Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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now look at this bs


These are the folks they're dancing for and are afraid of offending.
Trump’s Evangelical Adviser on Fox News: NFL Players Lucky 'They Are Not Shot in the Head'
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Robert Jeffress, a Southern Baptist pastor who leads a televised ministry in Dallas, serves as an informal advisor to Trump on faith-based issues

Evangelical pastor Robert Jeffress addressed the ongoing battle between Donald Trump and kneeling NFL players on "Fox and Friends" Monday saying that these players should “be thanking God” they haven’t been “shot in the head.”

“I think what these players are doing is absolutely wrong,” Jeffress said. “These players ought to be thanking God that they live in a country where they’re not only free to earn millions of dollars every year, but they’re also free from the worry of being shot in the head for taking a knee like they would be if they were in North Korea.”

This is not Jeffress's first inflammatory statement, in mid-September he said God "is not necessarily an open borders guy," also while appearing on "Fox and Friends" - where he is a paid contributor. Jeffress made that comment while on the program discussing a letter by Christian leaders imploring Trump to use “Christian compassion” when it comes to immigration.

Jeffress, a Southern Baptist pastor who leads a televised ministry in Dallas, serves as an informal advisor to Trump on faith-based issues and led Trump in prayer from the Oval Office after Hurricane Harvey hit Texas.
Rob Parker funny as hell too. The way he says 'bamboozled' gets me every time. Jerry's photo op seemed to work though on Skilllllllllllllp.

Skips true colors came out. That's why don't trust some of these "allies". Everytime they touch on that topic, Skip goes above and beyond to point out that he can't relate to these issues. Yet you have an educated black co host, who can personally relate to what's going on...and you're arguing with him on why he should just accept the bs and just be happy :smh:

Sounds real familiar ..."slavery is over ...Just be happy"
But it has nothing to do with racism though....:rolleyes

These folks don't actually give a **** about the flag/anthem like that. It's mostly just about limiting black expression imo

Word to fans booing during the anthem and also last night when they knelt before the anthem was even played...

Dudes should just drop all pretext and yell "******s!" Instead of boos cause that's how they really feel
That guy deserves to lose his livelihood and pension. Disgusting b :smh:

That's the main thing about everything in America... those pensions.

That's why all these different sections work together towards one goal and that's to make sure they come out on top and stay on top.

From police, judges, firemen, all those government jobs all of them are pension jobs and they are union. All those unions work together with the court system and to look out for each other and that's why they always get off or let off easy.

I realized this a few years ago, and see it when their is police brutality and the such. You never see cops apologetic for what they've done and you never see the union officials talk about it either... ever just stick to the code and look out for yourself.
yaknow, in hindsight, what makes it so funny is that the NFL brought all this reggaeton on itself.

if it had just stayed a sports league and not tried to be a social mediator with off-field conduct policies and elaborate displays of corporate patriotism, it wouldn't be scrambling in every direction to cover the giant *** it has made out of itself.

sure, sports and politics have been close since at least Jesse Owens, but the NFL leaned into it more than any other league.
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