Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

I see nothing wrong with it 

Men used to be called metrosexual in the early 2000s if they liked to take care of themselves appearance wise and had interest in fashion. 

Nowadays most men do care about their appearance, some just as much as women, especially teens growing up.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 10-15 years guys will be wearing skirts, dresses, blouses, and high heels like its no problem 

I see nothing wrong with it 

Men used to be called metrosexual in the early 2000s if they liked to take care of themselves appearance wise and had interest in fashion. 

Nowadays most men do care about their appearance, some just as much as women, especially teens growing up.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 10-15 years guys will be wearing skirts, dresses, blouses, and high heels like its no problem 

You wilin with that last paragraph b
Naw, Neek used to get clowned to bits when he started rocking skinny jeans, now look at the atmosphere. Not my style, but you never know what the youth will adopt as the next wave.
I wouldn't be surprised if lil man was playing with a barbie and she decided to put him in a dress and the whole nine.
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I see nothing wrong with it 

Men used to be called metrosexual in the early 2000s if they liked to take care of themselves appearance wise and had interest in fashion. 

Nowadays most men do care about their appearance, some just as much as women, especially teens growing up.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 10-15 years guys will be wearing skirts, dresses, blouses, and high heels like its no problem 

What does men caring about their appearance and fashion have to do with a 5 year old wearing a dress and a wig lol?
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Parents like this are idiots.

How you gona raise a lil boy to think its ok and normal to rock dresses and wigs.

You settin him up for failure.
is she forcing his hand tho? it seems like kids these days know what they want to be.
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In spots lik NYC la or sf this **** is already the norm. I doubt southern states or the midwest would ever get jiggy with this ****
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As sketchy as these things can be, i'm ok with lil man playing Magic Jr in a comfy home as opposed to the potential life of poverty and a child soldier. Her kid at the end of the day.
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