What's good everybody? This post is crazy. I've been MIA for a few weeks now after moving into a new place, and I come back to see this. I still haven't read through everybodys replies, but will soon. I'm in class right now but will try to post a full response to this whole issue in the coming few days after I get the internet back at my new place.

What up to my people's who know me. Ness, my road dogg for life, Kuhl, T, all ya'al I'm forgetting, hope you're doing well. Those who know me, know that I'm not a fighter and never try to instigate, as I'm too focused on starting businesses and graduating. I got love for most I come across, am always down to meet new people (especially for a summit, though it seems Orlando has become divided, as sad as that is - and I hope to bring more together within the next year or two :wink:

Either way, Orlando heads need to relax. We need to shut down a club, throw a party, try and spark some unity in the community.

Class has started, more later.

Ltsmash, what up? Keep speakin' the real on everything you've posted in here. :lol:
oh, and if anyone is offended by my post, good, cause it was prolly meant for you.

Who is this dude???????????


Anyway, :wow:
at everyone chiming in. And Orlando ain't that divided. If it's divided it's 90/10 and the people in that 10% I can count on one hand (And they probably already know who they are). So if a summit WERE to go down in O-town, we'd have a pretty good turn out.

and jo3 b doesn't like the way I dress
Man the way I see it, divided or not, we still need 2 have a summit soon. It should B open 2 every1, those who show up do. Those who don't, don't. Simple as that. 1 MONKEY DONT STOP NO SHOW!!!! For real. I mean everybody that frequents this board is different from the next, but yet we are all the same. We love shoes. & I'm quite sure everybody has had 2 try 2 explain 2 loved 1s or friends Y we spend so much $ on shoes. They just don't understand. But we do. I guess we can consider ourselves a type of fraternity w/ a lot of frat brothers & sisters. That's the way it should B. I mean I'm from Brevard Co. Titusville 2 B exact & it aint 2 many REAL shoeheads over this way so I'm anxiously waiting 4 the summit. I met Killian @ MC when I copped the BLK/CARO 5s. & we've kept in touch since then. He's a pretty cool dude, & I know there's more ppl out there 4 me 2 meet. & about this whole BEEF thing, the way I see it is this: If your man enough 2 take from another man, then you should B man enough 2 deal wit the consequences. Str8 up. & I'm not accusing nobody of anything. I'm just giving my 2 cents on what was laid out 4 every1 2 see.
aww LTsmash n SortaNew in the building....

but back to the summit action... ive met quite a few kids @ UCF who are not on NT and are down to do something in Otown and bring together some sneaker community.

sizes 6.5 - 7

NaS > Your Life

Try again. ^^^

and jo3 b doesn't like the way I dress


So I like how my thread turned out... :lol:

I'm glad it brought all of us together, now let's have a summit! :rofl:

Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...


good looks on the shaq pic though.
and jo3 b doesn't like the way I dress

I dont get that one..

Im a clown? I look like a clown? :lol:

Why u editing for eh? :lol:

and yo.. get at me on aim iiiiight.
Killian I'm back to life with my kick its bout that time u get OwN3D in some navy commander.
Drew I love you Cutie ; )
Joe......When's your World Cup party again? Hopefully Brazil wins.
LmaO! RoFLoL!


  • My Recent Posts
damn Corey, you too tired to give me a call, but not tired enough to post on NT? cool...
Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

WOW @ me not knowing any of this is going on.

*goes back to read T's post*

Ok, wow.
First and foremost, Hi T.
Bana - I just want you to know that there isn't a day that passes that I'm not trying to make up for past sins. I made a silent promise to myself that I would.

Please contact me soon, :frown:

Ok. Mike, I was not aware about what has gone down with you and my buddy until your friend Killian informed me of this thread. Although there was/is/has been tension between T and I, I still can't get your back with any of this. I should've known you were going to continue with your greedy ways, especially after what you had done to me , >D

I know what you had done to me with the whole hemp thing was wrong. Even though you DID pay me back, i had to wait so that you could make a few extra bucks on the side and cop yours. I accepted your apoligy, and took it from there. Every time i see you, i show you nothing but love. I have what you did in the back of my mind still, but ive never thought about it until now. How could this of gone down? T was your boy. I hate your mindset, that business and frienship dont coincide, how so? Doing a favor aint business. w/e. Always trying to make an extra buck. The only reason im defending their side is because ive known you ALL for some time now- and since both Kuhl and I have been victims of your shadyness and greed, i've noticed you have the tendency to do some messed up things. I honestly cant see Chris or T every screwing you over, or me. Yea sure, you copped me and Ricki some shoes from an outlet, nice of you, maybe you were trying to compensate for what you had done in the past? Funny that you can do that for 2 females, but not for you boys that you were friends with for some time.

Mike, taking legal actions against TT is the most comedic thing i've read so far. This kid was your FRIEND. Acting like a coward and putting a restrainging order on him.. "oh, youll loose money if you want to try get the money back." @#%$ is that? He's had enough to deal with. :rolleyes
I honestly can't believe this. Lol @ calling the cops. Youre telling him to grow up? This isn't about the law getting involved, this is about someone that you used to consider a friend. Anytime someone comes at you, youve threatened to get the cops involved. Why? Because its your ONLY defense.

Even when you guys were friends, you still acted shady. T messed up his friendship with me b/c of some BS. He did something wrong when you and him were together, and YOU were the one that told me. Sorry, but i dont rat out my friends. Although it was nice of you to tell me what was going down, you still chose me over him. It has always seemed to be like this.

Youre REALLY talking like a fool, like some big shot.. "i copped this and that." I never thought that you could say something along those lines, cockyness is NOT a nice quality. Crazy Mike, crazy. :rolleyes
Youve changed.

his head gets put up against the wall of the booth we're eating in. homie screams for someone to call the cops. we get outside. he tried to call the cops but i tossed his phone.

I remember this. I wasnt there, but you hit me up, you were mad doggie.

I know now it's about the money. But when it comes down to it, its about principles and morals.. and you sir, have
Long story short, there was an influx of wannabeez, bandwagon sneaker-heads that invaded the Orlando sneaker scene and it imploded and died.

Amen Rishi, even though im not from Orlando.

Concerning what Rishi said:

You guys should stop beefin, cause last time i remember, Joe came to the Miami summit and stood in the corner quite as ever. People can talk SO much on the net, it makes me laugh. Oh yea, lets keep in mind, this is the kid that constantly bashes me.. why? For no reason.

Im super friendly and nice to everyone, yet i know a majority of these newer kids from O-town have something to say about me- as well as other people. Whether it was starting rumors at SC Miami, when i competed.. or coming to our summits. W/e. I know who the nice kids are. There are a handful of newer kids that are great too, but the scene up there is just so tense these days, especially with whats been going down with the older kids.

Everyone should drop the tension up in Orlando, and stop starting problems. Down here in Miami, we are welcoming to new and old kids.. if you have the love for shoes, thats good enough for me. If you have problems for specific reasons, its super easy to just IGNORE that person, and leave it at that.This drama is ruining it for everyone.

Shouts to T, Chris, Ness, Rishi, Will, & Matt.
israel Chai.
And you guys should stop beefin, cause last time i remember, Joe came to the Miami summit and stood in the corner quite as ever. People can talk SO much on the net, it makes me laugh. Oh yea, lets keep in mind, this is the kid that constantly bashes me.. why? For no reason.

Wait, when did I ever say your name? :\

And the reason I didn't talk to many of the people was because I only knew a select few of the people at the summit. :\

Joe, im talking about the past. I havent spoken to you since.

If people aren't going to be nice to me, im not going to be rude back, ill just cut you off. And i've done so. But when i joined a car forum recently, the rudeness continued over there too. And I STILL ignore it.
israel Chai.
After the summit and a few times before, you I.Med me often- at first you were nice- but then you started saying really rude things to me. On the forums, you always had some rude remark to me also. Im sure i didn't block you on AIM for no reason. Its beside me, ... im not trying to start anything now, kthanks<3.

ANYWAY, just like what Ness and Matt said.. lets get together, yea yea yea.
israel Chai.
Damn...R.I.P. the chance of ever having a freaking summit in the FL area... |I
this is sad that people can't just put @#%$ behind them...
Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

.. Well, I was never made aware of any of this. It's just one person. I had to say my piece because im just in awe that it went down.

But besides that, im down for a summit. Come to Miami, we do it best! =P
israel Chai.
I'm down for Miami...considering I've lived in Orlando my whole life and never been to Miami....lol
Ronco Knive Set

Oh btw...

I'm down for Miami...considering I've lived in Orlando my whole life and never been to Miami....lol

That's the truth! I told you that we've been needing to go down to Miami for the longest time. Summit would be a pretty valid reason, and we could stay the weekend too. :pimp:

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