Cleveland Cavaliers vs Washington Wizards - Game 1 Post Sat, 4/19 12:30pm ESPN

@ Arenas
at the Wizards play and execution at the end of this game... game was close because both teams were sucking...
^Don't even start talking about the refs, they were fine overall. Get out of here with that +#+#.
wow, arenas and jamison choking the game away at the end. give caron some touches!!
They really did.

Jamison had two wide open threes in a row that could have put this on ice a few minutes ago, and well, Gilbert...
Gilbert Arenas has been ghost pretty much this entire quarter....especially down the stretch. Well we'll see what happens Game 2.
You Wizards fans are starting to sound like some girls, stop whining about the foul calls. Washington did it to themselves.
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