Can the Thunder beat the Lakers in the first round?

Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Originally Posted by CP1708

 at Diddy and Do Doo hoping and praying. 

"any team in the West can beat any team in the West"  

Sound like freshman school girls thinkin their senior boyfriends only wannna hold hands.  All hopes and dreams.   

 they have a better chance then Golden State did to Dallas a couple of years ago.'re out of your mind.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Jdiddy931 wrote:

but they have a better chance then Golden State did to Dallas a couple of years ago.

How do you figure that?

Dallas record - 67-15
Golden State- - 42-42 (25 games back from 1st)

LA - 57-24
Thunder - 49-32 (8 games back from 1st)

How is that out of my mind?! Thunder are a very solid team.
GS had beat Dallas 8 straight times befor that playoff series. Bdiddy even told Arenas like a week before the playoffs started that they wanted
warriors/mavs, and nuggets/sonics giving people improbable scenarios and false hope.
/\'re going to ignore the fact that GS had thrashed Dallas frequently before that series and just flat out had their number?
moreso than Dirk was saying "bring on GS", yeah.

Keep in mind, I'm not disputing you on thinking the Thunder have a chance, just that they have a better chance than GS vs the Mavs.
Records aside, the Mavs just could not beat GS that year.
Hes a bit bias, leave him alone.

and no way in hell. LA's frontcourt is substantially better then OKC. They're just not physical enough (besides Ibaka), nor experienced.
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Originally Posted by CP1708

 at Diddy and Do Doo hoping and praying. 

"any team in the West can beat any team in the West"  

Sound like freshman school girls thinkin their senior boyfriends only wannna hold hands.  All hopes and dreams.   

bet your screename that Lakers will beat Thunder. I'm not saying the Thunder will, but they have a better chance then Golden State did to Dallas a couple of years ago. I say Lakers in 6, but don't underestimate them. KD is that good.


All I'm saying is that Laker fans thinkin that Thunder will be a walk in the park should think twice
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

All I'm saying is that Laker fans thinkin that Thunder will be a walk in the park should think twice

No.  YOU were saying that the Thunder have as big of a chance to beat the Lakers as the Warriors did with the Mavericks.....which couldnt be further from the truth.  
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

Originally Posted by Proshares

Jdiddy931 wrote:

but they have a better chance then Golden State did to Dallas a couple of years ago.

How do you figure that?

Dallas record - 67-15
Golden State- - 42-42 (25 games back from 1st)

LA - 57-24
Thunder - 49-32 (8 games back from 1st)

How is that out of my mind?! Thunder are a very solid team.


Well then, you showed us now didn't you?   You're like a mini Hollinger, just he's right sometimes. 
I love watching the Thunder, def will show em some support come playoff time...
but anyone who plays the Lakers in the 1st round is in for a rude awakening.

I do give the Thunder two games max though....Westbrook is going to kill Fish
all day but with everything on the line...Lakers would finish em off.
Gotta see how Russy plays tonight before I say he'll destroy Fish. He's been playing off the last week or so.
And for the record, I haven't seen a Laker fan yet say the Thunder will be easy.  And me laughing at you guys has ZERO to do with that.  I'm merely laughing at this same scenario we go thru every year. 

Last year everyone was jockin the 5-8 teams, and how "dangerous" they were. 
Year before that, everyone was jockin the 5-8 and how "dangerous they were.
Year before that, etc etc etc. 

The Warriors lone series win over a high ranked seed is the only thing you guys are holdin onto with both hands. 

The bottom seeds are the bottom seeds for a reason.  But every year those desperate fans try to pass off their hopes as danger to the other teams' fans. 

Again, if the 1-4 seeds all advance, or even if the 1-3, and the 5 advance, we'll still have to listen to this crap again next year.  How "dangerous" those lower seeds are. 
I knew CP was scared...
...all this talk about history BUT he still dosen't want to put his SN on the line....
Yeah, I'm scared.  Terrified in fact.   Can't sleep at night. 

But honestly, why bet the only SN I've ever had?  What for?  On something I can't even control no less.  Thas just lame. 

Bet your SN the Spurs won't win the title this year.  Sort of no point is there?  You still going to want to post on NT after all that, why have to do it with a new name? 

So if you think I'm scared, that's fine by me.  Just make sure to stick around for the second round commentary. 
Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

All I'm saying is that Laker fans thinkin that Thunder will be a walk in the park should think twice

That's a stupid statement right there, I hate it when you guys think all Laker fans are alike.

Of course it's not going to be easy, nothing in the West is. 
If Durant ever steps into a weight room, he'd be deadly. As of now he is not physically strong enough to carry a team trhough the playoffs. IMO
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