Can the Clippers hang a divisional banner in Staples?

Blake Griffin Doesn't Want Banner Up

The Los Angeles Clippers don't have any championship banners up at Staples Center, and Blake Griffin wants to keep it that way until they win an NBA title.

"I kind of have bigger goals than that for the team," Griffin said. "I think the team has bigger goals than that. We expected to win the division. We didn't come into this season thinking, 'Oh, it would be great if we could win the division.' We expected it. It's something to be proud of and maybe there's a banner that goes up (in the training facility), but it's not something that needs to go up in Staples."

Griffin's opinion wasn't shared by teammate Caron Butler.

"For the first time, yes," Butler said. "It will be a special moment in history. Winning over 50 games and winning the division. Acquiring guys like Chris Paul and Blake Griffin and having the roster that we have, the expectations have soared through the roof. We're trying to build some momentum for years to come."

Clippers coach Vinny Del Negro said he wouldn't have an issue with a banner being raised for a division title, but didn't have a strong opinion either way.

"I haven't thought a lot about it," Del Negro said. "Whenever you do something first, it's very important to try and start a tradition. You have to start somewhere. Let's start with 50 wins. That's not enough for us, we want more. Let's win the division. That's not enough for us, we want more. That's our mindset."
If they have any sort of pride they wouldn't hang them up.

I was coming to post the Blake article but I see you all have that done.
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Wow Blake. I cant believe that he came out and said that. That changes the entire scope of this debate IMO. I thought they should hang it but after that, I've changed my mind. 
I think they should put it up... All other teams (besides the Lakers & Celtics) do it, so I don't see why not. I understand what Blake is saying, but at the same time, their franchise hasn't had much to celebrate up until now, so they should take pride in it & finally building on something. I can understand the feeling of putting it up & then looking over at the other side seeing the Laker's championship banners though :x :lol:
If the Washington Mystics can hang attendance banners, then all bets are off.
Everytime I see this picture I shake my head
The Kings have the number 6 retired in honor of the fans aka the 6th man :lol: 
if i were the clippers i would do it right after the lakers game today.

but if i were the lakers i would hang one division banner every time we play the clippers for the next 30 or so clippers games.

guess theres a reason i dont run an nba franchise 
Lakers can do whatever they want to do. They pay rent just like us. >D

IMO nothing wrong with hanging up the banner as a reminder to LA fans who owned the division and Staples this season but I understand how Blake feels. Hope we can get a collection of them going next season and beyond.
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let 'em do it.. put one in the hallway too so the lakers see it or where the players enter the arena
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No. How embarrassing would that be? You share a facility with the Lakers who have nothing but championship banners hanging from the rafters...and you want the Clips to raise a divisional banner? :lol:
No. How embarrassing would that be? You share a facility with the Lakers who have nothing but championship banners hanging from the rafters...and you want the Clips to raise a divisional banner?
put it in the lakers faces.. so they play better next year... (or the next few games

ps i like both LAs. i dream to see both in the wcf one day..
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Division Banners should not be hung in the first place. So, no, the Clippers shouldn't. But no team should.

What type of lames are we becoming when we start handing out trophies and banners for being above average. Jesus Christ, some of y'all are going to have children too, :x

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