Can this be legal? Crazy long driveway, sign warns nobody gets out alive...

i know this is extremely immature, but some of these street names...

Originally Posted by Noskey

In 4 the save

Further down the property, I'm pretty sure it all ends at that black pit of death where they undoubtedly burn all the trespassers.


pool of hydrofluoric acid.  RIP to trespassers.
Originally Posted by Noskey

In 4 the save

Further down the property, I'm pretty sure it all ends at that black pit of death where they undoubtedly burn all the trespassers.


pool of hydrofluoric acid.  RIP to trespassers.
Anyone have the address of this property?

I have access to online land title records for a lot of the country. Maybe I can see if anything pulls up.
Anyone have the address of this property?

I have access to online land title records for a lot of the country. Maybe I can see if anything pulls up.
LOL I told yall it wasn't the right place when your looking for Yaoming your not gonna stop and investigate Nate Robinson lmao..... butanyway OMG!!!!!!! ive been on that dirt road ask Cragmatic i pm'd himabout being chased by a car there in the middle of the day it was someold 70's big long car and the guy in it was a big @#$ dude.... it wascrazy some white lincoln suv came speeding down that driveway going theopposite direction of us and its really narrow and they had to go offto the side to pass us then that old car came and was on our tail for awhile and when we got out of there some big @#$ rot (the dog) startedchasing the car and barking but it stopped when we got a little wayspassed it. I wasn't driving my friend was and we were out looking fornew lakes to fish out there and all that happened that was about 2years ago and NO i'm not making this up.

I'm gonna have to let Cragmatic do this one now that I know where it isand have already been there.... I can handle Haunted @#$# but i'm notmessing around with crazy @#$ people that are ALIVE!

And none of that rang a bell to you in regards to Crag's story before now? 
LOL I told yall it wasn't the right place when your looking for Yaoming your not gonna stop and investigate Nate Robinson lmao..... butanyway OMG!!!!!!! ive been on that dirt road ask Cragmatic i pm'd himabout being chased by a car there in the middle of the day it was someold 70's big long car and the guy in it was a big @#$ dude.... it wascrazy some white lincoln suv came speeding down that driveway going theopposite direction of us and its really narrow and they had to go offto the side to pass us then that old car came and was on our tail for awhile and when we got out of there some big @#$ rot (the dog) startedchasing the car and barking but it stopped when we got a little wayspassed it. I wasn't driving my friend was and we were out looking fornew lakes to fish out there and all that happened that was about 2years ago and NO i'm not making this up.

I'm gonna have to let Cragmatic do this one now that I know where it isand have already been there.... I can handle Haunted @#$# but i'm notmessing around with crazy @#$ people that are ALIVE!

And none of that rang a bell to you in regards to Crag's story before now? 
This post is developing strong....

Pics and/or someone that finally makes the the correct location ? ? ? ? ?
This post is developing strong....

Pics and/or someone that finally makes the the correct location ? ? ? ? ?
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

LOL I told yall it wasn't the right place when your looking for Yaoming your not gonna stop and investigate Nate Robinson lmao..... butanyway OMG!!!!!!! ive been on that dirt road ask Cragmatic i pm'd himabout being chased by a car there in the middle of the day it was someold 70's big long car and the guy in it was a big @#$ dude.... it wascrazy some white lincoln suv came speeding down that driveway going theopposite direction of us and its really narrow and they had to go offto the side to pass us then that old car came and was on our tail for awhile and when we got out of there some big @#$ rot (the dog) startedchasing the car and barking but it stopped when we got a little wayspassed it. I wasn't driving my friend was and we were out looking fornew lakes to fish out there and all that happened that was about 2years ago and NO i'm not making this up.

I'm gonna have to let Cragmatic do this one now that I know where it isand have already been there.... I can handle Haunted @#$# but i'm notmessing around with crazy @#$ people that are ALIVE!

And none of the rang a bell to you in regards to Crag's story before now? 

I'm thinking the same thing.
Memory is real bad or I'm calling ducktales.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

LOL I told yall it wasn't the right place when your looking for Yaoming your not gonna stop and investigate Nate Robinson lmao..... butanyway OMG!!!!!!! ive been on that dirt road ask Cragmatic i pm'd himabout being chased by a car there in the middle of the day it was someold 70's big long car and the guy in it was a big @#$ dude.... it wascrazy some white lincoln suv came speeding down that driveway going theopposite direction of us and its really narrow and they had to go offto the side to pass us then that old car came and was on our tail for awhile and when we got out of there some big @#$ rot (the dog) startedchasing the car and barking but it stopped when we got a little wayspassed it. I wasn't driving my friend was and we were out looking fornew lakes to fish out there and all that happened that was about 2years ago and NO i'm not making this up.

I'm gonna have to let Cragmatic do this one now that I know where it isand have already been there.... I can handle Haunted @#$# but i'm notmessing around with crazy @#$ people that are ALIVE!

And none of the rang a bell to you in regards to Crag's story before now? 

I'm thinking the same thing.
Memory is real bad or I'm calling ducktales.
Originally Posted by Mo Greene

Originally Posted by Noskey

In 4 the save

Further down the property, I'm pretty sure it all ends at that black pit of death where they undoubtedly burn all the trespassers.


pool of hydrofluoric acid.  RIP to trespassers.

Is that a cliff or a hole at the bottom
Originally Posted by Mo Greene

Originally Posted by Noskey

In 4 the save

Further down the property, I'm pretty sure it all ends at that black pit of death where they undoubtedly burn all the trespassers.


pool of hydrofluoric acid.  RIP to trespassers.

Is that a cliff or a hole at the bottom
Just read through all these pages I really need something to happen here haha at least some pics. That new place looks promising though
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