Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Firemen ain't thinking whats your skin color when they're risking their lives rescuing your *** from a burning building b :lol:

that said da Pittsburgh guy was a *** hole & got what he deserved.

But they take into account neighborhoods and their demographics.
Fire Chief may not show rush to get to a brown/black neighborhood similar to how police are notorious for taking their time getting to minority neighborhoods
This is the only time I've heard a Fire fighter being racist, so I'm not ready to say there's a bias.
Does this type of stuff happen often?
9/11 is da glaring example of you being loud, wrong, and distasteful bout firemen, who are regarded as heroes almost universally.

9/11 cant be a glaring example of anything since it's not a reoccurring issue.
That's like using Ebola in a conversation about covering your mouth when you sneeze
Any proof of racism in the FDNY can be traced to a few years ago there was this big thing in NY where a lot of good pension union jobs like firefight, cop, or department of sanitization where it was found they were discriminating against minorities. All of those jobs people would push to get their own kind, italian and or irish into them, or try to put their kids on so that "they" stay on top and keep that position.

So after the studies were found that they were indeed discriminating against minorities they started the whole hire minorities thing and started hiring different people, but they still far outweigh the minorities.
Montreal Alouettes exploring Colin Kaepernick as option at QB
Any proof of racism in the FDNY can be traced to a few years ago there was this big thing in NY where a lot of good pension union jobs like firefight, cop, or department of sanitization where it was found they were discriminating against minorities. All of those jobs people would push to get their own kind, italian and or irish into them, or try to put their kids on so that "they" stay on top and keep that position.

So after the studies were found that they were indeed discriminating against minorities they started the whole hire minorities thing and started hiring different people, but they still far outweigh the minorities.

I am for the movement and i support Kaep. His protest brought about awareness, now its time to EXECUTE something that will make changes. Black folks need to save their money, build their communites, build their families, get rid of the alcohol drugs, and broken families. (Yes im aware white supremacy had/ has a helping hand in this) and Invest in their own. MANY WHITE PEOPLE WILL ALWAYS BE RACIST. Thats just how it is. Im tired of people acting surprised or, expecting many white people to love and accept you. We dont need them to accept or love us, we have to love, respect, uplift and protect ourselves. Lets take this crucial time to invest in ourselves and in our brothers and sisters on this continent and the motherland. Its so unfortunate to see what black people could be but not see it in reality.
This is the only time I've heard a Fire fighter being racist, so I'm not ready to say there's a bias.
Does this type of stuff happen often?

There isn'tan occupation racism is excluded. From where I sit a person is probably racist before not racist at all
Although I don't want anyone to give a single dollar to the NFl, I also find it hilarious when news sites post their monthly "Kaepernick among top selling jerseys" article and hundreds of angry comments pour in. Dudes have NO lives :lol: It's sad how much one man's kneeling has completely consumed them
He’s getting that support and it’s been growing. Hillbilly middle America isn’t going to rock with the guy, but F them.

History is going to view Colin Kaepernick very favorably.
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