subscription.
Single player games aren't going anywhere.

Rockstar games are all focused on SP...Bioshock and Dead Space franchises are huge because of their single player...Resident Evil.

Even the games that focus on MP (Halo, CoD) have great campaign modes.
I feel where you are coming from but at the same time, no. Most games now that would normally be single player experiences are now adding some form of multiplayer but they still have full on amazing and better single player experiences.

Look at what is coming out:
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Mass Effect 3
BioShock Infinite

That list alone is comparable to the multiplayer games that people actually will care about. Yes a game from now on will probably have a multiplayer experience but I'd say right now its a flush. There is just as many AAA "must-have" multiplayer titles as there are AAA "must-have" single player titles.
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