Jada, I wouldn't go so far as to stand up for Mike. I remember when planning one of the summits dude had actually planned to have you duck taped to a flag pole...and beaten.

Not saying you're lying, but :lol:
@ him thinking he could do that to me. :lol:

Jada, I wouldn't go so far as to stand up for Mike. I remember when planning one of the summits dude had actually planned to have you duck taped to a flag pole...and beaten.


why you air out my plans like that?
Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

So much for you last post huh.... pure comedy at it's finest. Well I'll give a slight rebuttal because this is getting ridculous... i hope those that are reading this can see all the ways he's trying to get around to try and prove his point and I will come back and continue to dispprove everything he's said.

In the best interest of your health, I suggest you either pony up with my money and give it to a neutral individual, or (and with your cowardice I think you'll love this one) send the remainder of my money to my Paypal address. I'm not alone in this either. Don't make me expose you to them folks who don't know you...

threats are a beautiful thing.... lol... you still don't get it do you? Grow up.

Thats a riot. A few pages back you were firin' at Ghenges sayin' something along the lines of "Oh that didn't happen, get your fact straight". Along comes your reply to my prior post, and you acknowledge that it did happen. You never were very consistent in your stories chump.

yet another person without proper reading comprehension. when will this world smarten up?

In addition, from my research an individual must be served in order for a document of that nature to be valid.

alas! some truth in the rough.... yes this is true. Due to YOUR shady ways, you haven't had the pleasure of being served. Just don't get pulled over by the cops or anything because you might find it worse than a traffic violation.

I might have been incorrect with what item was purchased. Might've been clothing. But explain to us why after Chris got back from NY you pass him something along the lines of $400--of his own money?

Umm that's easy. Items didn't get paid for until after Chris left for NYC so he got the money when he came back.... yeah... try keeping this about youself and things you actually know about...

If you refer to my previous post in this thread, I never said you sold any of Matt's belongings. I merely stated that you were "fooling around" with Matt's belongings.

what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Whatever fooling around means, I did nothing of the sort. Please enlighten everyone on wth ur talking about.... no, actually, just stop. PEOPLE YOU SEE WHAT I'M SEEING TOO, RIGHT???

*Tsk. You know, thats comedy. You texted me that you had actually ended a few auctions prematurely. Combining items for purchases and such. I'd awake to texts on my cell phone informing that they had been sold as such. Not only that, but, I was monitoring the auctions very closely. Some auctions did end way before their scheduled time, and like I advised before, I just wanted to let them run...

As stated before, Manchildyoko was well aware of his auctions. If a BIN price was offered, he was notified. HE AUTHORIZED AUCTIONS FINISHING EARLY. don't get it twisted people, this guy is trying to spin the truth to make it look like I did something wrong.

When I brought it up with you over the phone one day, you had the gaul to come at me with "Oh yeah, why did you give me broken iPod?" (gave that thing to him for free too). was working when you received it from me, happens with electronics, not my fault. (He always tries to turn on you and make it look like you're in the wrong.)

Another GRAND LIE by this fool. I bought this ipod for $150. 20 gb. If Chris is man enough to admit it, he was going to buy it for his trip to NYC, out of respect for my initial offer, the ipod was SOLD to me. NOT GIVEN. The harddrive crashed no less than 3 days later. Now whether or not it was his fault, I cannot prove. But let me reiterate that i bought that ipod and it was not given to me.

Ladies and gentleman of the jury. I have pleaded my case, using previous examples of this kid's behavior and ways. Take into account all that was posted today, take into account the climbing number of people whom he's fallin' out with. Who is the common denominator in all this? Mr. Mike, thats correct. You've got testimony from myself, Chris Kuhl, Ghenges K and I'm pretty sure you'll have more in the future...

Chris and I fell out with nothing related to shoes.

Rishi and I fell out because he got salty with a friend about a outlet drop that no one told him about and for not trading me those robots. btw rishi, both of my robots sold for $350 each. if you had traded me straight up both of my pairs of robots ($700) for one of your FOUR pairs in MY SIZE ($400 BIN) then you would've made a $300 profit, which I made you aware of, just to help a friend get his size. In the long run, maybe we would've told you about unkles dropping too. (+ more profit) ... as such an astute business man maybe you should've taken these factors in.... don't be mad about the decisions you've made (charging extra money to trade sizes with a friend of the same shoe) that have led you to where you are now.

Jada, I wouldn't go so far as to stand up for Mike. I remember when planning one of the summits dude had actually planned to have you duck taped to a flag pole...and beaten.

Joe, be serious, while we haven't always gotten along in the past, you really have to laugh at this claim. No lie, I did. As you say yourself, how could I even do that? Joe, you haven't done anything to me and for that i respect you. You're a smart dude, and I'm sure you can see through all of this.

Killian, its just a matter of time before something between you and Mike. I'm just lookin' out for you homey.

Killian.... you know I got you. This guy you've never even met is "looking out for you"? You know we stay keepin it gugst.

Its not just me thats huntin' for you.

Let's be honest Torrance...

who's hunting me down? You're the only one that claims I've done them dirty, what reason would Chris or Rishi have to get at me? I don't "owe" them anything. Chris has my respect for being who he is, and Rishi has my respect for being the business man that he is. You, I have no respect for. For anything.

Lastly, I highly suggest you pay me the money you still owe me, or bum the money from your parents...

Lastly, in case you didn't read my first point of clarification, i owe you nothing.

part 4 of Manchildyoko's "final post coming soon... :rofl:


And if you didn't know....NOW you know...


Where to begin?

First of all, I want to say a very public WHAT UP to Manchyldyoko aka T for coming through and posting and big ups to Chris Cool for putting him on to it.

There are a lot of things that needed to be said about the T/MC and Jester03 situation. He needed to be put on blast for all of the @#%$ that went down and MC covered most of it. I am just going to add my part because I may have been seen in the past associating with this lame Jester03/Mike while all of this was going down. If I truly knew the full of the situation, I would have abandoned this loser long before.

Everything was cool last summer. Me, Mike and Dela/Wil were all cool with eachother. We would chill on a regular basis. I didn't know much about MC's situation other than he was going through some tough times. I vividly remember once when the three of us were going out to eat and we called up MC on the phone to ask him if he wanted to chill knowing that he would say "no" but we just called to say what's up anyway. That's how tight the group was.

Between the summer and the Summit, talking with Jester I found out that he VOLUNTEERED to sell MC's stuff on Ebay to get him some funds. So when the three of us (Me, Dela and Mike) would chill, I would occasionally bring up the MC situation and how the Ebay thing was going. Jester would ALWAYS brush it off or dismiss it with its a long story. After we cracked him for info, he kind of eluded to us that he owed MC money and he couldn't pay him right now because "his paypal was screwed up."

So fastforward to the Summit in November. This dude Jester is texting people bragging about the "heat" he planned to rock at the Summit. Next thing you know, he shows up in $600 Supremes. During the Summit he is buying multiple pairs of shoes and changing into $100 Bape t-shirts. And Im thinking, why did this dude buy over a $1000 in clothing for ONE DAY and spending $300-$400 (maybe more I didnt keep track the whole time) when he owes MC money? If his Paypal is screwed up where is he getting this money from?

Then some time later, the three of us are chilling again and he spilled the fact that MC went up to his job and pretty much BODIED him Jim Jones style and got some of the money that was owed to him. After he said that, it all became pretty clear to me. I put two and two together and assumed what MC confirmed in this post he was stunting with another mans money.

And Wil aka Dela04, I know you dont post much but I know you read these posts so thats why Im mentioning your name because you knew too. The times when we talked about Jester when he wasnt there, I would ask you what you knew about the situation and you would also tell me that he dismisses it and changes the subject. You even admitted to me once that you thought that Mike/Jester was shady. Hell, even when you wanted to sell some of your stuff online you asked me to do it. I asked you how come you didnt ask Jester and you straight up told me I dont trust him, I think hes shady your words. And Im not lying because I havent spoken to you in about 6 months so I dont have any reason to lie to you now nor have I ever in the past. I dont have a problem with you, Wil, but why you continue to hang out with this dude Jester and the other shady character(s) who work at the Prime Nike Outlet is beyond me. (You know who Im talking about and trust me, hes just as shady and selfish as Jester). Youre just a victim of the company you keep. But like MC said, youre a grown @#%$ man. And if youre someone that IMed me and have been ignored, now you know why youve been ignore. The friend of my enemy is my enemy.

And its funny up until March of this year how we were all boys. When I was invited to show my collection at the Deep Vision sneaker jam in February, I invited you and Jester to put some shoes on the table and that evening from start to finish was dope. I dont know if any of the new members who read this board were there that night but we were the dudes in the sneakers and black suits. But little did I know that only a few weeks later you guys would ***** yourselves to make a quick buck from a heads up from that snitching snake BornIn1985 (you thought I wouldnt find out this name?) with instructions to dont tell Rishi. Never mind that we were boys and pulled off successful summits and sneaker events, you chose to lie to my face in exchange for an opportunity to make a dollar. You saw money and you got weak in the knees, caved, folded, etc. etc.

Thats all I gotta say about that.

Im glad this is out though. Stop cowering behind that fake restraining order and pay the man what you owe him.

Wil if you want to abandon those losers on the dark side and come back and chill with us Jedis, you are welcomed to do so. But none of this Im friends with everyone crap.

Rishi and I fell out because he got salty with a friend about a outlet drop that no one told him about and for not trading me those robots. btw rishi, both of my robots sold for $350 each. if you had traded me straight up both of my pairs of robots ($700) for one of your FOUR pairs in MY SIZE ($400 BIN) then you would've made a $300 profit, which I made you aware of, just to help a friend get his size. In the long run, maybe we would've told you about unkles dropping too. (+ more profit) ... as such an astute business man maybe you should've taken these factors in.... don't be mad about the decisions you've made (charging extra money to trade sizes with a friend of the same shoe) that have led you to where you are now.

Okay, made my post and just saw THIS crap. First off, don't worry about my business practices because while you were crying about not getting one pair of a shoe, I was walking out with multple pairs said shoe. While the number one current reseller at the Prime Outlet was dragging his sister and girlfriend early in the morning to the skatehop (that I put him on to) just so that they could get 2 pairs each (6 total) to resell, I was waking up late and heading up there by myself and walking out with 8 pairs. 12 pairs of Melo 2's, etc. etc. Don't worry because I was doing it loooong before you knew what SB meant. So fall back on that. As for where I am now? :lol:
Again, I appreciate your concern but not to worry about me. I'm doing fine. :wink:
Keep on working hard for those tips and remember to smile to the customers and remember "All Employees Must Wash Their Hands After Using the Restroom." And don't forget your apron. :lol:


and jo3 b doesn't like the way I dress
Keep on working hard for those tips and remember to smile to the customers and remember "All Employees Must Wash Their Hands After Using the Restroom." And don't forget your apron.

Will do. :wink:

this is all comic relief to me...

i dont remember nor can i confirm the 400$ that u gave me after NYC summer of '05 was b/c people didnt pay or what. its over a year ago and hasnt concerened me.

nor can i remember about that ipod, i konw i wanted one....i seriously dont remember

all in all i just put T on to this cuz dirt was gettin shoveled on his name.

i dont know the Ghenges situation other than what ive read or anyones else's situation. but it looks to me that every, hmmm, how shall i say it "OG" orlando NT head is fed up with you and your shady ways and lack of sincerity in the friendship department. not that i really give a damn.

thats why i never appologized for puttin hands on you, nor did i ever want to.....b/c all in all, you are what you SN states....

a jester, a clown, you're here strictly for amusement when the kings and higher beings want to giggle.


you are clown shoes, not to be taken seriously....

but uh, do you get bread, hustle your customs...and try to keep a friend or 2 longer than a couple years.


Yall make a n' wanna take that 14 hour trip down I95!


I've got an Apple and I'm better than you.
Pro Black Member #1
Wanted: sz.11 Oly AF1​
We're going to have to have like 2 separate summits now.. :lol:

Damn the regional forum is actually interesting now.
Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...


Just remembered I had this. :lol:

BTW, people... this beef needs to be deaded.. its sad how a few internal problems has this damn area of Florida divided. >D

Cant we all just settle our @#%$? and be cool again? :D

My bad Sikwitit. lol.. I just had to post that @#%$.


BTW, people... this beef needs to be deaded.. its sad how a few internal problems has this damn area of Florida divided.

that's what I'm saying, everything's divided now...

@ the pic killian
Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

i'm sorry....i dont understand what's going on. sounds like everyone's gonna be having fun in orlando and i'm in jacksonville. someone please pm me or im me one what the deal is here (marius inc)
i'm sorry....i dont understand what's going on. sounds like everyone's gonna be having fun in orlando and i'm in jacksonville. someone please pm me or im me one what the deal is here (marius inc)


Very few 'true' heads in Orlando, mostly trendhoppers and hypebeasts. This whole town needs a late pass. Jester tries entirely too hard(and your customs are weak imo), but ends up getting 8itched slapped by CK, bornin1985 and his clown posse are obvious noobs who needed a new hobby. I love the drama, keep it goin ya'll... :rofl:
Total Posts :: 20
Member Since :: August 16, 2003

Very few 'true' heads in Orlando, mostly trendhoppers and hypebeasts. This whole town needs a late pass. Jester tries entirely too hard(and your customs are weak imo), but ends up getting 8itched slapped by CK, bornin1985 and his clown posse are obvious noobs who needed a new hobby.


Hmmm.... I don't know who you are, but that's on point. Pretty much summed up my essay post in a few sentences. :lol:

and jo3 b doesn't like the way I dress
Very few 'true' heads in Orlando, mostly trendhoppers and hypebeasts. This whole town needs a late pass. Jester tries entirely too hard(and your customs are weak imo), but ends up getting 8itched slapped by CK, bornin1985 and his clown posse are obvious noobs who needed a new hobby. I love the drama, keep it goin ya'll...

What can you tell me about my future. Wife, kids, job, etc.?

Thanks, Ms. Cleo. :lol:

WOW!!!! Crazyness is right!!!

aww i love u T!! stay up kid! me n matt (jhovar no longer together but good looks on the shoutout... jager nights shall be continued....

i want a SUMMIT damnit, its been tooo long!

whatup KUHL, welcome back to NT.

well its been a minute since ive been on NT but whatup kids. i never knew the WHOLE story!

love always VB
sizes 6.5 - 7

NaS > Your Life

^ wait a minute....don't you go to UCF?
Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

oh...wrong person then...me scusey
Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

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