Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I promised myself i'd stay out of this thread but......

man what the hell is going on in here
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Who is going to judge it then if not you all knowing one? Or at least tell me what my agenda is since I, myself don't know.
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It is not for me to judge. You have a problem with freedom of speech, as per your comment on Kap.

Oh that couldn't be farther from the truth. I have no issue with Kap's right to say what he said. It's one of the reasons his initial message was as effective as it was. His right to free speech however doesn't absolve him from criticism, especially on this particular matter. My personal opinion was this was a no win situation for him. Just as if he would have praised some of the good that Hitler did. The education and literacy thing directly relates to the Cuban people and paints Castro in a light that many of the natives of that country would be appalled at.

It would be akin to a white person here telling us hey slavery got y'all out of the bushes and employed. It doesn't escape the oppression that was clearly right along side of it. I dont think that's too hard to understand. I know Kap tried to separate the two but it's part of the same man.
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Spiritual beliefs and purpose are key here. The ancestors are angry, pissed. Some believe that the war in the afterlife has already begun, and our recent elections here are simply a choosing of sides. Those of us who are of that Spiritual nature do not want to control the world, we simply want to have control over ourselves. The black communtiy has been under the control of white supremacy since before 1619, and those who are woke are tired are ready as bro Roland Martin said. We see white men killing themselves at a high rate, european unions being formed, and alliances being made. It is time, Kap is right, #blacklivesmatter is timely, things are moving toward the need to be ready.
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Oh that couldn't be farther from the truth. I have no issue with Kap's right to say what he said. It's one of the reasons his initial message was as effective as it was. His right to free speech however doesn't absolve him from criticism, especially on this particular matter. My personal opinion was this was a no win situation for him. Just as if he would have praised some of the good that Hitler did. The education and literacy thing directly relates to the Cuban people and paints Castro in a light that many of the natives of that country would be appealed at.

It would be akin to a white person here telling us hey slavery got y'all out of the bushes and employed. It doesn't escape the oppression that was clearly right along side of it. I dont think that's too hard to understand. I know Kap tried to separate the two but it's part of the same man.
Are there cubans in SOUTH AFRICA?! You cherry pick, you dodge, you have an agenda.
Are there cubans in SOUTH AFRICA?! You cherry pick, you dodge, you have an agenda.

I don't know there could be native Cubans living in South Africa. I'm not cherry picking at all, he didn't ONLY talk about the apartheid as one of Castro's redeeming qualities did he now? If that's the only part you're focusing on while ignoring the rest that would be you being selective in what fits your narrative as well, no?
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IDK why your entertaining him. 

He's preaching separation of races.

SO what he basically wants is segregation.
Yep whenever you speak out against injustice it's in the interest of bigots to throw it back at you. They just want us to shut up and stop "dividing the country". Funny someone like

but Mr Make America Great Again isn't dividing the country

Disagree with Kap the Puppet = you a racist.

I swear. Social media got yall on this racial divisive wave

It's how Trump became Prez :smh:

But Twitter is causing the racial divide

Yup. It is. Social media has everyone thinking if you're not far left, you're a right wing racist. Same with the right calling far left SJWs. No in between. No open discourse.

2 extreme bubbles. Just like this circlejerk thread. It's why half of America was shocked when Trump won. Soical media has yall in these 2 echo chambers. Discredit Sackorpick? You a hick!!

BTW: I actually do agree with some of the stuff Kap is saying. I just think he's a puppet and a contradicting fraud with ulterior motives. But what do I know? I'm hick from Alabama :smokin
Not slavery

Not Jim Crow

Not systemic incarceration

Not basic human rights violations


But Twitter is causing the racial divide


Lol man at this point there is nothing more to discuss with these people. All this stuff does is waste time. Let these folks be, all you gotta do is identify when they expose themselves and take note.
All social media has done is make it easier to point out the racists, bigots, and frauds. It damn sure didn't create any divide.
"Social Justice Warrior".......

Dumbest **** ever. Fighting for social justice is apparently a bad thing white supremacist, it makes sense actually.

Its the new "race card". Like how anytime back in the day black folks called out systematic racism they were accused of "using the race card".
I hope every black man of conscious has watched 13th, and I hope all of those still dumb, deaf and blind through the effects of mental slavery watch it as well. You cannot watch it then remain unchanged. The bell has rung, stay woke. Divide and conquer can no longer win.
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