Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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Never knew Kaep was raised by white folks. Not that it matters, just found the dynamics of his upbringing interesting. Almost Blindside-like.

u so late. later than my girl period
It's a Kaep "protest" event at Cowboys stadium coming up, might go with my cam to see what's the goings on
It's a Kaep "protest" event at Cowboys stadium coming up, might go with my cam to see what's the goings on

waste of time. money order for kaep to get a job we must protest with our wallets. stay home, dont watch the games, dont support the sponsors (bud light,bose etc). If people genuinely care about whats happening with kaep....they will do that. standing at a stadium yelling and standing all day does absolutely nun.

stay home this fall and watch baseball my fellow americans
It's not a waste of time when events like that can help those who aren't prepared to protest now or don't understand the issue can be educated to understand and join the cause.

its not helping the cause bruh. its not going to get kaep a job this nfl season...thats the reason for the protest, if thats not the reason for the protest then why protest?

waste of time. have to protest with your wallets. dont show up to the games, dont buy the jerseys, dont support anything that supports the nfl. Once u hurt these owners bottom line (PROFIT) only then will u see change.
waste of time. money order for kaep to get a job we must protest with our wallets. stay home, dont watch the games, dont support the sponsors (bud light,bose etc). If people genuinely care about whats happening with kaep....they will do that. standing at a stadium yelling and standing all day does absolutely nun.

stay home this fall and watch baseball my fellow americans

He want people to watch baseball... The ultimate stay in line black man, 1960's sport.

He want people to watch baseball... The ultimate stay in line black man, 1960's sport.


stay in line black man? black americans dont play baseball, too focused on bball and football. is that the mlb fault or our culture just glorifyin bball and football as "black" sports????
stay in line black man? black americans dont play baseball, too focused on bball and football. is that the mlb fault or our culture just glorifyin bball and football as "black" sports????

Yeah and they treat them black latinos like it's the 60's.
its not helping the cause bruh. its not going to get kaep a job this nfl season...thats the reason for the protest, if thats not the reason for the protest then why protest?

waste of time. have to protest with your wallets. dont show up to the games, dont buy the jerseys, dont support anything that supports the nfl. Once u hurt these owners bottom line (PROFIT) only then will u see change.

Is it impossible to do both? Not sure how you can't see the importance of spreading the information about Kaep's issue and how it can create a larger number of people to protest. How do you think people who won't protest will be convinced to protest? You think they'll just wake up and understand? Nah, somebody somewhere will have that conversation with them. That's what the event will be about. Spreading the conversation of what's going on and showing people that they aren't the only one's who are protesting.

And if you think NFL reacted bad to kneeling during the national anthem, MLB would have behead a player if they tried it
Is it impossible to do both? Not sure how you can't see the importance of spreading the information about Kaep's issue and how it can create a larger number of people to protest. How do you think people who won't protest will be convinced to protest? You think they'll just wake up and understand? Nah, somebody somewhere will have that conversation with them. That's what the event will be about. Spreading the conversation of what's going on and showing people that they aren't the only one's who are protesting.

And if you think NFL reacted bad to kneeling during the national anthem, MLB would have behead a player if they tried it

what does spreading the info do???? BLM has been "spreading the message" for years now and we still being killed in these streets. wtf are u talking about????? Are u really that blind? U gotta go after these people power.....their power is in their money...without money they cant own their u not understand that?

Standing at a stadium does absolutely nun to help kaep. It does nun to help HIS CAUSE which is to get a job.

Stay home,dont support anything tied with the NFL,pick up a hobby, spend time with your fam, but dont support anything NFL...its the only way u will see their stance change.
Aight. I've talked to walls before. I'm good
exactly go sit down somewhere and learn something. Keep supporting the nfl while kaep sits at home because thats exactly where he will be following your sheep mentality.
Never knew Kaep was raised by white folks. Not that it matters, just found the dynamics of his upbringing interesting. Almost Blindside-like.

raised in turlock where population is half white half mexican and less than 1 percent black
oh really? why cant i find any articles on this? im on espn right now..where they mention this at?

Bruh. Where were you when Adam Jones was getting slurs shouted and having bananas thrown at him? If a baseball player attempted to do a non-violent protest for racial equality, they'd probably be even less likely to get resigned than Kap in the NFL. It isn't even an isolated incident. The black and latino players deal with it all the time.
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