Can the Thunder beat the Lakers in the first round?

When it comes to the Lakers, it doesnt matter if they have a big lineup. As long as the opponent is out hustling them and play physical, theyll have a chance. I mean look at what the Rockets did last year.

Anyway, this is going 6-7. With the Lakers of course. Book it.
Just watched the Thunder play for the first time in a while. That was tough to watch.... it's kinda like that feeling you get seeing your ex with a new significant other

Can't help but think what if.... Oh well, I'm gonna be rooting for them throughout the playoffs.
I would have expected the Thunder to go to ROUND 2 if they got any team but the Nuggets or Lakers. They'll make this interesting though...
The Durants are going to need some March Madness type hustle out there to have a chance against the Lakers.
Talent-wise, there's no way OK Durants can hang with the Lakers. There one chance is if they can exploit the Lakers' psyche.
The team has never felt "together". Since the All-Star Break, every week seemed like the week they were ready to implode as a team.
The Durants are going to need to use the camaraderie they've built up over the season to attack the Lakers.
If I were Scotty Brooks, I would get whoever was playing Artest to play physical with him. Get into his head, make him draw a technical.
Any altercation will fire up the youth of the Durants more than the disjointed Lakers.
Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by NoReasonableDoubt

Originally Posted by Buc Em

Originally Posted by NoReasonableDoubt

Just cause he's a Cavs fan, doesnt mean he has to say dumb !%#@ like you. Youre disgracing the game, why even watch if you think its rigged. Just plain stupid.
You are dumb as rocks. I think I've already stated that I don't think every game is rigged, but that some have been manipulated. There's been other times its happened not involving the Lakers too. But Lakers fans are like spoiled, little brats that get everything they want and whine when they don't so I wouldn't expect you to make sense of anything that's said negatively about them.
For the record though I don't think Stern would manipulate this series because the Thunder advancing could help his future marketing dollars more so than the Lakers anyway

If you just joined, then leave. F'n moron. So what you think 1 or 2 games are rigged. Your pansy a.s.s. obviously thinks they were important games right? So why watch any games if in the end the important games are rigged. You're dumb as +%!@. Stop watching. Dont sign in. GIFSoup
wahhhhhhhh why don't you cry a little more? Your lame #@# is getting heated over a computer screen, went and got a gif and allll 

I love how all I had to say was something about the refs and Stern and you threw a fit. There were previous people before me in this thread that said "Stern won't let that happen" by the way. So in conclusion, get off my D

Princess nobody been on your D since your moms so as I said before. G T F Ouuuuuuut. Your thoughts of rigged games and anybody elses is dumb because why didnt the Cavs make it last year with all the promotion the NBA was doing with the puppets? You have no clue what you are talking about, you got called out for being a bandwaggoner any so what you say doesnt matter at all. We beat your Queens earlier this decade, killed your 76ers in finals and we'll sweep the thunder now. the end.
the thunder did a good job of defending the paint in the 2nd half. except for bynum's and-one dunk on collison(sp?). it was a stupid foul.

they also forced kobe to pass instead of taking the shots in the closing minutes.

You never know, but chances are slim. At least they have one win now. I don't believe the Lakers will make the Finals for a 3rd straight year either way however.
the big difference in game 3 was okc's fastbreak points.

i hope they could keep it 'cause it's hard to beat the lakers on a half court setting given their height advantage.
If OKC can tie it up at 2-2 anything is possible... Jus makin the Golden Oldie Lakers go deeper into a series has to favor the younger more athletic team
No, the Lakers will adjust and beat em in 5. Good win for them but the team is still too young to beat the Lakers.


As much as I would love to see it, its not going to happen. Lakers are just too experienced and an overall better team
Originally Posted by xDominatorx

If OKC can tie it up at 2-2 anything is possible... Jus makin the Golden Oldie Lakers go deeper into a series has to favor the younger more athletic team

Golden Oldie? Aside from Fisher, our average age is 27, and thats not counting the players getting no PT.
--The Thunder will win Saturday.
--Then they will come back to Staples and gut one out by 2-4 points.
--Then they're gonna close out this garbage playing Lakeshow in OKC in front of a roaring crowd by 45 points.

(sarcasm) Thunder gotta win 3 out of the next possible 4 games (at most). NO.
if kobe keep putting up garbage shots like he did yesterday then they have a great chance...

where the @%*# did bynum go after that and 1 dunk????? why the @%*# did phil take him out again???
kobes shot selection pissed me off in the last game. one thing the 1990's bulls did that the Lakers have had trouble with aside from 01 and 02 during the championship years is get out of the first round quick. every year the bulls won the title, they swept their first round opponent which helped keep them well rested for the later rounds. it would be nice to see the lakers win the next 2 and get some rest for the winner of the utah/denver series because defending a title is hard and it would be good to go into that series healthy and well rested.
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