Cold sores?

Nov 26, 2007
I used to get them all the time as a kid and now that I am older (21), I get them less. But they always happen when I get real stressed (like right nowaround finals/holiday time). I feel like I am the only person in the world who has these and am embarrased to go out 'til it goes away...So who else getsthem and what medicine do you guys used? I've been using Abreva and it helps, I guess
Haha, at the RIP and congrats on never havin' one, they suck. But, is anyone else with me in this suffering or is everyone on NT too cool to have a problemsuch as this
something like 80% of the people in the world supposedly have the Herpes HSV1 virus, people usually get it during pre-school and are basically cold sores

the bad Herpes that they talk about is HSV2
man i get that every year. always in the winter either 1ce or twice. i hate it bcz i needed to have that thing on my lip while i was in skool and did evrythingpossible to not make people really see it but it is wat it is. and i use Abreva as well
There was a thread a couple weeks back, and some dude had the same problem…and then everyone said that its herpes…just a different form. On that note, hope youget better…
Damn, you've been getting them since you were a kid...There isnt any medication you can take to stop the breakouts?
You need an antiviral medication like Valtrex, Acyoclovir, etc. These only work when you take them at the onset of symptoms, they are not as effective if youalready have broken out.
Haha, that picture is ridiculous man and I can assure you my worst cold sore can not even compete with the problem that guy has (so maybe I am lucky afterall...?) But back on topic, Cold Sores are caused by the HSV-1 virus and is a form of herpes, but not the real deal. Most people (as stated above) get coldsores confused with Herpes associated with STDS, which are caused by the HSV-2 virus. Cold sores are usually less severe and do not have enormous outbreakslike regular herpes does, but they are just annoying and embarrassing. Anything from foods, to weather, to stress can trigger them, and in my case, they happenabout twice a year.

And to the dude who asked if I can get meds/perscription from the Doc. the answer is nope. The virus is genetic and in cells, so the only way to get rid ofthem for life is to kill the cells...So for now, looks like I am stuck on Abreva? Weak, but good to hear I am not alone!
Are you serious? Antiviral meds are commonly prescribed for HSV 1 and 2. I should know, I have it. Had it since a baby. It won't clear your body of thevirus, obviously, but it suppresses it to the point where you don't get breakouts.

Cold sores are herpes. You can tell yourself whatever you want
andthat pic above could be either. since you can get oral HSV 2. In fact, the only way to know which one you have is to be tested.
And on a side not, I am talking about one cold or one bumb in my case, NOT an outbreak like that picture depicts. That picture is of actual Herpes also, not acold sore.
Originally Posted by POSITE FIEND
u juss needed 2 be 4rm the DMV too, to post something lyk this
. idk wassup with that guy on the pic but i only get 1 on the lip.....
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Are you serious? Antiviral meds are commonly prescribed for HSV 1 and 2. I should know, I have it. Had it since a baby. It won't clear your body of the virus, obviously, but it suppresses it to the point where you don't get breakouts.
Ah, I hear you. The way I understood dudes question above is that he was asking if there was a way to "stop" the breakout and by"stop", I thought he meant eliminate completley. Which, as you know, there is no cure. Is the Antiviral med. you are talkin' about a perscribedointment from the Doc? If so, I have had it before and it didn't seem to shorten the duration any more than some other meds. I know there is the option totake about 7 pills a day for the rest of your life in order to help fight this virus, but that does not guarantee the elimination of them either. Like yousaid, you can't get rid of the virus once it's in your body and IMO, you can try, but never suppress them either. They are just going to occur...Iain't lookin' for a cure, just lookin' for other people so I don't feel like the only one who get this crap.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by S0rtega2

I used to get them all the time

What were you doing, kissing prostitutes?

That's exactly what I was doing from ages 5-10...How'd you know?...They're caused by a variety of things, man. Who knows how it started in mysystem?
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by S0rtega2

I used to get them all the time

What were you doing, kissing prostitutes?

That's exactly what I was doing from ages 5-10...How'd you know?...They're caused by a variety of things, man. Who knows how it started in mysystem?
Hell no the cream sucks. They are pills. The dosage and length of treatment depends on the meds. At the first symptom, you pop a couple of pills for 5 days andyou're straight.

The other option is 1 pill a day symptoms or none but that gets expensive
first thing that popped up when i googled oral herpes, that stuff is disgusting

sorry yall haha, just playin wit ya OP, i kno a few people who get the cold sores every once in a while, this one chick i kno gets em whenever she comes incontact with somebody with it, its weird, like if she shakes somebodys hand that has a tiny cold sore, chances are pretty high that the next day she gonna hitme up like AHHHHHH I TOLD YOU ID GET ONE lol. doesnt happen to me (thank god) but i kno how she feels when she gets em, hides from the WORLD, lol. crazy
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