~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~

Man, I've never been to Boston but I heard back in the day it was really segregated in some parts, ole Marky mark was probably a victim of his surroundings (a sheep). Still don't make it okay, and the people he assaulted and teased probably still see a racist poo bear.
Clark Kent forever that dude.

Word to "Player's Anthem".

clark a baggy clothes holdout..seen him post a Jordan jersey on IG...joint was size 60 :x

Stop giving this racist airplay. He is scummy

#FACTS.. people give this clown way to much exposure.


women gave him da Chris Brown "he's cute i want him" pass a long time ago.
well maybe you need to read slower. or maybe you are the man himself

he may not be as racist as he was before only because he created a name for him$$$$$$$$$$$$$elf. if he wasnt he would be back to his normal ways. now its sublte

Everybody wanna be a comedian :smh:
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Man, I've never been to Boston but I heard back in the day it was really segregated in some parts, ole Marky mark was probably a victim of his surroundings (a sheep). Still don't make it okay, and the people he assaulted and teased probably still see a racist poo bear.
he was actually from the hood, dorchester ma.

my home town :smokin
On June 15, 1986 Mark and three other teenagers approached 12-year-old Jesse Coleman and his older brother and sister as they were walking home. The group chased the group of black school children on their bikes; one of the assailants told the children, "We don't like black ni--ers in the area so get the f--k away from the area!"

The group continued to chase the children on their mopeds, yelling, "Kill the ni--ers! Kill the ni--ers!" Each one of Mark's little gang threw rocks at their victims. By the time the children reached Burger King, Mark and the rest of the bullies turned and left; I'm assuming they didn't want their actions witnessed in a business area where they'd easily be spotted.

The next day, while Jesse Coleman was on a field trip to the beach with his class, Mark and his gang followed the group to the beach. As the group was returning from the field trip, Mark's group began yelling racial slurs at the children; Mark and his friends summoned more to join him and they threw rocks at the children, one hitting a black girl and another hitting a white girl. The teacher was able to get an ambulance there and the attackers ran away.

Nearly two years later, on April 8, 1988, Mark decided to turn his hatred towards Asians. Thanh Lam, while carrying two cases of beer from his car to his home, was struck by a large wooden stick wielded by Mark Wahlberg; Mark, at this time, called Thanh a "Vietnam fu--ing sh-t!" The blow knocked the man out.

Mark and two others left the scene. Mark then ran into another Vietnamese man named Hoa Trinh; at first asking the man for help in hiding from the police, when police came along, Wahlberg punched the man in the eye, knocking him to the ground; Trinh ended up losing that eye.

While in police custody, Mark continued to refer to "Slant-eyed g--ks" and other such slurs.

All of this is a matter of public record and Wahlberg admits to these incidents openly. For the last crime, Wahlberg was sentenced to two years in prison, but served 45 days and was released.
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