Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I am relatively new here, but from what I gather many of the participants of this site do not care for Black consciousness speak, am I correct? There seem to be many who think that if you talk "black", then you must be a racist and then hate non whites. Am I wrong?
That would be mis-characterization of the site. There are a lot of intelligent brothers and sisters on this site. But BS is going to be called out no matter who it's from. When you first came on here your posts were an interesting perspective on several issues. But lately you've been condescending to a lot of people and spewing craziness to be quite frank. Most of us black people on here know there's a racial component to almost everything, but the particular way you go about framing some narratives is off-putting to say the least.
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That would be mis-characterization of the site. There are a lot of intelligent brothers and sisters on this site. But BS is going to be called out no matter who it's from. When you first came on here your posts were an interesting perspective on several issues. But lately you've been condescending to a lot of people and spewing craziness to be quite frank. Most of us black people on here know there's a racial component to almost everything, but the particular way you go about framing some narratives is off-putting to say the least.
Who are the us you are speaking for?
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Who are the us you are speaking for?

The conscious people you were referencing. And I only speak for myself of course, but the similar sentiments have been expressed by other brothers on this site.
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Let me clarify for this thread, Kaep is solid in his stance, and I agree with his positions. I am for the complete separation of Black people in this country, and I do not expect white people to be fair about anything in this country, ever. From the recent elections around the world, white people are reorganizing, then labeling all people of color as a problem to be dealt with. Kaep is brave in his stance, and I thank #blacklivesmatter for being the ones to replace what was left Barron for years.
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The conscious people you were referencing. And I only speak for myself of course, but the similar sentiments have been expressed by other brothers on this site.
I see you've edited your comment before I could get to it. Cool. Kaep is a brave man, and I admire his stance.
You do know that Kaep was raised by a white family and is still Christian.... :lol:
And he preaches for racial equality and not for separation of races. You are lost in the message if that's what you got out of what Kaepernick has been saying.
You do know that Kaep was raised by a white family and is still Christian.... :lol:
And he preaches for racial equality and not for separation of races. You are lost in the message if that's what you got out of what Kaepernick has been saying.
kap calls himself black, not mixed. Perhaps his message is lost on you. He and I agree on Castro as well, much to your dismay.
I love it when people who are not Black, try to interpret what black people mean when they speak for other black people. The response up above is exactly why I posed my question. I will not go into the Asian discussion thread and pose my interpretations of Asian issues there.
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I love it when people who are not Black, try to interpret what black people mean when they speak for other black people. The response up above is exactly why I posed my question. I will not go into the Asian discussion thread and pose my interpretations of Asian issues there.
You actually could :lol:
It's always good to get a outside perspective instead of being walled in by your own beliefs.
@Methodical Management does believe in open discussion :D
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I love it when people who are not Black, try to interpret what black people mean when they speak for other black people. The response up above is exactly why I posed my question. I will not go into the Asian discussion thread and pose my interpretations of Asian issues there.

So since Kap isn't Cuban he shouldn't have spoken on Cuban issues related to Castro correct?
You actually could :lol:
It's always good to get a outside perspective instead of being walled in by your own beliefs.
No, out of respect I mind my business. I will never tell a woman what it is like to live in a sexist society, never tell her how she should feel. I could never tell someone asian how it should feel to be disparaged through remarks about accents, or to be judged stereotypically, yet you feel you have the right to tell black people how they should interpret a message given by a man who calls himself black?
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So since Kap isn't Cuban he shouldn't have spoken on Cuban issues related to Castro correct?
Kap spoke on how Castro helped end aparthied, and allowing education for black people in cuba. His message was about black empowerment when america was still dealing with segregation.
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Many Black people are beginning to feel as if there are too many hands in our food, people who do not have our best interests. Politicians, preachers, nobody has done the right thing since Malcolm and King. Every minority in this country has climbed the back of black people, then in turn left them behind when the going got rough. It wasn't until #blacklivesmatter began making a ruckus did people take notice. Two Black women took the stand, and I thank those sisters for doing so. Now the movement is more important than ever. Anyone who saw the movie 13th know what time it is. Black people are under assault, and I personally am sick of other people telling us how we should feel.
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So since Kap isn't Cuban he shouldn't have spoken on Cuban issues related to Castro correct?
Kap spoke on how Castro helped end aparthied, and allowing education for black people in cuba. His message was about black empowerment when america was still dealing with segregation.
I don't see where Kaep specified education for black cubans. He was talking about all Cubans 
Kap spoke on how Castro helped end aparthied, and allowing education for black people in cuba. His message was about black empowerment when america was still dealing with segregation.

That's what YOU interpret it as. Many Cubans including Kiko Alonzo found any praise of Castro offensive. To them the oppression he subjected his own people to far outweighs any good he did. Which is why Colin should have just left it alone. It was a no win situation for him.

Disagree with Kap the Puppet = you a racist.

I swear. Social media got yall on this racial divisive wave

It's how Trump became Prez :smh:

Wait wait wait...."social media" "US" on racial divide.....

Not the idiots spewing racism and bigotry? :lol:.

The guys that have "social justice warriors" in their vocab all usually have some things in common......
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It's not about disagreement with Kap. You the one that used social justice warrior, we know what that's code for especially in this climate.
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That's what YOU interpret it as. Many Cubans including Kiko Alonzo found any praise of Castro offensive. To them the oppression he subjected his own people to far outweighs any good he did. Which is why Colin should have just left it alone. It was a no win situation for him.
It wasn't my interpretation. Kap said what he meant. He is entitled to his opinion, I mean, isn't this america? What happened to freedom of speech? You seem to have a problem with that, especially when a black man exercises his rights.
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It wasn't my interpretation. Kap said what he meant.

He didn't specify only black Cubans though. And I'm sure even then not all black Cubans would agree with his assessment of Castro.
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