Chicago Bulls Season Thread 35-33 -- vs kings 3.21/3.23 vs knicks/3.24 knicks

I agree this was probably Roses best game this season aside from the Detroit game.

But his turnover in the last minute followed by a subsequent missed floater (which boggles me that he took that shot cause he drew all the defenders and had a wide open Pau on the right block for an easy layup) cost us the game.
It bothers me to no end that Rose keeps leaving his feet to throw these wild errant passes...this is basic fundamentals!! Never leave your feet to pass :smh:
For a guy who basically had two years to study tape and evolve into more of pass first conventional PG he still doesn't seem to show the court vision/awareness that he should've developed.

On a positive note it was good to see Niko gain some confidence.
I'll take it as a positive that rose played very well on a back to back.

All season the problem is not executing in crunch time. They fall apart in pressure situations.

Pau is at the point in his career where he needs to play 25 min a game. Painful to see him gassed every game in the 4th.
Every time Pooh has a good game I read/hear people say this was probably his best game of the season :lol:

He's actually had several really good games. If I were to pick a best game, I would say it was the first game vs OKC where he finished with 29pts, 6ast, and 5 rebs including closing the game out.

I'm all for a trade of Pau & Taj. Pau has already voiced his desires to test the market and I really don't believe he fits this team. I personally think that Portis makes Taj expendable, he has shown that he can score and can be a dog on the boards.
He's had several good games but they're sparatic and followed by mediocre to sub par performances....

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Like I stated before I thought that Detroit game was his best he put 34-8-4 (granted it took 4 OT's)
But he looked livelier than before and he attacked the rim....but he also got cooked by Jackson.
I don't need Rose to be the main scorer, God know he can't do it anymore, but I do want Rose to average more than 5 asst per.

I'm not much of a numbers or anylitics type guy, I like to look at the games and see the lil x-factors. Is a guy putting in extra work, working for the rebounds, playing extra hard on the defensive end, making that extra pass.

As much as I liked the Pau signing it hurt the team in the sense that it took JO out of his rhythm and the two never really figured out how to play together (JO also got hit by injuries to boost). I feel that it also hurt Taj. He had put in a lot of work cleaning up for Booz and when his time finally came to start after we shipped Booz, we kinda treated Taj like the red headed step child and told him to take a back seat to Pau and then Niko.

As far as I'm concerned it's time to turn the page, start over. Guys will not play for Fred, he hasn't earned they're respect and it shows.
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Every time Pooh has a good game I read/hear people say this was probably his best game of the season :lol:

He's actually had several really good games. If I were to pick a best game, I would say it was the first game vs OKC where he finished with 29pts, 6ast, and 5 rebs including closing the game out.

I'm all for a trade of Pau & Taj. Pau has already voiced his desires to test the market and I really don't believe he fits this team. I personally think that Portis makes Taj expendable, he has shown that he can score and can be a dog on the boards.

agree with all this

the okc game was great & the dallas g was given away

pau/taj/tony are on their last days in red & black

With the Bulls mired in a three-game skid in advance of Friday's matinee against the Thunder, Paxson said he wished Jimmy Butler  had kept his comments about Fred Hoibergin house, acknowledged Hoiberg has a learning curve while praising his performance and said trade talks are quiet for now.

Here are other highlights:

On Butler's comments

You never like to see any of your laundry aired publicly. I know it’s more difficult in this day and age. Jimmy, the hope would’ve been he would’ve addressed it head on with Fred, the staff, teammates. Since that time, both Fred and Jimmy spoke. We talked to both Fred and Jimmy about it. The hard thing now is the (second) game after this will be a nationally televised game on Christmas Day and that will be a huge storyline. My feeling is that as long as it’s been addressed, which it was, and the parties are there to move on, it will be OK. When you lose and our schedule not getting any easier, it’s very easy for anyone to point fingers. But the reality is what you have to do and what you have to understand is if you’re not in this thing together, then you might as well not be in at all. The team is always most important, comes first. And our group has to rally around one another. Yes, we made a coaching change. Fred has a lot to learn. He’ll acknowledge that. We all will. The system that he wants to implement offensively is taking some time to really come to fruition. And when you don’t have certain players in terms of spacing the floor like Dunleavy -- and that’s not an excuse it’s just our reality -- that can slow the process as well. My feeling is it’s been addressed. You don’t want it to happen again. You have to understand the big picture in this and we have to learn from it and move on.

On Derrick Rose


 Photos of the Bulls' No. 1 pick in the 2008 draft.

Derrick is still trying to find his way. He has shown some flashes this year. I thought the other night, even though we lost to Brooklyn, for two-and-a-half quarters, his push and pace up the floor were more of what we need to see. . . . He’s been through a lot. It didn’t help when one hour into our first preseason practice this year, he got hit in the eye and broke that bone and was out for all of camp. He has had some bad luck along with all the major injuries. Derrick like a lot of guys needs to be more consistent. That’s not a revelation. He has shown some flashes. But he has to do things at a higher level for us to be successful. That goes to a lot of our guys right now.

On Hoiberg


Photos of the 19th coach in franchise history (and former Bulls player).

Fred is doing fine. And he’s gotta keep reinforcing what he wants out on the floor. The challenge for all coaches is just that. You have a vision of how you want to play. You use the practice floor to show players that vision and what you expect from them. Every guy has a personality. I played for Phil Jackson. He sat most of the game. He was laid back but intense. You see some coaches who are up and down, maniacs on the sideline. A lot of it is your personality. I learned a lot from Phil in that he tried to show calm so that when you were in pressure situations, you could look over there and see somebody under control. I found that to be effective. I believe that. The last thing as a player that you need when there’s stressful situations is to look to the sidelines and there’s a guy over there going nuts. I see that in college all the time. The college coaches have such a latitude in terms of their sideline behavior. They’re given free reign to run on the floor, act crazy. If I was a player, I’d look over there and see that and I’d feel personally that would be a detriment to how you react. Every coach has his own personality. You can’t be something you’re not. Fred is a young coach. He has a lot to learn. I think the biggest challenge always is to create the vision you want for your team, lay it out and practice it every day, reinforce the things you want. And then the players have to get on the floor and play the way that you envision.

On whether Butler's leadership style is right

For now, maybe it's best Jimmy Butler leads troubling Bulls by example

There’s too much talk of leadership and those type of things around our team right now. The reality is -- and you’re right: I played with some real strong personalities -- when you’re a player, you have to understand you’re in a team sport. You’re working with other individuals. But the first priority is yourself. You have to take care of yourself and have yourself ready as an individual to compete at the highest level. You also have to understand that leadership is done in a lot of different ways. And the best way to do it is by going out and doing your job every single day. Going out and showing your teammates you’re invested in them and the team. And sometimes, words and trying to be a vocal type of person, that’s really not what’s important. What’s important is you’re there every day to show them that you’re about the group and you’re going to do whatever you can to be about the group. Sometimes that means you have to sacrifice a bit too. Our situation this year is different. Some roles have been changed. Jimmy has grown into a lot of different roles for our team. He’s obviously our best player at this time. When you think about what he gives us every night on both ends of the floor, the amount of energy he expends and his commitment, that to me, that example is enough. But there’s no question we have long way to go as far as coming together as a group. We obviously aren’t playing real well right now.

On Mike Dunleavy's injury

We kind of got caught because this thing didn’t arise until right before training camp. It’s been probably an underpublicized issue with our team. Mike is a veteran. Obviously, he’s got some toughness to him. He can shoot the basketball. Last year, he missed 19 games for us and we were only 9-10 in those games. So he has a big impact and especially when you make changes with your staff like we did. The fact he wasn’t available since Day One and not here for the first two months, it has hurt as well.

On Tony Snell's performance

We’ve given Tony Snell an opportunity. And Tony has had a few moments but to be very candid, he has needed to play better and with some more consistency. That’s not been the case. As you saw the last game, Fred went with a little different lineup and Tony didn’t even play. Young guys need to take advantage of their opportunities. We need Tony to step up and do that on occasion.

On fans' anger and trade possibilities

Fans have that right. We’re sitting here and trying to look at ways all the time to improve our team. Our reality is that right now we have a really high payroll. Let’s face it: When Derrick got hurt in 2011, the dynamic of our team changed. We tried to put some pieces together waiting for him to come back. And his game is still trying to come along again. It’s been a tough process for all of us. We’re looking at everything. If at some point we feel like we need to make some changes, do something different with the roster, we talk to teams all the time. I know Gar is on the phone with teams every day. If there’s a way to do something different as we look at this, we certainly will. But you need two partners to get something going. And right now there’s not a lot of stuff going on this time of year. But it will all pick up as we get towards February and we’ll have a better idea about our team by then. Hopefully Mike and Jo are back and we can see if this group can find some sort of rhythm.

Just because we haven’t done something in the past doesn’t mean we won’t do it. We’ve made some deals at the deadline several years back. The last three or four years, we sit in a room with our coach and talk about our roster and when everybody thinks to seem we have a chance with that group, you tend to stay with it. We have individual pieces that we like. Right now, it just doesn’t seem to be meshing the way that you’d like. And we’ve had inconsistency. Some of the guys we need to shoot from deep better aren’t shooting a great percentage. And we need more of that. Some guys we need to step up and play defensively aren’t consistent. The one thing I think we may be lack as much as anything is just kind of a toughness to us. And I think that a guy like (Bobby) Portis can give us some of that, someone who is willing to stand in there and give some blows. As I watch our team this year, we seem to be the ones taking the blow as opposed to giving it. That’s not to say you’re playing a dirty style of basketball. But it’s still a physical game. And you can’t always be reacting to play. We need individuals to kind of look at themselves and play better individually and I think that will help our entire situation.

was coming back to post this... exactly why I said tonys days are numbered... his experiment might be over in chicago


The one thing I think we may be lack as much as anything is just kind of a toughness to us. And I think that a guy like (Bobby) Portis can give us some of that, someone who is willing to stand in there and give some blows. As I watch our team this year, we seem to be the ones taking the blow as opposed to giving it. That’s not to say you’re playing a dirty style of basketball. But it’s still a physical game. And you can’t always be reacting to play. We need individuals to kind of look at themselves and play better individually and I think that will help our entire situation.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah....
God I hope Gar and Pax's days are numbered.

Appreciate the article abematic abematic .

Sadly it said nothing of relevance or something we didn't already know.
The only thing I took out of it has been the lack of toughness that was evident since the season started and Fred rolled out his choir boy line up.
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Fosho SLP

I also agreed with what Paxon said about Butler's Leadership role in the locker room. 

Butler has been obsessed with this leadership thing ever since summertime. 

So this definitely helps. 

Lol man

Portis and Brooks.

Those three helped propelled the team.

Rose get a,good rest.
Black Tony & OG Bobby!

Pooh with 20 & 4 on 27mins. Hasn't touched the floor the entire 4th qtr until the 1 min mark :lol:
The squad has been better as of late (especially Rose). Hopefully this means they have turned the corner. I'll hold my breath though.

Good to see BP out there playing well. Although seeing a #5 jersey makes me think about Boozer :x :lol:
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Missed the game last night due to my championship game in FF.

Just checked out the highlights and box scores.
Jimmy has to realize this is part of the territory you take when you want to be "THE MAN".
All that yapping and chest puffin will come back to bite you when you under perform...he has to look no further than Rose to see what happens.
Missed the game last night due to my championship game in FF.

Just checked out the highlights and box scores.
Jimmy has to realize this is part of the territory you take when you want to be "THE MAN".
All that yapping and chest puffin will come back to bite you when you under perform...he has to look no further than Rose to see what happens.

Read that last night, the narrative is definitely changing.
The Rookie treatment is something first-year players have to get adjusted to, particularly from officials as the players begin to think they’re being targeted—often to the point of paranoia.

But when an official from halfcourt calls a foul on what the league will likely deem a flopping violation, Bobby Portis has every right to get the “crazy eyes” and talk about a lack of fair treatment.

Here’s looking at you, Kyle Lowry, who acted as if he were shot from a cannon when Portis grabbed a rebound and Lowry flung for the ball, barely making contact with Portis’ elbow that wasn’t extended.

It drew an offensive foul on Portis and gave the Raptors a little bit of life midway through the fourth as they were desperate for a late comeback in the Bulls’ 104-97 win Monday.

“I think he flopped,” Portis said. “I kinda got the rebound and I hit him a little bit. It’s the way he reacted, I don’t think it was a foul.”

But after the momentary frustration subsided, the rookie scored on a cut to the basket while being fouled, restoring a double-digit lead and playing crucial, valuable minutes in a win he felt was necessary.

“I feel like our team needed this for a confidence boost,” Portis said. “It’s a long season and we needed the positive energy.”

Portis scored 12 points and grabbed nine rebounds in 27 minutes of run, his fifth straight game where he’s played consistent minutes. Fans have been crying for the energetic first-round pick to get some playing time but it took Joakim Noah’s shoulder injury to create some room for Fred Hoiberg to use him.

And now, Hoiberg’s going to have to keep Portis on the floor because he’s so effective, even when Noah returns.

“He’s not afraid of the moment that’s for sure,” the Bulls coach said. “To be 20 years old and go out there, big minutes against Oklahoma City in a game on Christmas Day on ABC, it shows you what the kid’s makeup is all about. The kid’s got no concern, just thrives and has all kinds of confidence. You love to see that. He’s not gonna back down from anybody.”

Hoiberg said Portis grabbed “some grown-man rebounds” down there, a nod to the growing toughness forged by practicing against the likes of Noah and Taj Gibson every day.

“It’s a wonderful thing,” Gibson said. “Bobby’s one of those guys, he’s a young guy but he’s so eager. He challenges you every day in practice. It’s like going against one of those old Boston Celtics.”

Sitting and waiting hasn’t been the easiest, especially with the Bulls lacking energy plenty of nights and other members of Portis’ rookie class getting the opportunities to play and play through mistakes.

“I can be patient. I haven’t had to wait on my turn since high school,” Portis said. “It’s the next stepping stone of my career, and I’m just being patient. And I’ve harped on it. It’s came and now I’ll keep working to be the best I can for this ball club.”

And one thing Portis is not, is bashful. When he’s out there, he’s looking for his shot and post-ups. He plants himself on the block and has a comfort level with a right-handed jump hook he executed twice to perfection in the second quarter, when he and Aaron Brooks combined to score the first 19 points, erasing a nine-point deficit.

“He’s still a rookie and he’s gonna make mistakes,” Gibson said. “Even if you know it, you have to put it in his head to be aggressive.”

He kept asking Gibson questions throughout the game about matchups and angles, and kept taking advantage, earning Hoiberg’s trust to the point of playing big minutes in the fourth when the energetic Bulls ran away from the Raptors while the vets sat on the bench.

“It’s at an even keel,” said Portis of his demeanor. “I’m not where I need to be or where I want to be. I just let the game come to me. It’s just picking the defense.”

“Offensively I wanna bring aggression. Post up, shoot, pass the ball. Blocking shots, rebounding. Rebounding has always come to me, I can do that at a high level.”

And with that, he’s become a valuable asset for the Bulls, not just for the future but the present as well.
Heard Jimmy left without talking to the media last night... Growing Pains :smh:

Missed the game last night due to my championship game in FF.

Just checked out the highlights and box scores.
Jimmy has to realize this is part of the territory you take when you want to be "THE MAN".
All that yapping and chest puffin will come back to bite you when you under perform...he has to look no further than Rose to see what happens.

Read that last night, the narrative is definitely changing.

def a bit of sour grapes atm for jb... we gon get right tho
Is it a coincidence that the offense has looked more fluid with Jimmy taking less shots the past few games?
Is it a coincidence that the offense has looked more fluid with Jimmy taking less shots the past few games?

less of those pound the air out the ball possessions & making a shot good or bad situations is def BETTER for the squad.... they need to figure out some real balance
I actually think that works good for the Bulls. Jimmy has become a ball stopper up until last night game. 

Once the 3rd quarter started, Hoiberg started to run a bunch of consecutive plays for Butler but he couldn't muster anything. 
At this point, I'm running with Portis over Mirotic. 

Portis SHOULD take Mirotic minutes. 
That 4th quarter 

I think D.Rose is starting to get his rhythm back if he can be 85% of what he was, we'll be dangerous. 

Tony Snell has to be aggressive like that each night. 

Jimmy and Pau tend to be ball stoppers. They got to get Jimmy moving off the ball and have him make quick decisions. 

The ball movement was pretty decent with the second unit.  

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