Originally Posted by Damu

i can understand why a father would care if his daughter is smashing and who but i have never understood why brothers care. especially when they get upset about it? are you saving that (()) for yourself? unless she's getting raped what would posses you to care if there is a penis in your sister or not?
Do you have a younger sister?
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

ehh i hope she let him smash just cuz ur mom racist...
That's messed up, folk.

Why wish for my suffering because of something my mom did?
why would u suffer? u act like ur sister never gonna have sex and everytime she does u will know and feel like +%**...

please... its not that deep...
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

ehh i hope she let him smash just cuz ur mom racist...
That's messed up, folk.

Why wish for my suffering because of something my mom did?
why would u suffer? u act like ur sister never gonna have sex and everytime she does u will know and feel like +%**...

please... its not that deep...
I guess I should've put a
there to let you know Isaid that jokingly. #kanyeshrug
Originally Posted by RHYTHMentality

Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

Found a picture of dude.

On some serious !@#$, you and your mom no longer have anythin' to worry about.
what if he's a baby faced 6'4, 220lb, 9.5 inch though???
RavageBX wrote:
Basically, my mom has summoned me to talk to my little sister about her boyfriend.

Should've went with Bahamut

such a dumb response but it made me laugh.

Your sister is gonna get the pipe eventually. Who she lets pipe is up to her, just make sure she has all the information as far as protection and pregnancyetc.
whatever approach you take...dont come down to hard on your sister...if shes like most girls she will probably rebel and make it more of a point not to listento you guys. Has her mom had the sex talk with her? i know it sounds cliche but really std's, pregnancy, aids are real. You guys shouldn't beembarrassed to talk to her. Put it out there and have faith in her upbringing. good luck op.
Originally Posted by ThatDudeChris

dude, coming from a big brother that was on the losing end. i told my sis to be smart and everything, i tried to watch her, but in the end she did what she wanted.

she was 14 and dude was 18 and dude used her nasty, she filled rape charges on dude. but in the end we all know it was her fault, she messed up her own life and will always regret it. put my fam threw hell.

i think the best thing u can do is tell her that you care for her well being and not be skeezer cuz dudes dont respect that.

your parents allowed that?
Maybe we can make a deal.

I'll kill the dude and you let me smash your sister (I'm white).
Damn. Is this karma/ irony (because of the mom)
Either way,hope she's not disliked b/c now she has black in her too. Pause.
what is your relationship with your younger sis like?

if yall are cool, just try to speak to her on some real %@!%. tell her what guys are like, what goes through their head and what to expect. if she aint gettinit crackin already, she's going to at some point. don't try to talk to her like a parent, talk to her like a brother. she's going to do whatshe's going to do anyway so don't try to go extra hard on her on she will do just the opposite.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

what is your relationship with your younger sis like?

if yall are cool, just try to speak to her on some real %@!%. tell her what guys are like, what goes through their head and what to expect. if she aint gettin it crackin already, she's going to at some point. don't try to talk to her like a parent, talk to her like a brother. she's going to do what she's going to do anyway so don't try to go extra hard on her on she will do just the opposite.
Your sister is going to have a hard time dealing with your family because of his race.
Your family better get used to it becuase she will prolly only date black guys from now on.
Not becuase of what people think but becuase I know alot of guys wont mess with a girl after shes been with a black guy.
Nothing you can do though but tell your mom you talked to her. Good luck.
Dude, I have a younger sister, and I've accepted it. It's gonna happen. She's going to be having sex with other guys. Just tell her to be smartabout it and not to %@+%$ herself out.
Originally Posted by krazyg

Dude, I have a younger sister, and I've accepted it. It's gonna happen. She's going to be having sex with other guys. Just tell her to be smart about it and not to %@+%$ herself out.

It's reality, go on ahead and put her on game, have a couple of your homeboys tell her about how they were at 15 and you're good. She's going toeventually though. Your mom's a hater, she needs some Tiger in her life.
Here's a question.

(Preface: I have a hot female "friend"--
--who I usually tell stuff like this to. Like some, "So, my mom wants me to talk to my little sisterabout her boyfriend and sex.
" type stuff.)

The question is: How do I transform this humorous anecdote into a conversation about us getting it cracking?

I'm basically asking for a ticket out of the dreaded FZ. This seems like the quickest/easiest way.
Originally Posted by ridikuloz

how old is the dude, if he's 18 you can call the cops on him for rape if he does some $@@%
dont do that i got a friend in jail now for that she was 16 he was 18. the mom didnt like him and called the cops. now hes still going to trialfor it.
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