Careers 9-5 Vol. Can you do it ?

the alternative isnt any better IMO
if u dont work 9-5, u prolly working 12-8 or something. sleeping in sonuds good, but getting home every night around 9pm sucks. usually jobs that are 12-8 or1-9 include weekends too
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

I have a gig that can be classified as a 9-5. I love it. I'm in marketing, handling media buying/planning (radio/tv/out of home), events, sponsorships and brand direction. It's great since my company is somewhat of a youth-targeted brand, and the people I interact with are all "creative" types (radio stations, ad agencies, other brands).

Once you get into an environment that involves a job you love, and a path you want to follow, TIME WILL FLY.

If you choose to go the advertising route, hopefully you're near a top-5 market. If not, move to one. Seriously. You'll have to be in a major market to find any sort of decent opportunity in advertising, esp if you're trying to be on the creative side.

this doesnt seem bad an it seems fun ive thought about this before. basically like a promoter

"brand ambassador"
"street team"

type work, hmmmm
Street teaming can be a great foot in the door, only if it's directly with the brand/company that you service (Red Bull, Vitamin Water, radiostations, major/indie labels with distribution). Lots of opportunities can be seen if you have the work ethic.

Never go for a street team gig that's outsourced, unless it's with a major company like Cornerstone or SRC (still around?). These"outsourced" gigs are the ones you always see on Monster/CareerBuilder..."Entry level marketing position!!!"

I was on a radio street team in the very beginning. Great contacts and opportunities, but again has to be in a decent market. Gives you great visibility in thestreets and an association with a hopefully reputable brand/company. Plus the schedules are generally flexible if you're in school.

I'm now in a position where I can work from wherever I want in the US as long as I have a wireless connection. Corporate is in LA, but I'm currently inNorCal chilling in my boxers, on a conference call, eating oatmeal, drinking coffee, with The Blueprint playing in the background.
Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

I have a gig that can be classified as a 9-5. I love it. I'm in marketing, handling media buying/planning (radio/tv/out of home), events, sponsorships and brand direction. It's great since my company is somewhat of a youth-targeted brand, and the people I interact with are all "creative" types (radio stations, ad agencies, other brands).

Once you get into an environment that involves a job you love, and a path you want to follow, TIME WILL FLY.

If you choose to go the advertising route, hopefully you're near a top-5 market. If not, move to one. Seriously. You'll have to be in a major market to find any sort of decent opportunity in advertising, esp if you're trying to be on the creative side.


That is what im aiming for , more of a creative take on it.
It was actually hard to find an advertising program that was appealing to me.
I decided on Advertising & Marketing Communications with F.I.T in nyc.
They get you an internship too I believe in your second year.
I work 9-6. I dont really like my job but its whatever since i get paid. Only downside is that i miss out on spending time with my daughter.
Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

I have a gig that can be classified as a 9-5. I love it. I'm in marketing, handling media buying/planning (radio/tv/out of home), events, sponsorships and brand direction. It's great since my company is somewhat of a youth-targeted brand, and the people I interact with are all "creative" types (radio stations, ad agencies, other brands).

Once you get into an environment that involves a job you love, and a path you want to follow, TIME WILL FLY.

If you choose to go the advertising route, hopefully you're near a top-5 market. If not, move to one. Seriously. You'll have to be in a major market to find any sort of decent opportunity in advertising, esp if you're trying to be on the creative side.

this doesnt seem bad an it seems fun ive thought about this before. basically like a promoter

"brand ambassador"
"street team"

type work, hmmmm
Street teaming can be a great foot in the door, only if it's directly with the brand/company that you service (Red Bull, Vitamin Water, radio stations, major/indie labels with distribution). Lots of opportunities can be seen if you have the work ethic.

Never go for a street team gig that's outsourced, unless it's with a major company like Cornerstone or SRC (still around?). These "outsourced" gigs are the ones you always see on Monster/CareerBuilder..."Entry level marketing position!!!"

I was on a radio street team in the very beginning. Great contacts and opportunities, but again has to be in a decent market. Gives you great visibility in the streets and an association with a hopefully reputable brand/company. Plus the schedules are generally flexible if you're in school.

I'm now in a position where I can work from wherever I want in the US as long as I have a wireless connection. Corporate is in LA, but I'm currently in NorCal chilling in my boxers, on a conference call, eating oatmeal, drinking coffee, with The Blueprint playing in the background.

good info

yep an the stuff i bold/underlined i def understand.

my boy at the time was street teamin or w/e you wanna call it for Asylum records, good stuff.
Originally Posted by YuraS718

I feel the same way as you. I don't want a mundane job where the same day is the same thing. I'm interning in an office right now this summer in property management. Right now i actually like it, and hope to continue working part time here during school. Like others said, its really about the group of people you work with and how your office is. My office is extremely laid back, as long as you get your work done they don't care what else goes on. Picture this, my 1st day on the job i was in the mailroom, 1 of the managers came in along with 2 other workers and told me to stop working for a minute. They started playing darts for money and needed me to get out of their way
It also helps ALOT that this office is only a 8 minute walking distance from my house as well. Don't have to worry about an hour train ride into and out of manhatten every day
That is hot. I work on 36th street in the city, right by herald square. Its annoying to wake up and have to leave an hour earlier you know ?
& The office is like always dead so I just sit here waiting for time to pass lol
With the right coworkers, MAYBE. But as it stands I'd rather rap or trap... I'm just not built for a rigid schedule like that.
i miss having the weekends off. It all depends on if you enjoy what you are doing and a good working environment
Originally Posted by gORJESS

Originally Posted by YuraS718

I feel the same way as you. I don't want a mundane job where the same day is the same thing. I'm interning in an office right now this summer in property management. Right now i actually like it, and hope to continue working part time here during school. Like others said, its really about the group of people you work with and how your office is. My office is extremely laid back, as long as you get your work done they don't care what else goes on. Picture this, my 1st day on the job i was in the mailroom, 1 of the managers came in along with 2 other workers and told me to stop working for a minute. They started playing darts for money and needed me to get out of their way
It also helps ALOT that this office is only a 8 minute walking distance from my house as well. Don't have to worry about an hour train ride into and out of manhatten every day
That is hot. I work on 36th street in the city, right by herald square. Its annoying to wake up and have to leave an hour earlier you know ?
& The office is like always dead so I just sit here waiting for time to pass lol
I hear ya. Commuting blows. I use to work on 72nd and Amsterdam in the city and it would take me an hour to an hour 20 to get there. I start at10 here, and I'm able to wake up at 9:00 do the man's 3 S's get dressed and walk out my door.
At least you're not at work getting bit by dogs and scratched by cats. Be thankful for what you have...a dude likeme can't WAIT til I finish school so I won't have to settle for the crappy job I have now.
Be thankful for a job with steady hours. I'm working 2 part-time jobs with random hours. One job I schedule my availability which is nice, but the other Ihave no idea what days or what times I work until the schedule is out at the end of the week. I HATE it!!!
I've had a 10-6 job for a almost a year now and it does beat the hell out of my old job, I used to work some overnight and all weekend I had no life on theweekend would get out too late to do anything
I work as a project engineer for a large general contractor so I am usually in at 7 and out by 4. Sometimes work sucks but I mean it is what it is. Luckilyfor me when one project is done I get put on a new project with new co-workers so I am not always stuck with the same people. As for not having much of asocial life during the week...who really cares? Thats what the weekend is for.
at this point I cannot really see myself working a mediocre job unless the environment wasn't too bad (funny/nice co workers, not so difficult work).Hopefully I can land a rewarding/satisfying job..

I got two years of college left and I still gotta plan my post college endeavors
I want to be a doctor, I'll be working 60+ hours a week. It's something I want to do and can see myself doing so I think I will be able to manage
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

I want to be a doctor, I'll be working 60+ hours a week. It's something I want to do and can see myself doing so I think I will be able to manage

smashing and gym time will be limited.

these things keep the doctor away too.
im thinking i-banking 100-120 hrs/wk for 2 years during which i try not to kill myself

then mba

then better hours doing something else

wish me luck nt
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

im thinking i-banking 100-120 hrs/wk for 2 years during which i try not to kill myself
i know its money but thats just insane to me, its like workin full time 3 times in a week. i couldnt fathom
yeah im gonna need a stunt double or something so i can slip out for some zzzz and gym time. i hate the idea of it.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

I want to be a doctor, I'll be working 60+ hours a week. It's something I want to do and can see myself doing so I think I will be able to manage

smashing and gym time will be limited.

these things keep the doctor away too.


Yea I've already been thinking about this.....ah man idk I just hope I can figure something out, once I start Med School it's pretty much gonna be awrap, gonna be studying all day

But 100-120hrs a week
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