Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Black people were here before white supremacy and will still be here after. We need to focus on being self reliant so we never repeat history again when it comes to this. As long as we are dependent on others it leaves room for exploitation because we are dependent on them doing things out the "kindness" of their heart.

Why are you lumping all young Asians in one category? I'm a young Asian who looks back and understands how Filipinos were treated in this country. Especially in Cali. I also look forwards. Most importantly in my day to day, guess I'm a social justice warrior [emoji]128580[/emoji]
Speak to your ancestors, ask them what you should do. What we do is our business. After we have our own without any outside interference, then we share. Until then, tend to your own garden. True equality means that we all bring something to the table of our own. What have white people ever brought to the table other than divisiveness, pain and suffering? Name one thing they have done to bring about true unity?


"An injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere"

If a home two houses down from you is on fire, you gon let it burn cause it ain't none of your business?
If the people whose house is burning do nothing but cause pain and strife, let it burn. Dr. King, the person you are quoting changed his mind about that burning house, even suggested that he felt that he led his people into a house that was already burning. His christian eyes did not allow him to see the initial truth.
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"An injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere"

If a home two houses down from you is on fire, you gon let it burn cause it ain't none of your business?

Calling the fire department and putting out the fire are two different things. Asians can't put out The Fire burning Black peoples house, they can acknowledge injustice show empathy which is the equivelent of calling the fire department, but that is still not "putting out the fire". They arent "firefighters" thus they do not know how to put out our "fire".

If black people want to put out our fire than let us put out our fire, if you care about us like you say you will respect the decision and wish us the best, not stand in the way and say we shouldnt be focused on our fire because you want us to go with you to a Kanye west concert.

Manny Pac does a TON of good work for his home country. Now what if Amercans start saying "man he need to stop doing that and build in america for everyone not just his people. America made him rich!"

This is literally what everyone else is trying to tell black people lol
I wonder how many of these people will have this same agenda of maintaining white privilege through intergration when they see the economies of all the nations of color collapse, then bowing to the new european structure....your people will be begging for food water and shelter, and those of us who saw all of this coming will simply sit back, then watch. Pay attention to your ancestors, they are waiting for you, and they know what is coming.
It's more of acknowledging a problem and being a part of the solution. Not too many, if any, minorities can actually solve their own problems in their communities but if people can speak out about injustice it's something. I there aren't many instances where i can see myself watching somebody get mistreated and just sit back and say it's not my business and do absolutely nothing.

Slightly off subject but it relates, I was in walmart and this chick was with her guy and he was a lil rough and I thought to myself that it wouldn't be surprising that he likely beats her and the thought crossed my mind, if he smacks her right now what would I do. My first thought was to step in a break it up or hit him myself but I thought again that she may fight me for hitting him or he may kill me for interfering, or they both may kill me. And I had to ask myself would that be worth it?

I still don't know what I would do but at the very least I'd call the cops, but to keep shopping because they aren't black? Nah
I wonder how many of these people will have this same agenda of maintaining white privilege through intergration when they see the economies of all the nations of color collapse, then bowing to the new european structure....your people will be begging for food water and shelter, and those of us who saw all of this coming will simply sit back, then watch. Pay attention to your ancestors, they are waiting for you, and they know what is coming.
Don't get me wrong, I know what you are saying and on some levels I agree. But there's some spots where I just can't get jiggy with it
How is what Black people to get out from beneath oppression any of your business?
I'm a 22 year old white male from Belgium and I care about the oppression of minorities, whether it's in my own country or abroad.

Racism exists everywhere and it is one of the biggest detriments to the future of our society. Empathy is why I care, and why many others do. I am not personally affected by racism but I think that it's our duty, especially as white people, to speak out against racism and make sure we teach our children and close surroundings the right values.

Far too many white people "mind their own business" and ignore the struggles of people of color. 
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You've got some issues my man.

When did I ever deny what white oppression has done for minorities.

And where do u see me championing hand holding white people as unity.

Speak to my ancestors? Why don't you speak to your neighbors. You'd be surprised how many of us "outsiders" actually stand with you
It's more of acknowledging a problem and being a part of the solution. Not too many, if any, minorities can actually solve their own problems in their communities but if people can speak out about injustice it's something. I there aren't many instances where i can see myself watching somebody get mistreated and just sit back and say it's not my business and do absolutely nothing.

Slightly off subject but it relates, I was in walmart and this chick was with her guy and he was a lil rough and I thought to myself that it wouldn't be surprising that he likely beats her and the thought crossed my mind, if he smacks her right now what would I do. My first thought was to step in a break it up or hit him myself but I thought again that she may fight me for hitting him or he may kill me for interfering, or they both may kill me. And I had to ask myself would that be worth it?

I still don't know what I would do but at the very least I'd call the cops, but to keep shopping because they aren't black? Nah

Talking anout injustice does nothing when you are talking to the people committing the injustice. People are literally trying to shame white supremacist into not being white supremacist. Instead of blacks building measures to defend themselves they are looking to shame bad guys into not being bad. Dont let these other minorties fool you, literally ALL of them practice self preservation they simply have sense not to discuss it with people not in their communities.

People called blacks divisive when we had the recent campaign to put our money in black banks, meanwhile nobody utters a words anout Jewish people or Asians using their own banks. Reason is these other groups dont ask for approval of others to do things to preserve themselves.

Black folks still asking master if they can take a lunch break.
I'm a 22 year old white male from Belgium and I care about the oppression of minorities, whether it's in my own country or abroad.
Racism exists everywhere and it is one of the biggest detriments to the future of our society. Empathy is why I care, and why many others do. I am not personally affected by racism but I think that it's our duty, especially as white people, to speak out against racism and make sure we teach our children and close surroundings the right values. 

Your empathy does not solve the problem it's simply a nice and appreciated gesture.

If you care about black people and their struggle why are you against blacks saying they want to take a step back and work on their issues?
I'm a 22 year old white male from Belgium and I care about the oppression of minorities, whether it's in my own country or abroad.
Racism exists everywhere and it is one of the biggest detriments to the future of our society. Empathy is why I care. I am not personally affected by racism but I think that it's our duty, especially as white people, to speak out against racism and make sure we teach our children and close surroundings the right values. 
You can speak about what you want, but we need to reconnect with our own. That foundation has been tampered with by outsiders for far too long. Our creators are now making the globe take notice, as even the earth we rely upon has been abused, then now exacting its revenge. White patriachal rule suggests that it is a hoax created by and for China. Well, some of us can survive the heat while others will be forced to deal with the cold.
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Your empathy does not solve the problem it's simply a nice and appreciated gesture.

If you care about black people and their struggle why are you against blacks saying they want to take a step back and work on their issues?
Never said it would solve the problem.

Where did you get this idea that I am against blacks saying they want to take a step back and work on their issues?

I responded to Daddy Style's post because I think the attitude that non-blacks should go mind their business in regards to racism is counter-productive.
Never said it would solve the problem.
Where did you get this idea that I am against blacks saying they want to take a step back and work on their issues?
I responded to Daddy Style's post because I think the attitude that non-blacks should go mind their business in regards to racism is counter-productive.

I will let him respond but when the term "business" is used its often regarding other peoples inhouse issues.
You've got some issues my man.

When did I ever deny what white oppression has done for minorities.

And where do u see me championing hand holding white people as unity.

Speak to my ancestors? Why don't you speak to your neighbors. You'd be surprised how many of us "outsiders" actually stand with you
Yes, I do have issues, and the big one is dealing with White supremacy and you running interference for white privilege. I will never disconnect from my ancestors ever again. You clearly cannot comprehend what it us that I am saying because you are brainwashed into thinking that you can help us build our own. You can't. We are descendants of the first people on earth, and we had no problems until we let others in. Once that happened, it was all downhill. We didn't do it, they did. Spiritually they are different, connected to something else that is destructive. They came to the table with nothing, then the greeks wrote it down like they created it. Lies. No more interference. Once this thing falls, we out. Those who know, know.
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I wasn't the only one who interpreted it that way, @instagram
 had a similar reaction to it on the previous page.

I will let him speak for himself, my standpoint is more so regarding others trying to tell blacks what to do or not to do to solve their problem.

If you want to show empathy it is much appreciated but don't people how to organize their own home. Thats my stance not sure what the others are debating.
The divine have already set the plan in motion, the forces of nature have already taken over. Being a woman Hillary Clinton would have simply slowed the process a bit, but Trump has sped up the process. Those who know, know. Stay woke. Kap is right, and knows what is coming as well. Conciousness is here, MAAT is in full effect, as the Goddess is rising.
It's more of acknowledging a problem and being a part of the solution. Not too many, if any, minorities can actually solve their own problems in their communities but if people can speak out about injustice it's something. I there aren't many instances where i can see myself watching somebody get mistreated and just sit back and say it's not my business and do absolutely nothing.

Slightly off subject but it relates, I was in walmart and this chick was with her guy and he was a lil rough and I thought to myself that it wouldn't be surprising that he likely beats her and the thought crossed my mind, if he smacks her right now what would I do. My first thought was to step in a break it up or hit him myself but I thought again that she may fight me for hitting him or he may kill me for interfering, or they both may kill me. And I had to ask myself would that be worth it?

I still don't know what I would do but at the very least I'd call the cops, but to keep shopping because they aren't black? Nah
I've had to learn to take a step back at times. It's hard for me to sit back while someone is being a **** and not say something, but a lot of the time I put myself in the line of fire more than the person I'm defending, because clearly they couldn't or in some cases aren't willing to defend themselves. Sometimes it just isn't worth it.

In the case of a woman being hit in public, I did actually see that as a young man. Wasn't capable of intervening at that time, although I really wanted to. Not sure what I'd do today though honestly. Sometimes it just isn't worth it, though. I've gotten into yelling matches with people trying to defend a person who couldn't care less. It's a tough lesson to learn, but we can't save everyone.
It's more of acknowledging a problem and being a part of the solution. Not too many, if any, minorities can actually solve their own problems in their communities but if people can speak out about injustice it's something. I there aren't many instances where i can see myself watching somebody get mistreated and just sit back and say it's not my business and do absolutely nothing.

Slightly off subject but it relates, I was in walmart and this chick was with her guy and he was a lil rough and I thought to myself that it wouldn't be surprising that he likely beats her and the thought crossed my mind, if he smacks her right now what would I do. My first thought was to step in a break it up or hit him myself but I thought again that she may fight me for hitting him or he may kill me for interfering, or they both may kill me. And I had to ask myself would that be worth it?

I still don't know what I would do but at the very least I'd call the cops, but to keep shopping because they aren't black? Nah
Talking anout injustice does nothing when you are talking to the people committing the injustice. People are literally trying to shame white supremacist into not being white supremacist. Instead of blacks building measures to defend themselves they are looking to shame bad guys into not being bad. Dont let these other minorties fool you, literally ALL of them practice self preservation they simply have sense not to discuss it with people not in their communities.

People called blacks divisive when we had the recent campaign to put our money in black banks, meanwhile nobody utters a words anout Jewish people or Asians using their own banks. Reason is these other groups dont ask for approval of others to do things to preserve themselves.

Black folks still asking master if they can take a lunch break.
I wish I could rep this twice. Well said.
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If you are John Brown, I am with you. He was willing to die for what was righteous and just. There isn't another in documented history who proved to be as loyal. He knew.
I will let him speak for himself, my standpoint is more so regarding others trying to tell blacks what to do or not to do to solve their problem.

If you want to show empathy it is much appreciated but don't people how to organize their own home. Thats my stance not sure what the others are debating.
We're mostly on the same page then, my issue was with Daddy Style. I responded to him because I got the impression that he thinks people like @instagram or me don't sympathize with the struggles black people go through. And that by "mind your business" he meant care about our own issues, not those of black people. Maybe I took it the wrong way, in that case I apologize, but Daddy can clarify that. I think the point Instagram and I were trying to get across is that there are people like us who aren't black but still genuinely care about the black community.

I agree that it's not really my place to tell y'all how to organize your homes. That's why I try to stay out of those kinds of discussions.
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Colombia I'm not going to diminish your empathy like these other dudes. My measure of a valuable and decent human being is what they can do for others with no direct benefit to them.

I care about people who I have nothing to gain from. Chances are whatever the next superpower is will be just as brutal as whites especially if we continue that mentality.
That brutal mindset was given, not birthed from our origins. We let everyone in, shared our knowledge from the beginning, taught them how to farm, build and bathe. They had no clue. All they brought to the table was their brutality while we dealt in RIGHTEOUS anger. Now the tables have turned, and we are brutal to each other due to their misteaching us that we need to blend in , in order to make them happy, just so they can throw us the scraps that we used to own. A thorough cleansing is needed, and it is coming. The Goddess is on the rise, and it is about damned time.
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Talking anout injustice does nothing when you are talking to the people committing the injustice. People are literally trying to shame white supremacist into not being white supremacist. Instead of blacks building measures to defend themselves they are looking to shame bad guys into not being bad. Dont let these other minorties fool you, literally ALL of them practice self preservation they simply have sense not to discuss it with people not in their communities.

People called blacks divisive when we had the recent campaign to put our money in black banks, meanwhile nobody utters a words anout Jewish people or Asians using their own banks. Reason is these other groups dont ask for approval of others to do things to preserve themselves.

Black folks still asking master if they can take a lunch break.
I dig it.

One thing that concerns me about that mindset regarding asking white supremacy to correct itself is what makes you so sure they will allow us to create a working successful basis for ourselves? Why would our oppressor who has no desire to help us prosper even allow us to prosper?
That's cool but not everyone is willing to die even for their own race so to ask white people to do that is just foolish. Let's just start with them not being racist first because apparently that is too much to ask for. They don't need to die for us they just need to stop killing us.
John Brown figured out that there is no such thing as death, and that is why he wasn't afraid to die. He understood through spiritual enlightenment that we are here to evolve then elevate ourselves by fighting the righteous fight, developing character. White privilege does not even allow them to get the character part right, which is why when the time comes, they will need to prove their worth.
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