Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Man looks like he has the word on the tip of his tongue constantly and it comes out naturally anytime he's upset

Not surprised at this one bit....did yall forget that Fire Departments were once predominately white sub cultures???
Especially in the NE regions of the US.
There has always been a "white male" catered bias in the firehouse sub culture.
Yes folks even the Fire/EMS system has deep embedded racial prejudice in it till this day.

I'm an 11 year'd be surprised how non black firemen and EMS personnel who work in urban areas talk about the citizens they are suppose to protect and serve.
Matter of fact there are hillbilly co workers of mine who are terrified to go into the hood without another black person on the truck with them.
Why they choose such a career in an urban location beats me
Please don't ever put someone on a high moral pedestal of expectations because of a uniform, profession or badge they wear.
Police, veterans, doctors,nurses,judges, funeral home directors,bank loan officers,firemen,NO ONE!!
The devils even lurk and hide among those we naturally trust the most to deliver life into this world
Not surprised at this one bit....did yall forget that Fire Departments were once predominately white sub cultures???
Especially in the NE regions of the US.
There has always been a "white male" catered bias in the firehouse sub culture.
Yes folks even the Fire/EMS system has deep embedded racial prejudice in it till this day.

I'm an 11 year'd be surprised how non black firemen and EMS personnel who work in urban areas talk about the citizens they are suppose to protect and serve.
Matter of fact there are hillbilly co workers of mine who are terrified to go into the hood without another black person on the truck with them.
Why they choose such a career in an urban location beats me
It makes no sense.... a lot of the white folks who work in NYPD and FDNY live out in the whitest suburbs in long island and they come to the 5 boroughs and work in these diverse communities. Like how can these people actually protect the communities that they serve without some sort of bias when they live in these segregated suburbs to get away from minorities. It's a joke it really is.
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It makes no sense.... a lot of the white folks who work in NYPD and FDNY live out in the whitest suburubs in long island and they come to the 5 boroughs and work in these diverse communities. Like how can these people actually protect the communities that they serve without some sort of bias when they live in these segregated suburbs to get away from minorities. It's a joke it really is.

I don't even think they care to protect ****. It's like they're there to keep high crime confined, ala Hamsterdam. They probably also think they can get away with abusing their duties in impoverished and/or minority majority places. Based on the outcome of cases of brutality, that's the way it seems.
It makes no sense.... a lot of the white folks who work in NYPD and FDNY live out in the whitest suburubs in long island and they come to the 5 boroughs and work in these diverse communities. Like how can these people actually protect the communities that they serve without some sort of bias when they live in these segregated suburbs to get away from minorities. It's a joke it really is.

Exactly most of my co workers actually drive to DC from Delaware and Pennsylvania and Southern Virginia and West Virginia .
This is the problem you get these narrow minded clowns who treat urban areas like warzones such as Iraq or Afghanistan.....especially the police.
That's why LAPD/Sheriffs have so many issues with police brutality....well there main hiring pipeline are military vets who bring that combat ******** into the communities they serve.

Of course its bragging rights for them when they go back home to their small hick town peers to say..."well i work one of the most dangerous cities in America..."I work in the hood
so I'm pretty tough" hear this ******** rhetoric from Miami Dade/FDNY/LA members all the damn time
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The funniest thing about Ray Lewis and his appeasing to white supremacists, calling Kaep's protest nonsense is now those same people he was trying to be a good negro to want his statue removed.
I really fail to understand how all of these parties got input, why forms of protest need to be discussed and homogenized and cleared and palatable for all.

I can just see Rosa Parks meeting with city transportation authorities to get approved beforehand: "maybe just sit in the seat real quick, then move when the bus pulls off."
I really fail to understand how all of these parties got input, why forms of protest need to be discussed and homogenized and cleared and palatable for all.

I can just see Rosa Parks meeting with city transportation authorities to get approved beforehand...maybe just sit in the seat real quick, then move when the bus pulls off.

It is cause at least enough people in this country don't like black people. And a lot that claim they do - have contextual relationships with them.

"It just depends"

Everything concerning anything black or even remotely so is handled differently.
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I don’t know if this was trumps goal or what but man I’m tired of this whole kneeling and locking arms **** already. The whole thing has been trivialized to the point that all of it has strayed further from the goal it was supposed to accomplish. The Aaron Rodgers news with having the fans lock arms is the final nail in the coffin of this ******** for me.
Worldstar @wavycrocket

They’re trying to remove Ray Lewis’ statue in Baltimore? He’s been getting death threats?
Wouldnt be suprised...most of the Ravens hardcore fans are from the hick and racists towns outside of the city...they super mad and were the only reason the team didnt wanna bring Kap in, these fans see Ray as "one of the good ones" and believe he stands for everything they stand for...folks from Baltimore itself are disappointed and embarrassed by Ray's clowning and dont really give a fck bout Ray or the Ravens right now
Only way I see things changing in our lifetime is if there's a literal fight. Like Che Guevara type ****. Or at least a more organized and legit occupy type movement with leadership.
Only way I see things changing in our lifetime is if there's a literal fight. Like Che Guevara type ****. Or at least a more organized and legit occupy type movement with leadership.

People are too afraid to risk their false sense of security for real actual freedom. The majority of this “great country” are lazy spineless hypocrites petrified in fear.
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