Can anyone on NT read an MRI?

Mar 30, 2004
I know it's kind of a long shot, but I got an MRI/Arthrogram on my shoulder earlier today, and I don't feel like waiting for the doctor to call me nextweek so I was wondering if anyone here can read them.

I have a CD with the images on it, so if you can read them, post back here and I'll upload the pics. Thanks!!!
My dad does it for a living....thing is I'm not my dad, I'm just the thing that shout out of his wang. But he did teach me a thing or two, post thepics.

And Pookie, I don't even know who TD The God is, I think he's a not so successful alter ego of mine.
Originally Posted by Spring Villager 412

My dad does it for a living....thing is I'm not my dad, I'm just the thing that shout out of his wang. But he did teach me a thing or two, post the pics.

And Pookie, I don't even know who TD The God is, I think he's a not so successful alter ego of mine.
That guy who made the Post your line of work can read it most likely. I'll be able to read it 4 years from now
Wow, didn't expect this type of response. Here's the link to download:

It's not images, it's some sort of program that displays them. Here's how to open it:

1. Unzip the file and all of its contents into a new folder.
2. Click "EFILMLT"
3. The program should load and open. Just read how to use it, and then click view.

I'm not sure if you need this info, but the doctor suspects something to be wrong with the labrum.

Thanks a ton in advance!!!
Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Wow, didn't expect this type of response. Here's the link to download:

It's not images, it's some sort of program that displays them. Here's how to open it:

1. Unzip the file and all of its contents into a new folder.
2. Click "EFILMLT"
3. The program should load and open. Just read how to use it, and then click view.

I'm not sure if you need this info, but the doctor suspects something to be wrong with the labrum.

Thanks a ton in advance!!!
This is too much....screen shots my man, screen shots....
Originally Posted by TD The God

Originally Posted by Nickthestick91

Wow, didn't expect this type of response. Here's the link to download:

It's not images, it's some sort of program that displays them. Here's how to open it:

1. Unzip the file and all of its contents into a new folder.
2. Click "EFILMLT"
3. The program should load and open. Just read how to use it, and then click view.

I'm not sure if you need this info, but the doctor suspects something to be wrong with the labrum.

Thanks a ton in advance!!!
This is too much....screen shots my man, screen shots....

How u gon ask for help and then want other ppl to do all the work
yea no one is gonna do that now lol

i know UTVOL is starting his residency in radiology this summer. hes probably your best bet
Damn man. Your shoulder is messed up bad.

But really I didn't even look nor can I read them.
^^^ Calm down toughguy. I know I'm asking for help, but this "work" you speak of takes no more than 1 minute and a few clicks of the mouse.I'll definitely try to get some screenshots for you guys though.
Here's some screenshots. I'll upload more as I make them. Thanks again!



my uncle does this for a living. i had him take a look at all 171 scans and dude said and i quote "
RIP " sorry b.

i can help a little but we need to know your history. what happened? why you went to get an MRI? have you ever injured your shoulder before etc. a picture inand of itself in this case is pretty useless
Looks as tho you have a torn rotator-cuff as well as an inflamed AC my man

did you fall and brace yourself with your hand/arm?
most of the bright white you see is inflammation. definitely looks like a torn rotator cuff.
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