Church of satan and the music industry

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

When Silly Putty writes his spiderman bible and it becomes a major religion a million years from now, people will reference the many historical figures he mentions in his spiritual text as evidence of its truth

Newer religions are always ridiculed, eg when scientology first started, but then again Mormonism is a relatively new religion and today it is fast growing- Joseph Smith is a historical figure when Silly Putty's religion takes of he too will be a historical figure

Just a thought
A stupid thought.
These are well known kings of nations, which once ruled the globe.

They had also had ancient "superheros" personified through elaborate myths, media and artwork in their time.

The delineation is clear.

It's a stupid thought if you don't get it, my point was simply that historical figured do not validate one's religion but maybe that was a bit much to process I apologize
Originally Posted by CDUNK

sillyputty wrote:

I'm currently in the process of re-reading the book; the first time I read it was 8 years ago. I guess we'll debate it another day.  

...don't waste your time...but I applaud the effort. 
I've been reading a little of each of the major religious books from time to load up on bad arguments. 

Honestly, if you really want to be consistent, you would study all other religions and their most popular books and authors.

sillyputty wrote:

BTW, everything else considered, I'd like to think I'm being nice to everyone. I address points as made and I try to do so thoroughly. I aim to not really use any sort of negative tone towards anyone and if me asking questions or framing statements offends people then I don't accept responsibility for that. I'm sorry if it upsets you, but its not my intention of doing so.

Yeah, but that's like saying, "Your mother's a slandering prostitute, I'm just stating facts.  She slept with John, Sam, and Sally for money, and she lied to me about when she would give me money."  Who wouldn't be mad at you saying that, even if all of it is true?  Surely you do realize religion is a touchy subject for most, and I'm sure you can understand the resulting anger when you equate believing in God to believing in Spiderman.  So my point is, yes, I understand that you like to question people's beliefs by using the ridiculousness of the existence of Spiderman to the ridiculousness of God to illustrate your point, but maybe in the bigger picture you should do it another way to illustrate your points so emotions don't get involved too much.  

I agree with you and I completely see what you're saying...

...but you see, nothing i've done actually really does what you're saying...I'm not calling them any names...I'm just trying to make equivocations. 

I'm trying to be as inoffensive as I can be, while asking certain questions. 

But the question is, who are they to invalidate my belief in Spiderman? 

Thats how I view religion. They view religion more passionately. Thats not my fault. Its like asking me to respect your girlfriend, who i've never met. Thats just not going to happen. I don't view her the same way that you do. It would be NICE...but its not something that should be expected.

I don't automatically grant people or ideas respect. Thats earned. Having an opinion for the sake of having one, doesn't make it equally valid. 

sillyputty wrote:

Furthermore, I stopped replying to that thread in the diamond thing because I hit my post-count and I had nothing else to really say. I explained myself in entirety about 4 different times and explained that I had done so in that very thread.

Religious people seem to think that "challenging" them means that you're being "mean" to them. There are no flames in here, nor are there any arguments made against individuals themselves. Everything being discussed is ideology and belief. If people can't separate themselves from what they believe to offer assessments of it or to introduce levels of introspection, then thats an issue they need to take up with themselves.

I agree that we should consistently be examining ourselves, religious or not.  But Meth does make good points; there is another way to do it.  You can't just go around doing what you're doing and not take responsibility for it.  

I don't think Meth thinks I do, but I really do agree with him on most things...

I just think that unfortunately religious people tend to get more leeway in expressing themselves than non-believers do...but we face far more backlash.

I think the fact still remains though, no one can offend you or upset you more than you let them. 

But again, I agree wholeheartedly with what you're saying.

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

I love the spiderman defense because Stan lee says spiderman is real even though he clearly says he is a fictional character that is the dumbest defense ever I'd wish you stop using it because it makes you look dumb its waste of my time even addressing your beloved response.
There is more evidence for spiderman existing than there is for any character of the bible.

And since Stan Lee is real... 

Spiderman must be, right?

Whats funny is that you use the SAME level of skepticism to ascertain that Spiderman is not real (in your dirty little infidel mind 
) but don't apply it to your own religious bias.


Check this out folk....

The empty can rattles the loudest...

Your ramble sooo much in these religious threads, the ignorant may actually think that you know what you're talking about...but that's clearly not the case.

I'm not even a Christian and I don't think that the Bible is the infallible word of God....but peep this:

Isaiah 37: 9 -10

" Now Sennacherib received a report that Tirhakah, the king of Cush..."

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Thats Sennacherib...[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]That's Taharka...[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There is more tangible evidence of these "characters" (real people) existing, than there will ever be proof of your menial existence.[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There are a slew of unquestionably real historical figures in the Bible.[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Come on son...[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Thats funny...because the bible literally stole most of the iconography and mythology from prior religions. 

Your Point = Fail

Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Silly, Anton and Noskey

What are your thoughts on the afterlife? We die and that's it?
Do you have a reason to think something else beyond that? 

Or are you just going to keep speculating stuff you can't prove one way or another because you're scared something crazy will happen in the party of life and you won't be there to see it?

So yes. As far as I know, no one has been back to tell us. 
laugh.gif I dont know...and frankly don't care. 

Any conclusion I reach is a guess so, who cares?

Do you think all plants go to heaven too?

Its selfish to think that only humans get to go, right?

See I never really believed in a specific religion. At best I always assumed their stories all originated in the same place and the so called "word" has 
been distorted over the years, kinda like the telephone game you play as a kid. Add to it power hungry individuals seeking a tool for manipulation and 
it's just not something I can get behind.

Interesting thought.
However, once you realize that the original premises might be false, then anything that builds on that multiplies the orders of irrationality thus creating something so bewildering it could never be true.

But hey, thats why I got my faith in Spiderman...cause none of those other religions have the right idea.


That said, I have had experiences in my life that lead me to believe there is an afterlife.

Stuff you can't explain is just that.
If you can't explain it, then move on...don't just make stuff up.

Can there be an afterlife without a god?

I don't know. 
Can there be sex without foreplay? 

Can there be peanut-butter with no jelly? 

How do you even answer this? 

Isn't the realm of an afterlife a higher power in itself? Is this all just semantics?

Seems like you just answered that with your latter question.
Is it possible or plausible that there could in fact be a god but that it's just not what we have been told.

Are you aware of what you're doing?
Everything you've said is a guess...a prediction...a speculation.

I can imagine perfectly sculpted women who feed me grapes in my dreams...but its all a speculation dude. Anything is free to conjure up.

But you can't prove it in any direction to any who cares? 

At a certain point you have to stop speculating and put things to the test. If it doesn't hold up then you gotta drop the idea...especially if there is no evidence. 

I'm not telling you to stop dreaming, but you've gotta know when to draw the line and have a standard for accepting things as fact...otherwise everything is possible because nothing could ever be shown to be wrong.

All the various stories of god could be completely BS and yet there could still be a god.

Well sure.
can you prove this though?

I don't personally say: "There is no god"

I simply say that I don't believe in a god AND I don't know if a god exists. 

There isn't any evidence to suggest that this is so.

There could be a sixth sense humans have...but there is no proof of this so, we can't subscribe to the claim until we can back it up.

Perhaps god can't be explained with words or even comprehended by the human brain.

And perhaps the earth is actually an everlasting gobstopper in a giant box of other gobstoppers in a gas station. 

I myself believe there is a higher power or force in the universe.
What you "believe" doesn't make it more true, real, or valid. 
Whether that can be contained in a figurehead "god", or if it's my creator, 
or if it is deserving of any worship are all up in the air to me.

Well if its all up to you, just admit that you made it up and you play by your own rules...

Just don't front on us like this thing actually exists if it does only in your mind. 

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

When Silly Putty writes his spiderman bible and it becomes a major religion a million years from now, people will reference the many historical figures he mentions in his spiritual text as evidence of its truth

Newer religions are always ridiculed, eg when scientology first started, but then again Mormonism is a relatively new religion and today it is fast growing- Joseph Smith is a historical figure when Silly Putty's religion takes of he too will be a historical figure

Just a thought
A stupid thought.
These are well known kings of nations, which once ruled the globe.

They had also had ancient "superheros" personified through elaborate myths, media and artwork in their time.

The delineation is clear.


Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

After we die, if we fulfilled our duties on Earth we enter the next dimension, if we came up short, we're reincarnated and destined for another lifetime on Earth.
Oh really? 

Is this another guess or are you completely certain of this?

Since you're so sure, why aren't you telling everyone. I'm sure they could benefit from the good news. 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

When Silly Putty writes his spiderman bible and it becomes a major religion a million years from now, people will reference the many historical figures he mentions in his spiritual text as evidence of its truth

Newer religions are always ridiculed, eg when scientology first started, but then again Mormonism is a relatively new religion and today it is fast growing- Joseph Smith is a historical figure when Silly Putty's religion takes of he too will be a historical figure

Just a thought
Will you be his Muhammad?

I would be his Brophet Broses
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

When Silly Putty writes his spiderman bible and it becomes a major religion a million years from now, people will reference the many historical figures he mentions in his spiritual text as evidence of its truth

Newer religions are always ridiculed, eg when scientology first started, but then again Mormonism is a relatively new religion and today it is fast growing- Joseph Smith is a historical figure when Silly Putty's religion takes of he too will be a historical figure

Just a thought
A stupid thought.
These are well known kings of nations, which once ruled the globe.

They had also had ancient "superheros" personified through elaborate myths, media and artwork in their time.

The delineation is clear.
It's a stupid thought if you don't get it, my point was simply that historical figured do not validate one's religion but maybe that was a bit much to process I apologize

You tried to compare the plausibility of well known historical figures, having once existed, to that of spiderman.
No one was trying to validate religion. I even said that I don't subscribe to any religion nor do I believe the bible to be infallible.

Apology accepted for that outburst of stupidity. 
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

A stupid thought.
These are well known kings of nations, which once ruled the globe.

They had also had ancient "superheros" personified through elaborate myths, media and artwork in their time.

The delineation is clear.
It's a stupid thought if you don't get it, my point was simply that historical figured do not validate one's religion but maybe that was a bit much to process I apologize

You tried to compare the plausibility of well known historical figures, having once existed, to that of spiderman.
No one was trying to validate religion. I even said that I don't subscribe to any religion nor do I believe the bible to be infallible.

Apology accepted for that outburst of stupidity. 
Look Silly Putty exists, spiderman is fictional---do you get it now or should I dumb it down further

Muhammad existed, Jesus Christ existed, the Kings in the bible existed,  the Pharoah existed do you get it now?
sillyputty wrote:

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by sillyputty

There is more evidence for spiderman existing than there is for any character of the bible.

And since Stan Lee is real... 

Spiderman must be, right?

Whats funny is that you use the SAME level of skepticism to ascertain that Spiderman is not real (in your dirty little infidel mind 
) but don't apply it to your own religious bias.


Check this out folk....

The empty can rattles the loudest...

Your ramble sooo much in these religious threads, the ignorant may actually think that you know what you're talking about...but that's clearly not the case.

I'm not even a Christian and I don't think that the Bible is the infallible word of God....but peep this:

Isaiah 37: 9 -10

" Now Sennacherib received a report that Tirhakah, the king of Cush..."

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Thats Sennacherib...[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]That's Taharka...[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There is more tangible evidence of these "characters" (real people) existing, than there will ever be proof of your menial existence.[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There are a slew of unquestionably real historical figures in the Bible.[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Come on son...[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Thats funny...because the bible literally stole most of the iconography and mythology from prior religions. 

Your Point = Fail

Who is denying that the bible borrowed from "prior religions" ?

You implied that none of the characters in the bible were real when there are clearly real historical individuals in the bible. 

"Your Point = Fail".....Now we're gonna take it back to kindergarten when proven wrong? 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

It's a stupid thought if you don't get it, my point was simply that historical figured do not validate one's religion but maybe that was a bit much to process I apologize

You tried to compare the plausibility of well known historical figures, having once existed, to that of spiderman.
No one was trying to validate religion. I even said that I don't subscribe to any religion nor do I believe the bible to be infallible.

Apology accepted for that outburst of stupidity. 
Look Silly Putty exists, spiderman is fictional---do you get it now or should I dumb it down further

Muhammad existed, Jesus Christ existed, the Kings in the bible existed,  the Pharoah existed do you get it now?



Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by goldenchild9


Check this out folk....

The empty can rattles the loudest...

Your ramble sooo much in these religious threads, the ignorant may actually think that you know what you're talking about...but that's clearly not the case.

I'm not even a Christian and I don't think that the Bible is the infallible word of God....but peep this:

Isaiah 37: 9 -10

" Now Sennacherib received a report that Tirhakah, the king of Cush..."

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]That's Taharka...[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There is more tangible evidence of these "characters" (real people) existing, than there will ever be proof of your menial existence.[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]There are a slew of unquestionably real historical figures in the Bible.[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Come on son...[/font]

[font='Charis SIL', charis, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Thats funny...because the bible literally stole most of the iconography and mythology from prior religions. 

Your Point = Fail

Who is denying that the bible borrowed from "prior religions" ?

You implied that none of the characters in the bible were real when there are clearly real historical individuals in the bible. 

"Your Point = Fail".....Now we're gonna take it back to kindergarten when proven wrong? 

I said there is more evidence for Spiderman existing than "all" when I should have said "most" of the characters in the bible. 

Correction. You were right.

However, can you show me evidence of Jesus or any of the major biblical characters?

I mean Sherlock wasn't real, but does that mean London wasn't?

The bible, and all other religious texts are what we call Historical Fiction...

Marvel Comics however? ...completely the infallible word of Spiderman. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Thats funny...because the bible literally stole most of the iconography and mythology from prior religions. 

Your Point = Fail

Excluding the "New Testament," show me something where the passages in the bible are taken from a prior religion. 

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

It's a stupid thought if you don't get it, my point was simply that historical figured do not validate one's religion but maybe that was a bit much to process I apologize

You tried to compare the plausibility of well known historical figures, having once existed, to that of spiderman.
No one was trying to validate religion. I even said that I don't subscribe to any religion nor do I believe the bible to be infallible.

Apology accepted for that outburst of stupidity. 
Look Silly Putty exists, spiderman is fictional---do you get it now or should I dumb it down further

Muhammad existed, Jesus Christ existed, the Kings in the bible existed,  the Pharoah existed do you get it now?
Don't try to cover up a mistake by being more belligerent. 

Lets move past your silly outburst and not get derailed.

No one is going to confuse spiderman with George Bush, no matter how much Sillyputty's hypothetical religion takes off.

Next line of discussion...
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

You tried to compare the plausibility of well known historical figures, having once existed, to that of spiderman.
No one was trying to validate religion. I even said that I don't subscribe to any religion nor do I believe the bible to be infallible.

Apology accepted for that outburst of stupidity. 
Look Silly Putty exists, spiderman is fictional---do you get it now or should I dumb it down further

Muhammad existed, Jesus Christ existed, the Kings in the bible existed,  the Pharoah existed do you get it now?
Don't try to cover up a mistake by being more belligerent. 

Lets move past your silly outburst and not get derailed.

No one is going to confuse spiderman with George Bush, no matter how much Sillyputty's hypothetical religion takes off.

Next line of discussion...
My mistake? Where did I make a mistake?

BDW Silly putty I apologize for my blasphemy
Ok Anton...your comparison of King Taharka and the hypothetical future spiderman deity made total sense. You're right. 
Is your fragile cyber-ego at peace now?

And Sillyputty i'm not in the business of defending the historicity of Jesus, so I won't attempt to do that. Like I said, I am not Christian, nor do I believe in the bible's infallibility, I was just pointing out an erroneous statement.

My assertion is simply that spirituality is a real "internal science" and it would be wise for all of us to have a basic level of competency in it.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Ok Anton...your comparison of King Taharka and the hypothetical future spiderman deity made total sense. You're right. 
Is your fragile cyber-ego at peace now?

And Sillyputty i'm not in the business of defending the historicity of Jesus, so I won't attempt to do that. Like I said, I am not Christian, nor do I believe in the bible's infallibility, I was just pointing out an erroneous statement.

My assertion is simply that spirituality is a real "internal science" and it would be wise for all of us to have a basic level of competency in it.
OMGoodness, now I'm getting frustrated

I'm comparing spiderman to God NOT to historical figures, historical figures exist in the bible but there is non evidence of God's existence
Anyone with the most basic level of reading comprehension can see what my point was, you obviously missed it if you think I'm comparing spiderman to kings in the bible
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Atheism is a western construct for the most part.even the eastern aspects never divulged into full nihilistic western style atheism.india ,china,had some forms but they all died out or were deemed irrevelant. Atheism Is neither the solution or answer to the idea or concept of god or a higher beings it is mere,y a variable tossed in. We all know their are various planes of existence it would be stupid to say a higher being doesn't exist.I love the scientific atheist who says science is the end all be all and they subscribe to their theories as if they are commandments.
“In fact, "atheism" is a term that should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a "non-astrologer" or a "non-alchemist." We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive or that aliens have traversed the galaxy only to molest ranchers and their cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Ok Anton...your comparison of King Taharka and the hypothetical future spiderman deity made total sense. You're right. 
Is your fragile cyber-ego at peace now?

And Sillyputty i'm not in the business of defending the historicity of Jesus, so I won't attempt to do that. Like I said, I am not Christian, nor do I believe in the bible's infallibility, I was just pointing out an erroneous statement.

My assertion is simply that spirituality is a real "internal science" and it would be wise for all of us to have a basic level of competency in it.
OMGoodness, now I'm getting frustrated

I'm comparing spiderman to God NOT to historical figures, historical figures exist in the bible but there is non evidence of God's existence
Anyone with the most basic level of reading comprehension can see what my point was, you obviously missed it if you think I'm comparing spiderman to kings in the bible
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
I see what you're saying now.

I misinterpreted your statement...partly because it was an aside from what we were discussing.

The conversation between sillyputty and myself was not about the veracity of God, rather the historicity of biblical characters. 
sillyputty wrote:
...don't waste your time...but I applaud the effort. 
I've been reading a little of each of the major religious books from time to load up on bad arguments. 

Honestly, if you really want to be consistent, you would study all other religions and their most popular books and authors.

Not to learn, just to load up on argument material

You are a fascinating person.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Silly, Anton and Noskey

What are your thoughts on the afterlife? We die and that's it?
Do you have a reason to think something else beyond that? 

Or are you just going to keep speculating stuff you can't prove one way or another because you're scared something crazy will happen in the party of life and you won't be there to see it?

So yes. As far as I know, no one has been back to tell us. 
laugh.gif I dont know...and frankly don't care. 

Any conclusion I reach is a guess so, who cares?

Do you think all plants go to heaven too?

Its selfish to think that only humans get to go, right?

That was actually a question addressed to you and not any type of speculation on my part.  I wanted your opinion that's all.  Please keep in mind that
there is nothing I believe 100%, I am not adverse to changing what I do believe and am fully aware of the level of speculation contained therein.
I do have a reason but it is not something I can impart to you.  If I showed you fire for the first time ever you could say it exists, but
you would not be able to prove to others it existed unless I gave you the means to do so. 

The concept of heaven and hell is so obviously a product of the human mind that we don't need to bring that up anymore. Agreed?

[color= rgb(255, 153, 0)][/color]
See I never really believed in a specific religion. At best I always assumed their stories all originated in the same place and the so called "word" has 
been distorted over the years, kinda like the telephone game you play as a kid. Add to it power hungry individuals seeking a tool for manipulation and 
it's just not something I can get behind.

Interesting thought.

However, once you realize that the original premises might be false, then anything that builds on that multiplies the orders of irrationality thus creating something so bewildering it could never be true.

But hey, thats why I got my faith in Spiderman...cause none of those other religions have the right idea.

Well let's not go speculating on the validity of an unknown premise.  I know how you hate speculation. These stories could have literally meant anything at their inception.  As I said, AT BEST.  And in that best case scenario those stories just may be able to teach you something if read and understood in the right light, which is why I don't completely dismiss them.

That said, I have had experiences in my life that lead me to believe there is an afterlife.
If you can't explain it, then move on...don't just make stuff up.

I think the stuff we can't explain deserves more attention than the easily explained.  Don't make stuff up...but don't just move on.

Can there be an afterlife without a god?

I don't know. 
Can there be sex without foreplay? 

Can there be peanut-butter with no jelly? 

How do you even answer this? 

Isn't the realm of an afterlife a higher power in itself? Is this all just semantics?

Seems like you just answered that with your latter question.
Is it possible or plausible that there could in fact be a god but that it's just not what we have been told.

Are you aware of what you're doing?
Everything you've said is a guess...a prediction...a speculation.

I can imagine perfectly sculpted women who feed me grapes in my dreams...but its all a speculation dude. Anything is free to conjure up.

But you can't prove it in any direction to any who cares? 

At a certain point you have to stop speculating and put things to the test. If it doesn't hold up then you gotta drop the idea...especially if there is no evidence. 

I'm not telling you to stop dreaming, but you've gotta know when to draw the line and have a standard for accepting things as fact...otherwise everything is possible because nothing could ever be shown to be wrong.

There is very little that I accept as fact so I think my standards are pretty high in that area.  Just exactly where are all these tests being done that aren't holding
up?  I think it is valid to question the extent of knowledge and capability of these so called testers.  There are phenomenon that occur regularly in nature that cannot be explained through scientific testing.  Are they illusions all in our head or is our method not advanced enough?

All the various stories of god could be completely BS and yet there could still be a god.

Well sure.
can you prove this though?

I don't personally say: "There is no god"

I simply say that I don't believe in a god AND I don't know if a god exists. 

There isn't any evidence to suggest that this is so.

There could be a sixth sense humans have...but there is no proof of this so, we can't subscribe to the claim until we can back it up.

A very familiar trend in your responses is a tendency to "not care" about what you can't "prove".  I still find the topic relevant despite the lack of physical proof.
Proof comes from inquiry, not a close minded, hard-lined stance that  there is nothing more than what has already been physically proven.  If any kind of proof of a higher purpose or meaning to life  ever comes to us humans I don't imagine it is going to come from us sitting around completely ambivalent waiting for an external source of proof.

Perhaps god can't be explained with words or even comprehended by the human brain.

And perhaps the earth is actually an everlasting gobstopper in a giant box of other gobstoppers in a gas station. 

I myself believe there is a higher power or force in the universe.
What you "believe" doesn't make it more true, real, or valid. 
Whether that can be contained in a figurehead "god", or if it's my creator, 
or if it is deserving of any worship are all up in the air to me.

Well if its all up to you, just admit that you made it up and you play by your own rules...

Just don't front on us like this thing actually exists if it does only in your mind. 

Perhaps you are used to dealing with complete idiots but I don't need a reminder that what I believe is not absolute truth.  Thank you though.
I think you may need a reminder that because you find a particular subject lacking in physical proof that doesn't make it any less true.
The world did used to be flat afterall.

You are very presumptuous in your responses.  I think that is something you should work on.  I don't think I have all the answers, nor do
I believe much of what you ascribed to me.   I would also say that I don't know if god exists, I think any intelligent person should eventually come to this conclusion.

When you say "god" doesn't exist, are you referring to the god that sent his only son jesus christ to die for our sins?  Is that the god that doesn't exist?
Or are you saying that there is no thing above and beyond our capability as a humans?  A higher power so to speak.  That humans are the highest power?
I think that much needs to be clarified before anything else.

AntonLaVey wrote:
I believe in the possibility of a more intelligent being that created and manipulates humans afterall humans are technically "Gods" on this planet, I also believe that said higher being may in fact have a God of its own----all speculation, no evidence and unlike religious people I will not try to pass it off as fact

That's more in line with what I believe than the typical religious mind frame. One would be a fool to try to pass it off as fact.  You would have to posses that higher power in order to pass it off as your fact.  Could it ever be passed off to you or I as fact, that's the root of my argument.  Is that a futile pursuit?

As a follow up.  If I can assume you are at least a passive follower of the cos based on your name, do you feel the objectives and ideals of the man in the original video as
well as other leaders of the group are desirable for society as a whole?  Are these the type of leaders you would like to see to guide this society in the direction you feel is best?
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

AntonLaVey wrote:
I believe in the possibility of a more intelligent being that created and manipulates humans afterall humans are technically "Gods" on this planet, I also believe that said higher being may in fact have a God of its own----all speculation, no evidence and unlike religious people I will not try to pass it off as fact
That's more in line with what I believe than the typical religious mind frame. One would be a fool to try to pass it off as fact.  You would have to posses that higher power in order to pass it off as your fact.  Could it ever be passed off to you or I as fact, that's the root of my argument.  Is that a futile pursuit?

As a follow up.  If I can assume you are at least a passive follower of the cos based on your name, do you feel the objectives and ideals of the man in the original video as
well as other leaders of the group are desirable for society as a whole?  Are these the type of leaders you would like to see to guide this society in the direction you feel is best?

Why would I agree with the ideas of the man in the original video, I'm not a racist or a fascist
Human beings are relatively easy to control, you don't need frequencies and symbolism to control people-all you need to do is create a common enemy (eg Satan or terrorists) and keep them in fear (go to hell if you don't believe or terrorists will eat your children if you don't go along with this war)
On the real topic trust me occultism has some reality to it hitler was heavy into it along with science operation paperclip just didn't get scientist they got the occult users too
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

Silly, Anton and Noskey

What are your thoughts on the afterlife? We die and that's it?
Do you have a reason to think something else beyond that? 

Or are you just going to keep speculating stuff you can't prove one way or another because you're scared something crazy will happen in the party of life and you won't be there to see it?

So yes. As far as I know, no one has been back to tell us. 
laugh.gif I dont know...and frankly don't care. 

Any conclusion I reach is a guess so, who cares?

Do you think all plants go to heaven too?

Its selfish to think that only humans get to go, right?

That was actually a question addressed to you and not any type of speculation on my part.  I wanted your opinion that's all.  Please keep in mind that
there is nothing I believe 100%, I am not adverse to changing what I do believe and am fully aware of the level of speculation contained therein.

[color= rgb(255, 153, 0)][/color]

You don't believe in anything 100%? But you think you know what happens to you after death? Way to keep your options open.

I do have a reason but it is not something I can impart to you.

 So don't get mad when I shrug you off completely.
That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

 If I showed you fire for the first time ever you could say it exists, but
you would not be able to prove to others it existed unless I gave you the means to do so.

Again, that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.   

Un fair? Well thats tough. 
No one will believe anything you say unless they have a reason to.
The concept of heaven and hell is so obviously a product of the human mind that we don't need to bring that up anymore. Agreed?

But the concept of the "afterlife" is something you still want to believe in right?
Way to be consistent. 

See I never really believed in a specific religion. At best I always assumed their stories all originated in the same place and the so called "word" has 
been distorted over the years, kinda like the telephone game you play as a kid. Add to it power hungry individuals seeking a tool for manipulation and 
it's just not something I can get behind.

Interesting thought.

However, once you realize that the original premises might be false, then anything that builds on that multiplies the orders of irrationality thus creating something so bewildering it could never be true.

But hey, thats why I got my faith in Spiderman...cause none of those other religions have the right idea.

Well let's not go speculating on the validity of an unknown premise.  I know how you hate speculation. These stories could have literally meant anything at their inception.  As I said, AT BEST.  And in that best case scenario those stories just may be able to teach you something if read and understood in the right light, which is why I don't completely dismiss them. 


you're speculating on what the stories even mean, if they mean anything at all.

Just admit you really dont even know. Whats worse is that, you go BEYOND speculation and readily admit that you believe in the higher powers suggested by these things...but not the stories themselves.

You're not even TRYING to be consistent here. 
That said, I have had experiences in my life that lead me to believe there is an afterlife.

Stuff you can't explain is just that.
If you can't explain it, then move on...don't just make stuff up.

I think the stuff we can't explain deserves more attention than the easily explained.  Don't make stuff up...but don't just move on. 

I didn't say "don't move on" I said that if you cant support it, then you're wasting your time ACCEPTING it.

Never stop trying to prove things.

However, don't accept things on poor evidence.

I don't cling to things I can't prove or that I don't think I can support.

You not only cling to things you can't prove, but you already believe in them. Thats not being consistent. You can never be wrong about something if you think that way.

Is it possible or plausible that there could in fact be a god but that it's just not what we have been told.

Are you aware of what you're doing?
Everything you've said is a guess...a prediction...a speculation.

I can imagine perfectly sculpted women who feed me grapes in my dreams...but its all a speculation dude. Anything is free to conjure up.

But you can't prove it in any direction to any who cares? 

At a certain point you have to stop speculating and put things to the test. If it doesn't hold up then you gotta drop the idea...especially if there is no evidence. 

I'm not telling you to stop dreaming, but you've gotta know when to draw the line and have a standard for accepting things as fact...otherwise everything is possible because nothing could ever be shown to be wrong.

There is very little that I accept as fact so I think my standards are pretty high in that area.  Just exactly where are all these tests being done that aren't holding
up?  I think it is valid to question the extent of knowledge and capability of these so called testers.  There are phenomenon that occur regularly in nature that cannot be explained through scientific testing.  Are they illusions all in our head or is our method not advanced enough?

No, actually you're not being consistent, so in my eyes, your standards for accepting things is pretty low. You accept that a higher power exists, but your only proof is "feeling"

Well i'm sorry, that doesn't cut it for me. 

I again never said to STOP testing things. I said that its unreasonable to ACCEPT things that aren't proven. Thats exactly what you're doing.

Also, just because we don't know the answer to something NOW doesn't mean we never will. 

I bet when you figure something out then it won't be "advanced" enough for you then, will it? But since you don't know it now then its "out of our realm"...seriously. Just stop. 

All the various stories of god could be completely BS and yet there could still be a god.

Well sure.

can you prove this though?

I don't personally say: "There is no god"

I simply say that I don't believe in a god AND I don't know if a god exists. 

There isn't any evidence to suggest that this is so.

There could be a sixth sense humans have...but there is no proof of this so, we can't subscribe to the claim until we can back it up.

A very familiar trend in your responses is a tendency to "not care" about what you can't "prove".  I still find the topic relevant despite the lack of physical proof. 
Proof comes from inquiry, not a close minded, hard-lined stance that  there is nothing more than what has already been physically proven.  If any kind of proof of a higher purpose or meaning to life  ever comes to us humans I don't imagine it is going to come from us sitting around completely ambivalent waiting for an external source of proof. 

Now you want to be intellectually consistent and rational...only when YOU want to cling to something. 

You want to have proof of a higher power...but you don't want to search for physical proof of it. 

PLEASE explain how that makes sense to you.

Perhaps god can't be explained with words or even comprehended by the human brain.

And perhaps the earth is actually an everlasting gobstopper in a giant box of other gobstoppers in a gas station. 

I myself believe there is a higher power or force in the universe.

What you "believe" doesn't make it more true, real, or valid. 
Whether that can be contained in a figurehead "god", or if it's my creator, 
or if it is deserving of any worship are all up in the air to me.

Well if its all up to you, just admit that you made it up and you play by your own rules...

Just don't front on us like this thing actually exists if it does only in your mind. 

Perhaps you are used to dealing with complete idiots but I don't need a reminder that what I believe is not absolute truth.  Thank you though.
I think you may need a reminder that because you find a particular subject lacking in physical proof that doesn't make it any less true.
The world did used to be flat afterall. 

You just admitted to making up your own god in your head but then refuse to admit that your god only exists to YOU. It doesn't exist outside of what you think that god is. Its a mental construct you've created just so happens your "god" has the same name as everyone elses "god" 

I'm aware the lacking physical proof doesn't make something X-Rays. But we have developed methods of detecting them, tracking them, and manipulating them. 

Where is ANY proof for a higher power? 

And no, even the Greeks knew the world was round...we kinda slipped into a dark age where the church went full-****** and a bunch of knowledge was lost. 

You are very presumptuous in your responses.  I think that is something you should work on.  I don't think I have all the answers, nor do
I believe much of what you ascribed to me.   I would also say that I don't know if god exists, I think any intelligent person should eventually come to this conclusion.
Presumptuous about answers you've provided verbatim? 
Thats rich... 

You admit that you dont know if a god exists...but you still believe in a god that exists. So if you're not sure then why do you believe in it? 


When you say "god" doesn't exist, are you referring to the god that sent his only son jesus christ to die for our sins?  Is that the god that doesn't exist? 
Or are you saying that there is no thing above and beyond our capability as a humans?  A higher power so to speak.  That humans are the highest power?
I think that much needs to be clarified before anything else. 

I don't care which god you're talking about.
None of them have been proven to exist. None.



I didn't say there is nothing higher than us. "higher" is a relative term. We only see limited amounts of the visible light spectrum. We can't move that fast. We have soft skin. We're pretty weak beings. 

Its funny that for being presumptuous, you have the tendency to some how ask questions and use them as lead-ins for other unsubstantiated claims...its just a snowball of assertions to unparalleled heights. 

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

On the real topic trust me occultism has some reality to it hitler was heavy into it along with science operation paperclip just didn't get scientist they got the occult users too

Do you all even really read the first hand stuff or do you skim it?

I don't even know where you got the "occult" from

Operation Paperclip was not about the occult. It was an effort to gather german and foreign enemy scientists and use their knowledge to promote our own agendas domestically, such as our space program. The germans made massive head-ways in rocketry and other defense systems and we felt it would be a waste to let all that knowledge slide by. 
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