Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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the look you sometimes catch across the dinner table from the other person not really saying grace.
Patriotism's definition is not "blindly support your country and ignore everything negative". These thin-skinned crybabies whining over the anthem protests don't have the slightest clue about patriotism.
If they were truly patriots, they would be willing to acknowledge the country's problems, try to figure out solutions and work towards them. Instead they're getting in their feelings over a peaceful protest that seeks to bring attention to real significant problems.

Quoted for realness.

It has nothing to do with the flag or the anthem or the troops. It's just a curve for people who are uncomfortable with acknowledging why Kap initially protested. If the worst "injustice" you face or witness is a peaceful protest by a professional athlete, then I'd say you have it pretty good.

It's all just a slick way of saying, "stay in your place".
Doesn't matter how many times you tell these folks what the protest is about, it gets turned into "you hate the flag, you hate the military, and you hate America" next it'll be "why not protest black on black crime" all while waving the Confederate flag like a true "patriot"
Its been said many times before, but unfortunately it's going to take a significant white athlete or figure to actively be involved in some form of protest for this to start resonating with ignorant/oblivious white folks.

You can't change everyone's mind but people like Dale Earnhardt Jr tweeted something supporting the protests and it gets a lot more attention.
now look at this bs


The fallout continues after the Pittsburgh Steelers game on Sunday and the team's decision to stay in the tunnel at Chicago's Soldier Field during the national anthem.

The fan reaction has been mixed from support for the players to outraged fury over their decision. But as CBS Pittsburgh reports, in one Washington County town, one fan's response may have crossed the line.

Paul Smith, the chief of Cecil Volunteer Fire Station #2, posted a derogatory response on Facebook, which directed a racial slur at Steelers' head coach Mike Tomlin.

Reaction to Smith's post in Cecil Township was quick and negative.

Dylan Pareso, who lives across the street from the fire hall, said, "I'm completely upset, especially for a town like this, coming from the fire chief, that's disrespectful in my eyes. I don't agree with it one bit."

Mary Plumley told CBS Pittsburgh, "For a fire chief or for anybody like that to say something like that is wrong. They don't need to be in that position."

"It's not good. No, I don't like it at all," Janet Vickers said.

Wes Leopold reacted to Smith's post, saying, "It's kind of a dumb thing to do. I think, there's enough tension in this country. He's definitely adding to it."

Chief Smith is out of the country on vacation, but on Facebook, he responded to CBS Pittsburgh.

"I am embarrassed at this. I want to apologize. I was frustrated and angry at the Steelers not standing the anthem. This had nothing to do with my Fire Department. I regret what I said."

"My fire department should have never been dragged into this. It was a bad judgement by me, for which I am very embarrassed, for them and my township."

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Reminds me of this scene in the movie "In the Valley of Elah." Granted America is under duress for another reason in the movie, but it still applies in my opinion. People need to be able to separate their perceived "desecration or disrespect" to a damn symbol and really think long and hard why people are upset. It's unnerving that folks get more wound up about symbolism than actual social issues. I don't see it changing in my lifetime unfortunately.


now look at this bs

hey, at least they didn't Photoshop Jerry up in there.

Aaron Rodgers' inclusion does remind me of the little play-action move he tried to pull, posting a pic of him and a couple of teammates kneeling on the practice field.

The Cowboys did the most PC, all lives matter thing possible. White people need to stop with this "well it's baby step" mess. Black people been dealing with baby steps for hundreds of years. That **** don't fly.

maaaaan, let me tell you how hype I was when they first kneeled down, thinking ole Jerry was about to show me something...he sure as hell did.

the word "okiedoke" was concieved by the community for that exact circumstance.
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Yeah Thskip trippin on that one. He really think Jerry did the same thing Kaep did. :smh:

The Cowboys did the most PC, all lives matter thing possible. White people need to stop with this "well it's baby step" mess. Black people been dealing with baby steps for hundreds of years. That **** don't fly.
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