Club Bathroom YOU tip this guy?

the dude is standing in a room that smells like **** and piss. least you could do is give him a couple of bucks for showing up to work everyday.

For showing up for work? We, the patrons, wish the MF'er didn't show up for work! That's the point. These dudes are useless. We know how to wash and dry our own hands. I can't stand when restaurants / bars let these dudes set up shop in their bathrooms!
Not to jump on you but this mentality creates the "entitled" mindset people in a position like that have. Pay to use the bathroom because someone just happens to be in there "working." Better human than me. And I really hate the, "If it doesn't break me just get rid of it" logic. But it is your money


Just like someone else said, if you go to the bathroom multiple times do you have to tip each time? The fact that a question like that has to be asked is a big problem. No disrespect to the guys who work this position, I'm sure they don't want to do it. Based off that I would feel inclined to throw a buck or two at them, but not every time I take a piss, and I'm not paying you to turn on the faucet, and give me soap and paper towels, I can do that myself.

In all honesty their service isn't needed unless they are trying to enforce hand washing policy because of complaints by other patrons. As stated before dudes already come prepared with mints or gum. If you are a smoker chances are you arent leaving home without your pack. As for cologne, men have reached a new level in their cologne rotation. I doubt they will have the same brand I decided to wear that night, so why would I mix scents? Maybe this was essential back in the day, I just don't see it being needed now.
the dude needs a job and he has one that's not harming anyone. if anything he's providing a helpful service. would you rather these men be unemployed drug dealers?
the dude needs a job and he has one that's not harming anyone. if anything he's providing a helpful service. would you rather these men be unemployed drug dealers?

If my experience is any indicator, many of them are drug dealers... Or at least working with a couple of them.

The dudes are providing a helpful service only if you desire/need to use one of the products they offer in addition to all that should be apart of the normal bathroom experience -- a toilet/urinal, a sink, soap, and either towels or air dryers.

Assuming you don't take a mint or have the guy dry your hands for you, there's not really much that the dude is adding to your bathroom experience. An uncomfortable comment, an ill-timed joke, and I'm expected to pull out my wallet?

No thanks.
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I gave one $20, but only because he held my penis while I was on my phone while peeing.
Why do you ask?
Nah I always wondered if dudes sat in the bathroom in non "urban" clubs.

And I have never seen a person in there that wasn't Black or African. So seeing dude in the OP isn't what I am used to seeing
I gave one $20, but only because he held my penis while I was on my phone while peeing
I refuse to let the thread zoom past this like it wasn't stated
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the dude needs a job and he has one that's not harming anyone. if anything he's providing a helpful service. would you rather these men be unemployed drug dealers?
Nothing in between huh champ.  It's either pushing soap and towels in a bathroom at a club or pushing drugs on the corner.  These are their only options. 
The life of club employees usually is sad though. Worked at one during my college days. Got 35-40 year old dudes still thinking they're 21. No future, no money saved, still think they're the man cus they dap up everyone at the club though :lol:

Like real life will ferrel from wedding crashers. "Cool" to 19 year olds, to adults, sad
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Nah I always wondered if dudes sat in the bathroom in non "urban" clubs.

And I have never seen a person in there that wasn't Black or African. So seeing dude in the OP isn't what I am used to seeing

I'm sure they do, but for other reason :smokin

I refuse to let the thread zoom past this like it wasn't stated

Don't feed that troll bruh, we all saw it.

the dude needs a job and he has one that's not harming anyone. if anything he's providing a helpful service. would you rather these men be unemployed drug dealers?

I'm not against anyone acquiring honest employment, the issue here is whether or not they should be tipped for a service that may or may not be considered necessary. You say it is helpful, then explain why?
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