Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Man I'd be lying if I didn't say I love watching those imbecile white folks burn their own Jerseys over this. My uncle served blah blah blah. I don't care.

I serve, right now, and from this servicemen's perspective, I don't feel the least bit slighted because I'm cognizant enough to know that their protest has nothing to do with the flag. As in at all. But that is the other's invoking that into the narrative. Well, here's a narrative that they don't think about, no one gave a damn prior to I believe 09 when the DoD paid the NFL millions to prominently display for recruiting numbers. Oh, one more thing, if people are tight about players kneeling or stretching during the National Anthem, then I invite them to any military installation across the world where everyday at 0800 am sharp the National Anthem (we call it "Colors") is played and whatever activity we are doing outside is mandated to come to a screeching halt so we can salute, they would be dismayed by the number of Sailors I have to reprimand for running to get inside a building so they don't have to stand with a Salute for a minute and some change. But the football players are disrespectful. Ok. Patriots.
White privilege


Why do I get the feeling you're one of those little snot nosed types who had everything handed to him. :lol:

Hopefully Pop's words reached some people like you .
Skip true colors are showing today. Just wow. They ask about Coach Pops comments about white privilege, systemic racism and Trump....

Skip discredits him by saying he doesn't believe Pop because he's "mean to media members"


Skip look real funny right now. It was a few things. Through those clips he kept saying to Shannon "You won't be happy with nothing". Like we supposed to accept these trump supporting owners doing some weak PC gesture. All the times he kept mentioning "well it's baby steps, accept it".

Skip knows Jerry Jones so he probably biased but he was on some "take these crumbs and be happy". Nah man, we past that. He was getting upset cuz Shannon wouldn't accept the crumbs.

White privilege


You corny dude, go bump the Designer thread. You clearly don't know what the **** you talkin bout in here.
These people aren't content unless everyone else is subservient to them. Everything is cool to white existence until others petition for equality. This isn't just a war being fought on a social front this is biological.
Makes me think of that Samantha Bee chick and her husband. She's the most liberal chick on show sounding like she's about minority rights, but the moment the city wanted to re-zone to allow kids from a lower income neighborhood to attend the same school as their kids they had a fit.

I remember that. I'm surprised that it didn't get more attention.
who's that dude with the white privilege signature?

def an old user w new account right?
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