Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I like how racists always say things like "that's not really me" :lol: what you say when you're angry, drunk, sad, etc is EXACTLY who you are.
One University of Michigan student kneeled for 24 hours to protest anti-black racism
Like how can these people actually protect the communities that they serve without some sort of bias when they live in these segregated suburbs to get away from minorities

Firemen ain't thinking whats your skin color when they're risking their lives rescuing your *** from a burning building b :lol:

that said da Pittsburgh guy was a *** hole & got what he deserved.
Firemen ain't thinking whats your skin color when they're risking their lives rescuing your *** from a burning building b :lol:

that said da Pittsburgh guy was a *** hole & got what he deserved.

Don't act like they aint hesitant sometimes when they get a call from that part of town though
Firemen ain't thinking whats your skin color when they're risking their lives rescuing your *** from a burning building b :lol:

that said da Pittsburgh guy was a *** hole & got what he deserved.

But the police sure are aware n have certain feelings on the skin color of the ppl in the areas they work in tho
Am I wild for lowkey appreciating Trump?

If it it was Hillary it would have been more of the same and this just would have happened at a later date anyway.

This wake-up call/confirmation is at godly levels

As much as I hate him, Trump has revealed all the racist snakes in my social circle and has made many of my family members and friends have much more empathy for black, Latino, and Middle Eastern people. I couldn't believe how many people I previously thought were my friends/acquaintances turned out to be racist/ignorant scumbags that were friendly to my face but most likely didn't think much of me and people like me beyond a superficial level.
The chickens have definitely come to roost with Trump in office. We’ve gone from more of that subtle passive aggressive rhetoric to these clowns feeling emboldened because they feel their fuher gives them the green light to say whatever stupid stuff they want.

It’s crazy, but not surprising how far back he set this country in a mere 8 months. Not that the bar was very high before he took office by any means.
As much as I hate him, Trump has revealed all the racist snakes in my social circle and has made many of my family members and friends have much more empathy for black, Latino, and Middle Eastern people. I couldn't believe how many people I previously thought were my friends/acquaintances turned out to be racist/ignorant scumbags that were friendly to my face but most likely didn't think much of me and people like me beyond a superficial level.

Are you white?
Are you white?

Not really...I guess if you go by da looming 2050 census that some people are counting down to, I'm technically half white, but my European family members are extremely tan and constantly get called anti Mexican/Middle Eastern slurs in the US. They don't consider themselves white and are actually from a region of Portugal where people are called "mouros" due to the obvious Moorish heritage
I really fail to understand how all of these parties got input, why forms of protest need to be discussed and homogenized and cleared and palatable for all.

because unfortunately da "message" got Tangled into anti patriotism and that hornets nest got effectively kicked

its a form of mitigation.
Reuters poll:

85% 'almost always' stand for the anthem.

74% place hand on heart.

58% say pro athletes should be *required* to stand.

this is why da National Anthem & flag was a bad Target highlight police were gonna run into patriotic folks who couldn't see past da perceived disrespect of da flag and what it stands for to drill down on da bigger message trying to be conveyed by da protests.
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Not really...I guess if you go by da looming 2050 census that some people are counting down to, I'm technically half white, but my European family members are extremely tan and constantly get called anti Mexican/Middle Eastern slurs in the US. They don't consider themselves white and are actually from a region of Portugal where people are called "mouros" due to the obvious Moorish heritage

Cool man. Just curious.
You didn't specify or highlight the 9/11 First Responders in your initial comment.

it doesn't matter, Fire fighters go thru da riggers of getting da job to risk their own lives to save lives of others, to qualify that with assuming they have a skin bias as their saving people burning in buildings is asinine.
it doesn't matter, Fire fighters go thru da riggers of getting da job to risk their own lives to save lives of others, to qualify that with assuming they have a skin bias as their saving people burning in buildings is asinine.

After you were pointed out as being wrong now all of a sudden "it doesn't matter" as you put it.....I love it. Some firefighters/EMS personnel do have a bias and are hesitant initially to go to certain neighborhoods. Take from that what you would like but as you put it......"those are the facts b"
After you were pointed out as being wrong now all of a sudden "it doesn't matter" as you put it.

no one pointed im wrong except you, im still waiting on a example of firefighters refusing to save someone's life because da color of their skin...9/11 is da glaring example of you being loud, wrong, and distasteful bout firemen, who are regarded as heroes almost universally.
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