Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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They're both very flawed candidates. But you could make a reasonable assumption that Hillary wouldn't fill her cabinet with as many white supremacists and bigots. And her supreme court pick could turn the supreme court more progressive. Trump has already promised to nominate very conservative pro-life judges who will undoubtedly let black voter suppression continue, overturn Roe v. Wade and likely overturn several LGBT rights as well.

Well if Other minority groups dont wake up afrer catching these bullets from trump then America deserves everything happening to it.

We dont need more of the same we need COMPLETE change.
Well if Other minority groups dont wake up afrer catching these bullets from trump then America deserves everything happening to it.

We dont need more of the same we need COMPLETE change.
Well one thing is for sure, it'll be a rough 4 years. And the effects of Trump's supreme court pick(s) could be felt for decades to come
Well one thing is for sure, it'll be a rough 4 years. And the effects of Trump's supreme court pick(s) could be felt for decades to come

Meh, blacks globally have had a rough 500+ years lol. Like I said if this doesn't finally wake people up nothing will.
Well if Other minority groups dont wake up afrer catching these bullets from trump then America deserves everything happening to it.

We dont need more of the same we need COMPLETE change.
Well one thing is for sure, it'll be a rough 4 years. And the effects of Trump's supreme court pick(s) could be felt for decades to come
This is why I can't just be excited about a possible system overhaul. Trump really has unprecedented power with a Republican House and Senate and AT LEAST one Supreme Court Justice pick. His decisions in the next four years will be felt for decades.
Some of the things you say remind me of when I had to go to church and Bible study as a kid and I learned about the fall of Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrha etc. Especially the mention of a cleanse currently being underway.

I removed myself from Christianity but it's crazy how applicable some of that stuff is to current events. I guess it's part of history repeating itself and the endless existential cycle.
It was stolen from us, as they took the christ head out, then replaced it with a white male. What they taught through christianity eliminated the goddess, they took women out of power, which in turn took everything out of balance. Look throughout the bible and notice how women are made out to be horrible, with Mary being the only exception, and even she held no power. They took it, redid the history, then bent it into patriarchal rule, then WHITE patriarchal rule.
This is why I can't just be excited about a possible system overhaul. Trump really has unprecedented power with a Republican House and Senate and AT LEAST one Supreme Court Justice pick. His decisions in the next four years will be felt for decades.
And given what we know so far about his potential pick, it's just mind boggling that a first world country in 2016 will actually revert back to medieval policies (overturning Roe v. Wade, overturning gay marriage and legalizing business discrimination against the LGBT community, ...).

There's no chance of the gutting of the voting rights act being overturned either. And even more unlikely they'll do anything to prevent the GOP's rampant voter suppression, particularly targeting black and latino voters.

There's so many things the supreme court can screw up for the next few decades
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The ones that are still here because most of them have been exterminated.

I'm not going out like that.
Don't worry, we are going to win with very little effort. Just remember the naysayers. They will be the one's we need to be concerned with. "Massa', we sick?!"
quick question regarding the selection of supreme court justices.

was obama within his rights/power to appoint one after the death of scalia? would the future president have been able to replace that selection once they got into office?
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Exacty many people are simply tired and refuse to support Evil whether one is lesser than the evil. Clinton and Trump are the same damn thing lol. Dudes get caught up in cats trying to shame them into voting for Clinton as if the "more of the same" government isnt responsible for the deaths of people overseas.

not voting is another form of protest point blank so people shouldnt be shamed for doing what they felt was right.

How does not voting help though? Srs question. Im trying to understand this thought process. What exactly does this accomplish?
This is why I can't just be excited about a possible system overhaul. Trump really has unprecedented power with a Republican House and Senate and AT LEAST one Supreme Court Justice pick. His decisions in the next four years will be felt for decades.
And given what we know so far about his potential pick, it's just mind boggling that a first world country in 2016 will actually revert back to medieval policies (overturning Roe v. Wade, overturning gay marriage and legalizing business discrimination against the LGBT community, ...).
There's no chance of the gutting of the voting rights act being overturned either. And even more unlikely they'll do anything to prevent the GOP's rampant voter suppression, particularly targeting black and latino voters.

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks it's all by design and his presidency will be a means of destabilization of this country. Not initially but I think once the WS who hold power saw what was happening with Donald's popularity, they latched on and are now in overdrive.

These dudes are on TV, the internet, and in newspapers openly talking about their ideology and being presented in a way that makes people want to like them. Playing the victim role, brainwashing people of lesser intelligence into adopting their ideals.

That dude talking about the nazi salute being done in fun and exuberance was what really brought it all together for me. This is pure concentrated evil being broadcasted and normalized in America.
Just to be clear, white supremacy operates through government, and the government has no spiritual basis. Anything connected to the abrahamic faiths are destined to fall due to their treatment of women. They have surpressed and oppressed women since the introduction of those beliefs, and the result is what we are currently dealing with, which was extended into race. Through the oppression of women, the spiritual forces had been controlled until now, and it had just begun to pop off. Watch and see what happens next.....[emoji]128519[/emoji]
Dude needs to die for his race before asking anyone else to, son all over NT spitting some nonsense. Fam if you commit martyrdom today and post it on NT with a tagged video I will consider it.
Talk to your ancestors, ask them if what I am saying is incorrect. I see your avatar, and if you are aware, ask them. You know exactly what I am talking about.
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Exacty many people are simply tired and refuse to support Evil whether one is lesser than the evil. Clinton and Trump are the same damn thing lol. Dudes get caught up in cats trying to shame them into voting for Clinton as if the "more of the same" government isnt responsible for the deaths of people overseas.

not voting is another form of protest point blank so people shouldnt be shamed for doing what they felt was right.

How does not voting help though? Srs question. Im trying to understand this thought process. What exactly does this accomplish?

It's not about helping from what I've gathered. People just don't want to be involved in this system anymore.

I believe local voting is very important but I fully understand not participating. I think once you get to a certain point you just lose all faith in this. Good example, all that talk about ending or strongly reducing the power of private prison systems by the DoJ but when contract renewal time came, guess what they did?

People are sick of being lied to by people who promise to help them.
quick question regarding the selection of supreme court justices.

was obama within his rights/power to appoint one after the death of scalia? would the future president have been able to replace that selection once they got into office?
I'm not entirely sure on this but I think Obama could forcibly appoint his pick Merrick Garland through Article II, Section 2 of the constitution.

It's called a recess appointment I believe. This would only last temporarily though. Not sure how long.

It would also be highly controversial if he did, even though the GOP has obstructed Obama's pick from the moment he picked Garland.

The GOP did everything they could to just ignore Obama's pick so the next president could have their pick instead.
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More "nonsense", the Hopi understood that the earth was a living entity like themselves, and she was their mother. If we look at what has been done to the planet, she has been oppressed, raped, and misused as well. Understanding forces of nature, they cannot be controlled for long. Nature will always protect itself, and those who are conscious enough to respect it.
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More "nonsense", the Hopi understood the the earth was a living entity like themselves, and she was their mother. If we look at what has been done to the planet, she has been oppressed, raped, and misused as well. Understanding forces of nature, they cannot be controlled for long. Nature will always protect itself, and those who are conscious enough to respect it.
So you believe in some sort of earth spirit? I'm totally lost
@daddy style really ain't that far off from a lot of what he's saying. But like Lucky said, gotta know your audience. Anything rooted in spirituality/religion is going to get side eyed on here by most. I'd even argue there's a scientific approach that could be taken with some of what's he's said that would be a little easier to digest.
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