~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~

It's just a different time now. Only black dudes you saw with blonde hair were the Golden Lords and Sisqo. One was a movie and the other was called gay and shidded on all the time. Now it's somewhat accepted but that **** is always gonna be weak to me.
started with a lil wiz khalifa puff of color.....now dudes are walking around with more dye than women 
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Let these young boys live. My n_ Andre 3000 was wearing silver wigs, Rick James wore weave. I swear, the macho thugs/goons be the softest dudes anyway. I always laugh at the fake hardcore type dudes. They be the quickest to pull out a gun, or run.

Let these boys enjoy their hairstyles
Y'all tough guys that are so anti self expression must be really uncomfortable in your own skin.
Only certain dudes like rick james, andre3000, Michael Jackson etc could get away with glitter, blouse's and crazy hair dye. I almost dyed the dreads but I was like nah, so many lame dudes around my parts did it already.
Hahahaha, I'm comfortable as hell in my own skin. I'm not sure how not dying my hair blonde would make me uncomfortable with myself or help me express myself.
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Hahahaha, I'm comfortable as hell in my own skin. I'm not sure how not dying my hair blonde would make me uncomfortable with myself or help me express myself.

Yea, nobody said that. (Context is fundamental) It's people's apprehension towards how OTHERS choose to express themselves.

Y'all tough guys that are so anti self expression must be really uncomfortable in your own skin.
this guy has dyed hair :lol:

Lmao, this made me laugh.
I'm all for people doing their own thing because they actually like it. Not because it's a trend and everyone else is doing it. Be comfortable in your own skin and do what you want. Doing blonde hair is following trends and a terrible one.
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