Originally Posted by Chester the Cheetah

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Still the best team in the league, by far..

This dude said "by far"
I think that both Melo and Bronny have a good chance of being MVP's this season, but I wouldnt be surprised if neither made it to the finals..
Originally Posted by UNCfatfan

I think that both Melo and Bronny have a good chance of being MVP's this season, but I wouldnt be surprised if neither made it to the finals..
Bron is the clear MVP this season...
Originally Posted by Chester the Cheetah

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Still the best team in the league, by far..

This dude said "by far"

 Nothing more than your average delusional Cleveland fan.  Cavs wouldn't have nearly as good of a record if they were playing in the West.  And for all you Cavs fans defending Lebron saying it was a tough loss, I get that, but he walked off the court about to cry his eyes out like he just cost his team the chance to go to playoffs.  Dude needs to grow up instead of walking off the court looking like a 8 year old kid that just got spanked by his dad.
that was an epic matchup....Melo is AS clutch as anybody in the league....

LeBron's lower lip quivering afterwards tho....
All of you LBJ enablers need to stop!!! Don't get me wrong he is a monster but he gotta cut that cryin out. If Iverson or T.O. would have pulled that stunt all of you LBJ enablers would have ripped them. Bottom line, if you can win like a man, you gotta lose like a man. LBJ should have showed Melo some love; he dropped 40 on you.
Originally Posted by Wings90

Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by xilegacy

This may very well be the finals matchup.
I pray to God that it is, that would the most exciting Finals matchups to me.

Also, I have no idea why NT enjoys seeing Lebron upset, its like you guys know him personally and have some type of a grudge against him or he beat up your niece or something. I doubt he just walked off the court again, but if he did it was probably the last thing on his mind with him having just slipped in an attempt to shoot a game winning shot. Just my opinion

There's no debating that he just walked off the court again, I don't know if you just weren't watching or something.  It's not that big a deal to me, but I think he should have at least given a nod to Carmelo walking off. Maybe he did acknowledge them somehow, but all the cameras caught was him storming off like a little kid.

Even if he did walk off the court without shaking hands, him and Melo are friends. Im pretty sure he'll get in contact with him later and give him his props. If not, life goes on
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by Chester the Cheetah

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Still the best team in the league, by far..

This dude said "by far"

 Nothing more than your average delusional Cleveland fan.  Cavs wouldn't have nearly as good of a record if they were playing in the West.  And for all you Cavs fans defending Lebron saying it was a tough loss, I get that, but he walked off the court about to cry his eyes out like he just cost his team the chance to go to playoffs.  Dude needs to grow up instead of walking off the court looking like a 8 year old kid that just got spanked by his dad.
Cavs have lost 6 against the west, Lakers have lost 10. And yes dude was out of line for saying "by far". Its cool though, at least you know the lions suck. 
It's not about shaking hands. Nobody said he had to do that. It's his body language. That %#*# just ain't becoming.

Don't give me that "just shows how passionate he is about the game" %%%%+##@. If he was that "serious" into the game he wouldn't be doing all those other antics when %#*# is going good. The pouting and power walk into the locker room is just lame. It's very douchebaggish. The thing about it is...he's been in the league 7 years and I don't recall ever seeing that %#*# until the past couple of years. I don't get it.
lmao at the reasons yall have to ridicule this man.

yall hate him for dancin, hate him for not shakin hands, hate him for truckin people, hate him for his hairline, hate him cuz he can pass good, hate him cuz he tips bad at one restaurant, hate him cuz hes better than kobe, hate him cuz he has hype around him and gets calls jordan got every night.

get over it
Originally Posted by agold1002

Originally Posted by knightngale

Carmelo made lebron his female dog
just felt I needed to mention that again

this would have been a nuggers blowout without all thouch touch fouls for lebron and against anthony

were we watching the same game
LBJ and Melo went step for step.....
lebron did his thing but was bailed out with touch fouls A LOT
remember how carmelo kept getting thrown to the floor in the third? that would have been 50 points for him

most of carmelo's points came over lebron 1 on1
lebron did score on melo 1 on 1 but he also relied on pick n roll and when nene "fouled" him

and carmelo won the game too
Originally Posted by LBJ23navo

Damn great game.. Lebron looking like he was about to cry at the end

That's about all I came in here to say. Dude looked like he was gonna break down.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Personally, I don't care. I'm still a fan of the guy. But that %%@@ was funny.
That's how I feel about it.

As soon as he made a beeline for the locker-room, I started laughing.

13 game win streak snapped... at home... in ot... after going OFF... and missing the game winner... Yeah, I'd be pretty ticked off too.

Regardless of all that, the actual GAME was great. Can't ask for anything more.

You know LBJ has taken the throne of must-see-tv when everyone of his match-ups against the top players in the L turns into a great battle. Him v Wade... Him v Kobe... Him v Melo... No other match-ups come close (maybe Melo v Kobe).




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