Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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One thing that gets me heated is when these black people I've never even heard of, start supporting the opposition

like who the ***** is this guy??

They just got them ready on deck whenever we get too loud
Where’s Trumps energy for him???? I know his old *** been up tweeting this morning...hmmm it’s almost like he picks and chooses who to direct his BS towards...hmmm I wonder

The man addresses WS's and Nazi's respectfully while labelling folks protesting for civil rights and against injustice SOB's and calling for the suspension of their 1st amendment rights. that should kill any doubt about how he really feels for any folks still on the fence
These uneducated, backwoods Mississippi, racist Trump supporters love using the military as an excuse for their bigotry. A lot of veterans I know personally are super PRO-BLM and anthem protests. Somehow supporting Nazis and the confederacy isn't disrespectful to the military though. Go figure.
Yeah, I'm giving Ray Lewis the side eye. We didn't forget your comments bruh..... but maybe he finally came around ?

Nah I'm not even giving him the benefit of the doubt.

He was just telling Colin he needs to apologize and kiss *** for kneeling, then turns around and does it. Dude is mentally broken man, he didn't come around.
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