Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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I hope more dudes take a knee tomorrow, but these sunken place brothers are more concerned with losing their non-guaranteed contracts.
Trump really started up a ****storm huh?

Even more than usual for him.

Interesting in seeing the ramification tomorrow and going forward.
Watch the ratings be higher than the first 2 weeks.

is the nba so casual because they don't stand to lose the patrons the nfl is scared of losing......
I hope more dudes take a knee tomorrow, but these sunken place brothers are more concerned with losing their non-guaranteed contracts.
This, I hope a lot of players show unity tomorrow and maybe they can shut Trumps punk *** up.
Yall seen the patriots statement going around on twitter?

A's catcher Bruce maxwell
just became the first mlb player to kneel :pimp:

AND his parents are military. Go ahead (not you, nawghty) and say something...

I said it a while back, I 100% support Kap's right to kneel. He's owed that as a US citizen. That can't be taken away from him. While I personally stated, for my own private reasons, that I stood for the anthem, that has all changed in a matter of 24 hours. Seeing and hearing the divisive drivel coming out of the president's mouth that threatens our very own 1st Amendment rights is despicable on an unprecedented level coming from someone "supposedly" in charge of leading this country. If I was attending a game, or was an athlete on a NFL roster, I'd be right there with other folks either sitting in the bleachers or taking a knee. This fool is trying his hardest to divide, but in actuality, he's doing a hell of a job bringing those together for the greater good.

Very fine people vs. SOBs...

that line has been drawn. Impossible not to see what's going on here. I hope those with a platform continue their protests and have the largest numbers turn out to show solidarity.

I'm with yall. 100.
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