Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Listening to Brother Shannon and Brother Rob on undisputed is like when you in the barbershop....and the OGs start talking that real ****. Them boys preaching up there.

Also can appreciate Skip. He's trying to learn rather than being dismissive and stubborn. You can see them peeling the layers off of Skip and opening his eyes a Lil. Baby steps
Thskip is the king of the hot takes and bad opinions but his work with Brother Shannon excuses him from everything. Especially on that network with Whitlock down the hall.

Sister Joy and her fine self keeps it 100 too
^ and that's part of the reason why Undisputed > first take Stephen A could learn much from Shannon which I never thought I'd say until this show started
Brother Shannon and Brother Rob and dare I say Brother Skip are doing AMAZING WORK.
Thskip is the king of the hot takes and bad opinions but his work with Brother Shannon excuses him from everything. Especially on that network with Whitlock down the hall.

Sister Joy and her fine self keeps it 100 too

I would love to see what happens when Shannon and Whitlock see each other in the hallway's. :lol:

Good to see Rob back from exile :pimp:

And just seeing the name Thskip always cracks me up, cant help but hear Shannon yelling it :lol:

Cleveland Police Union Pushes Back On Browns Protest, Refuses To Hold Flag At Game

Members of Cleveland’s largest police union have backed out of plans to hold the American flag for a pregame ceremony at the first Browns football game of the NFL season this month, a decision union leaders say is a response to a protest by the team’s players in August.

A dozen Browns players kneeled last month during the national anthem ahead of a preseason game against the New York Giants. Although the group said they had gathered to pray, they appeared to be showing solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. It was one of the largest such demonstrations since Kaepernick began the controversial ritual in 2016, in protest of the continued oppression of people of color in the U.S. He later called specific attention to the high-profile killings of black men by police officers.

Kaepernick is now a free agent, and many believe his inability to find a spot on an NFL roster has more to do with his outspoken advocacy for justice than his talent.
Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association president Steve Loomis suggested leaders with the Browns and NFL were to blame for not taking a more aggressive stance against the types of demonstrations exhibited by Browns players and Kaepernick.

“If the ownership of the Browns and the league are going to allow that type of stuff to happen, and then come to us and say, ‘We want you to help us with the flag,’ that’s hypocritical,” Loomis told Cleveland’s Fox 8. “We’re not gonna participate.”

In a statement addressing the players who kneeled before the game against the Giants, the Browns organization said it had “profound respect” for the national anthem, flag and U.S. service members, but also respected “the great liberties afforded by our country, including the freedom of personal expression.”

At the final preseason game on Saturday, Browns players changed course, standing in a line with their arms linked during the anthem.

But the union had informed the Browns of its decision ahead of that game, and Saturday’s display hasn’t changed their mind, Thomas Lascko, second vice president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, told HuffPost.

The president of a union that represents EMTs and other first responders has also pulled out of the event, citing similar reasons.

“The NFL brags about how they love the military and safety forces and everything that we do for this country, but obviously they don’t show it because they’re not setting forth any rules about [the national anthem],” Daniel Nemeth, president of a local branch of the Cleveland Association of Rescue Employees, told HuffPost.

Nemeth went on to say he’d be “an ignorant fool” to deny that racial injustice and police misconduct were legitimate issues. But he doesn’t support professional athletes using their platform to shine light on “politics.”

“I don’t believe in using your position and where you’re at to make it a big thing,” said Nemeth. “From what we came from, what this nation came from, to what is now, is it a better place? Heck yeah.”

City officials have reportedly weighed the possibility of finding military personnel to replace the protesting members from the police and EMS unions, according to Fox 8. But officers from the Cleveland Police Department may still end up taking the field on Sept. 10, regardless of the union’s position.

“The union does not speak for the Division,” public information officer Jennifer Ciaccia told HuffPost. “The Division of Police is in no way boycotting the Browns, nor denying participation in events with our officers.”
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Not even showing up and boycotting seems worse than being there and kneeling/praying.

Not even showing up to hold a flag seems more disrespectful to the military. Do it for them at least.

Crazy how they dont see it that way. It's childish.

i wonder how the union would feel if half the team didnt even make it out onto the field for the NA.
The responses and reactions say a lot. Instead of trying to show people that there's good cops who don't profile or unfairly treat and target minorities. These guys want to throw hissy fits and say they're not participating. Maybe they're up in their feels because they are what Kap was talking about. I'm not saying they are, but their reaction doesn't make them look good... Same with the people who keep making it about the flag and anthem instead of acknowledging the issues brought up.

Also, the absolute ridiculousness of curving a national anthem ceremony because someone else didn't stand for the anthem. :lol: :rofl: :rofl: The cognitive distortion of these bullies is real. I'm sure watching an athlete kneel during the NA is much worse than prejudice and institutional racism. :ohwell:
smh and he used to coach my fave team. tom can go f off
Not even showing up to hold a flag seems more disrespectful to the military. Do it for them at least
Also, the absolute ridiculousness of curving a national anthem ceremony because someone else didn't stand for the anthem. :lol: :rofl: :rofl: The cognitive distortion of these bullies is real. I'm sure watching an athlete kneel during the NA is much worse than prejudice and institutional racism. :ohwell:

Le irony of it all bruhs
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