Cigarette Smokers: How and Why?

I started off smoking green in 11th and HATED cigs and black smoke so I told myself I would never go to them. But by time I got down here(college) I smoked a black with my boys as a way to just chill outside and chop it up. It would be about 3 of us to a black
but now I smoke about a black a day because of the stresses of classes, personal life, etc. Its more so a stress reliever to me. I dont smoke when I go home though. Its just peaceful as hell to sit outside and smoke and look off into the distance. People told me I should switch to cigs because they aren't AS bad as blacks but I cant stand the smell of cigarettes or the taste.

I'm a sophomore in the mountains of VA by the way.
@ me for picking up this bad habit
I smoke cigarettes and they're basically just a time passer for me, like if I have a free lesson; just spark up a cigarette and have a talk and devise a plan ha
I smoke cigarettes and they're basically just a time passer for me, like if I have a free lesson; just spark up a cigarette and have a talk and devise a plan ha
Originally Posted by luvkicks

although i didnt read any of the replies in here, and my personal story isn't important, i will say i used to smoke two packs a day

for those actually interested in quitting, not just talking about it, this book will change your life--

like i said two packs a day, my addictive nature is like
. this book= truth.

and if you haven't heard the song 'the skinny' by atmosphere, go listen to it
This book is the truth! I smoked for 15 years and have been smoke free for a month after reading this. Seriously have been the easiest 4 weeks of not smoking ever. I know 6 other people who quit after reading this book. A few of those have also tried patches/gum with no success but after reading this once, they are free and not even itching for a smoke. Talk about life changing epiphanies, this book will show you the truth. 
Originally Posted by luvkicks

although i didnt read any of the replies in here, and my personal story isn't important, i will say i used to smoke two packs a day

for those actually interested in quitting, not just talking about it, this book will change your life--

like i said two packs a day, my addictive nature is like
. this book= truth.

and if you haven't heard the song 'the skinny' by atmosphere, go listen to it
This book is the truth! I smoked for 15 years and have been smoke free for a month after reading this. Seriously have been the easiest 4 weeks of not smoking ever. I know 6 other people who quit after reading this book. A few of those have also tried patches/gum with no success but after reading this once, they are free and not even itching for a smoke. Talk about life changing epiphanies, this book will show you the truth. 
started at 13 and back then i was on that try anything once %#++ but eventually you just get hooked. i started because it "boosts" your high which is @%$!*$!$
started at 13 and back then i was on that try anything once %#++ but eventually you just get hooked. i started because it "boosts" your high which is @%$!*$!$
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i will eventually actually starting to dislike smoking....slowly...

but for right now....i be uber-stressed.....i blow trees, too....

i dont have not in bad health....and i enjoy it...

that's how i justify poisoning my body, at least...


Pretty much how I feel. I like smoking. Eases the stress. Enjoy going outside and smoking a cig.

, we agree? commonground?
Crazy huh?

I have also been experimenting with the e-cigs. Some of the flavors they have are really good, and they last much longer than a pack of smokes. I have a couple of friends who use them constantly. They had a Cinnamon roll flavor that was crack!
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i will eventually actually starting to dislike smoking....slowly...

but for right now....i be uber-stressed.....i blow trees, too....

i dont have not in bad health....and i enjoy it...

that's how i justify poisoning my body, at least...


Pretty much how I feel. I like smoking. Eases the stress. Enjoy going outside and smoking a cig.

, we agree? commonground?
Crazy huh?

I have also been experimenting with the e-cigs. Some of the flavors they have are really good, and they last much longer than a pack of smokes. I have a couple of friends who use them constantly. They had a Cinnamon roll flavor that was crack!
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Cigarettes are one of those things people do to seem "cool" cause they see someone doing it and act like they didn't do it to be cool. They are lying. Smoking is such a conscious decision and your body rejects smoking the first time you try to inhale, that's why you get that burn when you first start doing it. There is no reason why a person should start smoking other than because "other people do it", when you start smoking and become addicted.....then it's a different story

Smoking is such a sheep activity

-The Juice

I have never been a smoker in the sense that I needed to smoke every day. 

I started with weed. 

My fellow "heads" said you get an additional rush if you smoke a stoge after. 

So I tried it. Enjoyed it. Dated a bunch of girls who smoked so I'd bum theirs. I've bought a pack here and there. 

When I drink, since you can't just blaze an L anywhere, I'd have a stoge every now and then. 

And even when I'm sober, if I'm stressed, of just in the mood, I'll have one. 

Never became physically addicted. But I hear it can happen. I can go 6-7 months without. Have 1. Then go 6-7 months again without. 
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Cigarettes are one of those things people do to seem "cool" cause they see someone doing it and act like they didn't do it to be cool. They are lying. Smoking is such a conscious decision and your body rejects smoking the first time you try to inhale, that's why you get that burn when you first start doing it. There is no reason why a person should start smoking other than because "other people do it", when you start smoking and become addicted.....then it's a different story

Smoking is such a sheep activity

-The Juice

I have never been a smoker in the sense that I needed to smoke every day. 

I started with weed. 

My fellow "heads" said you get an additional rush if you smoke a stoge after. 

So I tried it. Enjoyed it. Dated a bunch of girls who smoked so I'd bum theirs. I've bought a pack here and there. 

When I drink, since you can't just blaze an L anywhere, I'd have a stoge every now and then. 

And even when I'm sober, if I'm stressed, of just in the mood, I'll have one. 

Never became physically addicted. But I hear it can happen. I can go 6-7 months without. Have 1. Then go 6-7 months again without. 
I smoke on average 5-7 cigarettes a day, but it varies if theres a party or something maybe 9-12.

Its not too much and I do fiend sometimes but I really do enjoy having one after a long day of work or school. It's just a great stress reliever for me. I mean if i wanted to look cool id wear suits everyday not smoke cigarettes in the streets
I smoke on average 5-7 cigarettes a day, but it varies if theres a party or something maybe 9-12.

Its not too much and I do fiend sometimes but I really do enjoy having one after a long day of work or school. It's just a great stress reliever for me. I mean if i wanted to look cool id wear suits everyday not smoke cigarettes in the streets
Nicotine addiction is real and anyone that says its "Sheep" or "fake" has no idea what they're talking about.

Now why people get into it to begin with it the issue. Same as any other drug...peer pressure, boredom, cotolerance, to look cool, stress etc

Your susceptibility to addiction varies from person to person. I smoke "socially"....and I can't stand the smell so I have to do it outside and move around a lot to avoid the smoke
. Could never get "fully addicted". i try to limit it to a pack a month.
Nicotine addiction is real and anyone that says its "Sheep" or "fake" has no idea what they're talking about.

Now why people get into it to begin with it the issue. Same as any other drug...peer pressure, boredom, cotolerance, to look cool, stress etc

Your susceptibility to addiction varies from person to person. I smoke "socially"....and I can't stand the smell so I have to do it outside and move around a lot to avoid the smoke
. Could never get "fully addicted". i try to limit it to a pack a month.
not even a nicotine addiction for me.....its just the habit.

i habitually smoke after a meal,when studying, taking a bong toke, drinking, and when waiting for something.

If i'm not smoking in these situations then i feel like something is missing in my hand.

I will without a doubt stop though... know i'll be able to, living with 5 roomates 3 of which are smokers doesnt make it easier though
not even a nicotine addiction for me.....its just the habit.

i habitually smoke after a meal,when studying, taking a bong toke, drinking, and when waiting for something.

If i'm not smoking in these situations then i feel like something is missing in my hand.

I will without a doubt stop though... know i'll be able to, living with 5 roomates 3 of which are smokers doesnt make it easier though
Smoking on e is the best feeling I've ever felt. I'm about to quit smoking after this last half pack tonight tho. The last time I quit was 2004-2005 exactly 1 year did it cold turkey but was fiendin every single day.
Smoking on e is the best feeling I've ever felt. I'm about to quit smoking after this last half pack tonight tho. The last time I quit was 2004-2005 exactly 1 year did it cold turkey but was fiendin every single day.
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Cigarettes are one of those things people do to seem "cool" cause they see someone doing it and act like they didn't do it to be cool. They are lying. Smoking is such a conscious decision and your body rejects smoking the first time you try to inhale, that's why you get that burn when you first start doing it. There is no reason why a person should start smoking other than because "other people do it", when you start smoking and become addicted.....then it's a different story

Smoking is such a sheep activity

-The Juice

How about being depressed? Is that a valid reason?  One of my boys, a Marine, whom was a health nut took up smoking because of the pressures and demands of being in the front lines during the invasion of Iraq.  He needed a stimulant to ease his mind from seeing the dead bodies. Was that a valid reason to start up smoking?  Maybe you should get off your high horse and realize not every one is as AWESOME as you. 

I smoke socially amongst friends.  There is nothing wrong on puffing on a cig and having a cocktail. Plus it's a great conversation starter with the females! 
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Cigarettes are one of those things people do to seem "cool" cause they see someone doing it and act like they didn't do it to be cool. They are lying. Smoking is such a conscious decision and your body rejects smoking the first time you try to inhale, that's why you get that burn when you first start doing it. There is no reason why a person should start smoking other than because "other people do it", when you start smoking and become addicted.....then it's a different story

Smoking is such a sheep activity

-The Juice

How about being depressed? Is that a valid reason?  One of my boys, a Marine, whom was a health nut took up smoking because of the pressures and demands of being in the front lines during the invasion of Iraq.  He needed a stimulant to ease his mind from seeing the dead bodies. Was that a valid reason to start up smoking?  Maybe you should get off your high horse and realize not every one is as AWESOME as you. 

I smoke socially amongst friends.  There is nothing wrong on puffing on a cig and having a cocktail. Plus it's a great conversation starter with the females! 
I smoked them freshman year of hs, never really got "addicted." Ill take an ace or two now but i dont crave them or anything. In the past i have smoked heavy for a month or so going through packs a month and then just stop cold turkey, always found that weird when i have friends who cant seem to let them go.
I smoked them freshman year of hs, never really got "addicted." Ill take an ace or two now but i dont crave them or anything. In the past i have smoked heavy for a month or so going through packs a month and then just stop cold turkey, always found that weird when i have friends who cant seem to let them go.
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