Caught Cheating on a exam .. help me out UPDATE pg 14

Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Shouldve thrown the cheat sheet into the sea. 

Probably doing some extra credit to stay in school. Way to use your head OP.
Probably doing some extra credit to stay in school. Way to use your head OP.
I got caught cheating freshman year of college. Me and my boy were talking about it the other day.

But, I took the L made a sappy #!+ apology letter and eventually passed the class.

The letter:

Spoiler [+]
I decided to type this letter to express my sincere regrets over cheating on the test. I have been experiencing success in this class all semester and on this test I wasn’t prepared, which led me to make a bad decision to cheat. In my zeal to succeed I was blinded by an easy way to pass, despite not knowing the information. In honesty, it was a lapse in judgment and a huge mistake. It has resulted in my grade dropping and now I know I have to regain your trust and show that I am a capable and honest student.
I got caught cheating freshman year of college. Me and my boy were talking about it the other day.

But, I took the L made a sappy #!+ apology letter and eventually passed the class.

The letter:

Spoiler [+]
I decided to type this letter to express my sincere regrets over cheating on the test. I have been experiencing success in this class all semester and on this test I wasn’t prepared, which led me to make a bad decision to cheat. In my zeal to succeed I was blinded by an easy way to pass, despite not knowing the information. In honesty, it was a lapse in judgment and a huge mistake. It has resulted in my grade dropping and now I know I have to regain your trust and show that I am a capable and honest student.
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