Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

Originally Posted by upyourstyle


i want these jeans so baaaad.
the wash is

how much do they cost?

idk why, but these look like regular **% jeans to me...

on another note Rhea is
Originally Posted by MrWavez

Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

Originally Posted by upyourstyle


i want these jeans so baaaad.
the wash is

how much do they cost?

idk why, but these look like regular **% jeans to me...

on another note Rhea is

I haven't seen too many/any "regular" jeans with the same wash or fit, so yea.. the jeans are hot nothing to write home about tho.
Originally Posted by Remi23

Originally Posted by sloanboy

Originally Posted by jcbacall

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

the south has never started a fashion trend, though.. ever.

they started a lot of things...
-custom colored jordans
-air brush sponge bob shirts
-foot locker tall tees. and the red sticker with the size has to stay on it
The north started things as well
-jerseys that look like dresses
-hats twenty times bigger than the size they really need
-and of course the most popular of them SKINNY JEANS

The North didn't start skinny jeans idiot. That's more of West Coast thing Cali to be exact.

Dominicans in my hood been rockin skinny diesel jeans at least a decade ahead of da trend.

Jamaicans been rockin skinny jeans waaaay before da trend too.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by kmn2008


here ya go wilt. good looks on the first celeb wearin heat in like 5 pages.

Thats ill.....
Welcome to NT, Wilt. Kindly give credit to the person who's picture it is.......thanks for all the comments on my Griffey mini-poster. Earlygen auto FTW.
rarely post..always in here tho haha.
was watching and these caught my eye,...

forgot what they were called.
flightposites? or some kind of posite. haha.
I think this has to be said because it keeps coming back up

Yes Big Boi was wearing the throwbacks first, but its was really NY artists who made throwbacks a trend/fad/popular

I'd say it goes shyne to fab to jay

Shyne had the dr j nets in the bad boy anthem which and interest was built. fab took his jersey thing to the next level when throwbacks became available andmade it the highlight of his wardrobe. jay named dropped it here and there.

I mean look at how the trend played out. throwbacks became cool with fitteds and matching kicks etc etc as those three wore them.

Big boi was wearing them with sandals with knee socks, cut up luchadore style sweat pants and kangols. if he started the trend why did EVERY peripherary aspectassociated with the trend follow the lead set by shyne/fab/jay? M&N didnt even make Basketball throwbacks before the year shyne rocked his, and its alsoeasy to see that BBall throwbacks is what really popped off the trend as well, not flannel cleveland indians jersey

That should say it all right there. what other trend has big boi started? Fab is the cat that got gucci and LV real visable again in the publics eye as well, imean damn he made silly +%! rich yung have a cult following. We all know if jay does or says something 8000000 cats run to follow the next day. jay gets ablack gold jesus, and boom half the BET award got blk gold and blk diamonds. Even shyne brught oversized fitteds to the public. I'm not saying theyinvent the %*!%, but they start the trends, big boi never really had trend setting power

it'd be like saying bill cosby started the coogi trend. yes 100% he wore em first, but the majority of hip hop heads changed they ways when they heard"coogi down to the socks" not a jello pudding ad
Originally Posted by inft28dwitSNEAKERS

rarely post..always in here tho haha.
was watching and these caught my eye,...

forgot what they were called.
flightposites? or some kind of posite. haha.
they're flightposite 1's.

@$%# foams.
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