Cold sores?

Are the pills green (I guess the color may differ but I think I know what you are talking about)...They are relatively cheap too, aren't they? Somethinglike 94 cents a bottle?
Mang. C'mon man. People tend to get them a lot more when they are young because of their immune system. As you age, your body is just better at suppressingthe virus.
Valtrex is blue, and is more $ if you do not have insurance. On my insurance I can get a big %%# bottle for like 10 or 15, whatever my Rx is. If you do nothave insurance, Acyclovir is the more affordable option. Really the price is going to depend on your insurance and the doc. One of my docs only gave me onedose/treatment at a time, effers, but my new one doesnt.
Originally Posted by POSITE FIEND

first thing that popped up when i googled oral herpes, that stuff is disgusting

sorry yall haha, just playin wit ya OP, i kno a few people who get the cold sores every once in a while, this one chick i kno gets em whenever she comes in contact with somebody with it, its weird, like if she shakes somebodys hand that has a tiny cold sore, chances are pretty high that the next day she gonna hit me up like AHHHHHH I TOLD YOU ID GET ONE lol. doesnt happen to me (thank god) but i kno how she feels when she gets em, hides from the WORLD, lol. crazy

Haha, it's all good man, I know it's all in good fun. My situation ain't that serious, just wondering other peoples opinions about it...I knewthere was bound to be some punches thrown here and there.
Really? I'll have to check in on it. Like I said, I had the cream, but it didn't seem to do too much damage? I am willing to try to pills if theyaren't too expensive.
Yeah I was on Valtrex cream when I was a kid and they do not work. Pills are the way to go, there might be other antivirals out there in addition to Valtrezand Acyclovir as well. Also, take L-Lysine (in the vitamin section).
Yeah, I always just shyed away from the pills because I thought it would be too much work, but at this point, I am down for a change. Twice a year ins'tbad, but they still keep me couped away in the house for about a week. And can you tell me more about L-Lysine? Is a lack of that part of the contribution tocold sores? I was just trying to search up other reasons to why they occur (such as deficiencies in one are or too much of another) and am stilllooking...
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