Cleveland Cavaliers vs Washington Wizards - Game 1 Post Sat, 4/19 12:30pm ESPN

Austin Carr is going bonkers right now
Wow, Arenas really lost the game for them with his horrid shot selection in the last 3 mins.
We choked this game away. Honestly if I had to put the blame for this loss on one person, I would put it on Stevenson. TERRIBLE on offense and defense and itreally hurt us. Dude was letting Lebron walk right past him in the second half. Lol and to think I thought he would do decent after seeing him D up on Bron thefirst possession of the game
Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy

Originally Posted by roback1991

Can you explain the "hillbilly" statement?


If you're going to make a harsh blanket statement about a state you probably never been to, at least get your stereotypes right. Akron, Cleveland,Youngstown, Columbus, Cincinnati - you should call us "ghetto" or "hoodlums".
Eddie Jordan letting Lebron get all those easy layups off the ball. Dude is gonna lose this series for them. How you gonna double all game and then do nothingat the end?

Then they run plays for perimeter shots most of the 4th when the cavs were out of fouls since the 9 m in mark. That is just horrible coaching.

Cavs role players stepped up and the main guys for the cavs choked in the end though. Wizards just need one game on the road and this series is a wrap though.Cavs looked weak.
The refs did their jobs right for the most part. I honestly think you Washington fans are trying to find a scapegoat for your lack of defense and bad shotselection.

Three more man.
Great Win

Cavs shoot poorly but defended great.

Refs kept it even on both sides. Let em play. Heck the Wiz were in the penalty for the last 8 minutes.


1 game by LeBron > DSteve's career.
Originally Posted by roback1991

the dude making fun of Ohio is from Oregon

What a gump
Annnnnnnnnnd Oregon has more professional sports championships over the last 35 years than Ohio.

With one team.

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