Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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That's the main thing about everything in America... those pensions.

That's why all these different sections work together towards one goal and that's to make sure they come out on top and stay on top.

From police, judges, firemen, all those government jobs all of them are pension jobs and they are union. All those unions work together with the court system and to look out for each other and that's why they always get off or let off easy.

I realized this a few years ago, and see it when their is police brutality and the such. You never see cops apologetic for what they've done and you never see the union officials talk about it either... ever just stick to the code and look out for yourself.

This man knows. It's one big circle jerk.
you sound like a djano extra just saying that phrase, you can't even add the ah on the phrase because once you get to the second o in good the hard grrr already coming out in "no good n****r"
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the anger outside it is even more so...

imagine a high ranking diplomat using the phrase "son of a *****." yo mama a ***** and you her ***** *** son.

imagine a public servant charged with saving lives tossing out the old-school R on the casual. I wonder what a "good _____" looks like and would he save it in a fire?

imagine a nationally recognized religious official literally saying protestors are lucky to have unpierced heads. who would Jesus shoot?

side by side on a scale, a few pissy posts on an Internet forum are less than nothing.
yaknow, in hindsight, what makes it so funny is that the NFL brought all this reggaeton on itself.

if it had just stayed a sports league and not tried to be a social mediator with off-field conduct policies and elaborate displays of corporate patriotism, it wouldn't be scrambling in every direction to cover the giant *** it has made out of itself.

sure, sports and politics have been close since at least Jesse Owens, but the NFL leaned into it more than any other league.

been saying this.

can't please everyone in politics.
Never told anybody how to feel regarding anything in this thread and/or any event that's happened

It's just funny dudes were so convinced that owners wouldnt "let them" kneel and when the owners are out front and center supporting the players and even kneeling with them it's somehow got ppl even more mad
Speaking as a white person that grew up in a predominantly white town, I can't even go on social media these days without feeling sick to my stomach. So many distorted opinions about how players are "disrespecting the flag" or "disrespecting the armed forces" with no attempt to examine the real reasons why this protest started.

I don't even try to argue with them though. Their minds are made up, and it's clear by their responses to anyone that tries to challenge their views in the comments. We're dealing with people that simply don't want to learn and don't want to make efforts to do better in terms of injustice and racial inequality. We're dealing with willful ignorance at its finest.
Skip true colors are showing today. Just wow. They ask about Coach Pops comments about white privilege, systemic racism and Trump....

Skip discredits him by saying he doesn't believe Pop because he's "mean to media members"

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White privilege

Dog....Skip came out his mouth today to say that Pop only said what he said to recruit black players :smh:

While also asking Shannon to concede credit to Jerry Jones for kneeling smh
Skip exposed himself

He is just one of them white moderate conservative types that is having a existential crisis because of Trump. Like this dude said four pastors had to talk him out of voting for Trump. Like really my dude? :smh:

Even if Trump was not so vile. If he cared so much about justice for black folk I would think he would vote for the candidate that actually had criminal justice reform, jobs programs and anti poverty measures in their platform. Or demand all candidates have that in their platform.

He wants to condemn racism and racist, but only when it is safe. This "I could have been fired" **** is nonsense. He cares more about appearing to be an ally, than actually being one.

That MLK quote will always be dead on, the roadblock to justice is not the vile racist, but the half stepping white moderate.
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