Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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All of this sounds good but I don't believe in fighting wars until we can win.
The war has been going on in this country since 1619, it is nothing new. We simply haven't been fighting back with our own ancestors. They have been using theirs through government. It is just now the tables are turning, and we wont need to lift a finger. Watch.
I dig it.

One thing that concerns me about that mindset regarding asking white supremacy to correct itself is what makes you so sure they will allow us to create a working successful basis for ourselves? Why would our oppressor who has no desire to help us prosper even allow us to prosper?

Some stuff I wont talk about on here but that is a real issue. Black people globally have been beat down and now have no military to defend the things we do build. This is how white supremacist are able to blow up Black wallstreet and destabilize African countries by starting wars and funding rebel groups.

This is why the US had to get Gaddafi out the paint because right or wrong he fave no dambs and would go to war with anyone who tried his. Libya is much worst than it was when Gaddafi was around. No this is not me saying he is a hero or giving props to any wrongs he did, this is me simply acknowledging the power of military.

India is a good example of a country you have to take serious because they have Nuclear wepons so youd be a fool trying to run up on them like the British did back in the day.

People who cant defend themselves are always the easiest to make victims. Just look at how Southeast Asians were treated by the bigger Asian countries like China.
John Brown figured out that there is no such thing as death, and that is why he wasn't afraid to die. He understood through spiritual enlightenment that we are here to evolve then elevate ourselves by fighting the righteous fight, developing character. White privilege does not even allow them to get the character part right, which is why when the time comes, they will need to prove their worth.

Im not going to ask a non black to sacrifice themselves for blacks because it goes against nature. Like I said most you can do is let me know you understand the wrongs happening. The issue is all other groups use blacks as lap dogs to fight for their issues and are ghost when blacks ask for a favor in return, or cause disruption when blacks start to talk about how to fix their issues.

There is nothing wrong with acknowledge something isnt your battle but wishing the other person best of luck.
Some stuff I wont talk about on here but that is a real issue. Black people globally have been beat down and now have no military to defend the things we do build. This is how white supremacist are able to blow up Black wallstreet and destabilize African countries by starting wars and funding rebel groups.

This is why the US had to get Gaddafi out the paint because right or wrong he fave no dambs and would go to war with anyone who tried his. Libya is much worst than it was when Gaddafi was around. No this is not me saying he is a hero or giving props to any wrongs he did, this is me simply acknowledging the power of military.

India is a good example of a country you have to take serious because they have Nuclear wepons so youd be a fool trying to run up on them like the British did back in the day.

People who cant defend themselves are always the easiest to make victims. Just look at how Southeast Asians were treated by the bigger Asian countries like China.
Oh but my brother, we had something in pocket that none of them had, and that is a direct line to the creator. Our line of communication has reopened now, and the response is pretty damned clear. We didn't need a physical army, nor nukes. It's here.
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Im not going to ask a non black to sacrifice themselves for blacks because it goes against nature. Like I said most you can do is let me know you understand the wrongs happening. The issue is all other groups use blacks as lap dogs to fight for their issues and are ghost when blacks ask for a favor in return, or cause disruption when blacks start to talk about how to fix their issues.

There is nothing wrong with acknowledge something isnt your battle but wishing the other person best of luck.
Do not get me wrong, but nobody had to ask John Brown to do a thing, dig? I am not asking anyone to do anything.
Oh but my brother, we had something in pocket that none of them had, and that is a direct line to the creator. Our line of communication has reopened now, and the response is pretty damned clear. We didn't need a physical army, nor nukes. It's here.

Im not going to get into spirtuality or religion in here but Africa fell because Europeans and non Black arabs identified a common weakness exploited it. Militarily Africa as a whole would crush europe, but at the end of the day Africa is a continent of many nations the same way Asia is a continent of many nations. If you come to China and say "hey i know you got beef with japan, the next time you guys fight i will buy any POWs." The Chinese will say "cool". Now that the concept of race exisits that stunt couldnt be pulled in todays day and age. All non Euopean groups are always straight up with their intentions whem it comes to do stuff, it is the white supremacist who introduced that "slick" stuff when it came to causing confusion to let the stronger people destroy themselves and once they weaken you strike.

Say what you want but the white supremacist of the past where briliant in strategy and exploiting human weakness.
Cool so as an Asian I should stay out of black peoples "business"

My bad for "running interference"
Im not going to get into spirtuality or religion in here but Africa fell because Europeans and non Black arabs identified a common weakness exploited it. Militarily Africa as a whole would crush europe, but at the end of the day Africa is a continent of many nations the same way Asia is a continent of many nations. If you come to China and say "hey i know you got beef with japan, the next time you guys fight i will buy any POWs." The Chinese will say "cool". Now that the concept of race exisits that stunt couldnt be pulled in todays day and age. All non Euopean groups are always straight up with their intentions whem it comes to do stuff, it is the white supremacist who introduced that "slick" stuff when it came to causing confusion to let the stronger people destroy themselves and once they weaken you strike.

Say what you want but the white supremacist of the past where briliant in strategy and exploiting human weakness.
Ahhh, but through innocence they were exploited. They did not know who they were dealing with, as they were "other". Instead of killing the invaders, they gave them mercy. The invaders then spread discontent everywhere they went, which started those wars. Now we know, and this is why they are being eliminated by their own hands.
For those of you who have been christianized, here it is for you to read, revelation 12:7-12 "And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the devil and satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth,and his angels were cast out with him." Who does that sound like?! Get your boots on, lace'em up tight!
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Still side eyeing you @daddy style  

I've noticed your opinions have gradually become more and more radical.

My first thought was you were a long term troll play. I'm starting to believe I was right again.
Still side eyeing you @daddy style

I've noticed your opinions have gradually become more and more radical.

My first thought was you were a long term troll play. I'm starting to believe I was right again.:lol:
Let me ask you this question, because I see that you are intelligent. Climate change, is that the globe trolling you? How is the global economic climate these days, in regard to europe I mean. Troll attempt?! White males killing themselves at a high rate, am I trolling you with that?! This discussion is about Kap, his stance on oppression, and for what Lucky and I were adding, how this is all going to end. Now you tell me, who is trolling?
Still side eyeing you @daddy style

I've noticed your opinions have gradually become more and more radical.

My first thought was you were a long term troll play. I'm starting to believe I was right again.:lol:

Probably not a troll, probably just deep into some doctorine or something lol. Those types tend to throw people off because of instead of "speaking it plain", they start to spew their doctrine that the listener more than likely knows nothing about or doesnt care for.

Its like going to Mike jordan asking for him to invest in your idea and instead of telling him your strategy and the ROI you start talking that "we was kangs mane" stuff. Whether its accurate or not, it doesnt help get your message across of the benefits of acting on something to wide audiences.

Thats why Malcolm x was so good because the NOI taught their ministers to "speak it plain". A devoute Christian doesnt want to hear about the Quran.
Probably not a troll, probably just deep into some doctorine or something lol. Those types tend to throw people off because of instead of "speaking it plain", they start to spew their doctrine that the listener more than likely knows nothing about or doesnt care for.

Its like going to Mike jordan asking for him to invest in your idea and instead of telling him your strategy and the ROI you start talking that "we was kangs mane" stuff. Whether its accurate or not, it doesnt help get your message across of the benefits of acting on something to wide audiences.

Thats why Malcolm x was so good because the NOI taught their ministers to "speak it plain". A devoute Christian doesnt want to hear about the Quran.
They fear the truth. Most people protected through the injustice of white privilege are. Tell them that their system is failing and they cry," what are we going to do", instead of trying to understand that they have been set up to fail. Trump won the election through exploiting this fear in white people.
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All of this sounds good but I don't believe in fighting wars until we can win.

We're already at war.

Spiritually and physically. 

War on "crime" and war on "drugs" are revamped models of an old system.

African descendants been at war since the first ships came bearing crosses really. Psychological warfare began immediately at that point and is still in play today.

Still side eyeing you @daddy style

I've noticed your opinions have gradually become more and more radical.

My first thought was you were a long term troll play. I'm starting to believe I was right again.:lol:

I'm not even surprised that I'm seeing more and more radical thinking Black folks seemingly every day. This is what the system has caused. History just repeating itself, new age slave rebellion.

I will say, that isn't the first time I've heard that segregation threw blacks in the middle of a socioeconomic structure that they didn't understand, making them almost more vulnerable to the whims of white supremacy.

I don't know if I fully agree that segregation was good, but I will say that integration was done pretty haphazardly and without much thought for transitioning people who clearly weren't prepared or even aware of what they were about to get into.

Segregation wasnt the issue Jim Crow was. America is still insanely segregated lol the simple fact we have "white schools" and "black schools" and "china town" "little havana".

When people hear seperation they think of Jim Crow and ignorantly correlate the two. The world has literally always been segregated and people have done business together and treated each other with decency. When people are calling for seperation they are not calling for the return of Jim Crow, they are calling for time to focus on rebuilding their communities and focusing on themselves.

It's not an issue with asians send money to their homelands to help people rebuild, its not an issue with non black minorities create business districts within cities and only hire their family memebers or people from the community. But the moment blacks say they want to uplift themselves people have an issue. Thats because people dont care about blacks and blacks should not wasting time on discussing how to fix their communities with people who do not have them as a priority.

People will bring up crime in chicago but the moment blacks in chicago say "hey lets focus on fixing our issues before we worry about anything else" people will say these people are "trying to divide" the nation. News flash, everytime blacks try to be around others people move away from blacks i.e. White flight.

Like I said black people need to stop worrying about what non blacks think of them.

This will rub a lot of people the wrong way but there's not a single lie in this post.
I'm not even surprised that I'm seeing more and more radical thinking Black folks seemingly every day. This is what the system has caused. History just repeating itself, new age slave rebellion.
I can't even pretend that I feel myself becoming more radicalized on certain issues, and I consider myself pretty self conscious. So you're right, radical thinking from Black folks really shouldn't surprise me.

Honestly I just assumed @daddy style  was white.
I can't even pretend that I feel myself becoming more radicalized on certain issues, and I consider myself pretty self conscious. So you're right, radical thinking from Black folks really shouldn't surprise me.

Honestly I just assumed @daddy style
 was white.:lol:

I don't like the term "radical". It's like saying if someone thinks rape is wrong that is a radical thought. Same with the term "militant".

At the end of the day is people are seeing reality and truth, no matter what path they took to learn it.
War on "crime" and war on "drugs" are revamped models of an old system.

African descendants been at war since the first ships came bearing crosses really. Psychological warfare began immediately at that point and is still in play today.
I'm not even surprised that I'm seeing more and more radical thinking Black folks seemingly every day. This is what the system has caused. History just repeating itself, new age slave rebellion.
This will rub a lot of people the wrong way but there's not a single lie in this post.
Not really new age, actually a rebirth of something white supremacy thought they killed a long time ago. Those of us who know, know. If you know of a babalawo or legit reader, talk to one, and they will let you know what this is. She is doing her thing, and the conscious people have nothing to worry about. A cleansing is occurring, and it is a blessing to witness.
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