Cavaliers V Magic GAME SIX Thread Vol: Do or die AGAIN

Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

The Magic have gotta treat this like it's a game 7 because i don't think they can win another game at the Q.

All the pressure is on the Magic, and we'll see what they're made out of tomorrow..

If Dwight stays out of foul trouble, then the Magic have a good chance at winning... They need him on the floor... Let's see if Skip can shoot better than 10%

I just wanna see a well-officiated game, without any doubt to who the winner is... Should be a good one..
- All the pressure? I think there's a little, but all? The Cavs are the #1 seed with the best record in the league going on the road down3-2. There's a lot of pressure for them and if they don't come through this could be one of the most disappointing, at least for Stern and Co.,playoff performances in a long long time considering they went 8-0 and mopped the floor with their first 2 opponents and winning by double digits in each ofthose 8 games.

- If Rashard Lewis puts up 22+ and Rafer shoots better than 10% then I'll say the Magic have a very good chance at closing this out.

- Then again, with 1/2 of Stern's "Dream Finals" already in place who knows, Orlando could very well be playing 8 vs 5 on Saturday night. God Ihope not
go Cavs! i hope to see a great team effort from everyone and beat the magic in orlando, no matter how the game is officiated because whether it is good or badofficiating everyone will say it was stern's win. haters will be haters. i just hope that all the people that say "if the cavaliers pull this offi'm done with the nba" stay true to their word!!
I agree that the pressure is on the Magic this game - Kenny Smith was right. The Cavs have to tell themselves that - it's the only way you can come backfrom that deficit - it might be slightly delusional but you have to believe it. Kenny was on 2 of the 8 teams who have ever come back too so he should knowwhat he's talking about.
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Orlando by 7.

Varejao breaks his tailbone on a flop.
Mo Williams realizes once again that he is, in fact, Mo Williams and shoots 30%.
Delonte West mumbles.
Michael Pietrus smiles.
Rashard Lewis drops 30.
I like your predictions.
It would certainly be difficult to win a game 7 in Cleveland if the Magic lost tonight, but it wouldn't be impossible.

People said they couldn't win a game 7 in Boston, and then did.

Hopefully it won't get to that, and the Magic can win tonight.

Get out to a good lead, keep the pressure on, make the Cavs role players beat you, Lebron's gonna get his points, just shut down the rest.

Shard and Dwight need big games, and please stay out of foul trouble Dwight, which is impossible with how horrible the officiating is this series.
If we take care of the ball, we're going back to Cleveland.

Cavs in 7...let's get it boys
This type of adversity is how legends are made. If LeBron can will his team back and win this series, it would certainly talked about for years to come. Kobemade it, so I know LeBron is going to put a little extra to try to get them past this series
Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Why do cavs fans write such long a** essays? A simple "cavs by 10" would have been as good LOL. Anyway I see Cleveland winning this

You make this Board wack.
I'm rooting for the magic to close it out today. But, I have a feeling that the Cavs will come back and win the series. Idk maybe the media are going toget what they want.
The spread is by 2 right now...but i guarantee it changes two minutes before the game starts.

Its hard to believe this will be the Cavs last basketball game of the 08-09 season..
Originally Posted by Mr Cool Grey

The spread is by 2 right now...but i guarantee it changes two minutes before the game starts.

Its hard to believe this will be the Cavs last basketball game of the 08-09 season..
It wont.
Yea i know it wont be, thats why im saying its hard to believe...i dont think the Cavs goin this far, will let it end now...
Cavs fans ... why are yall acting like your team isn't in the Eastern Conference finals though ? Their season hasn't gone to waste ...

I would still be happy if I was a Cavs fan , even if they lost . They came pretty far .
^Um, been there, done that. We don't want MVP trophies and best regular season record banners, we want championships.
Well it's game day and today is the day a LEGEND can be created. They say your true character is shown at tough times, well now is the time. I think thisgame today will be a defining moment in Brons career and the NEW Cavalier franchise. With that said I'm offering no predictions, but I will say this, LETSGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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