Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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So how do you guys feel everyday? You guys hateful? Gloomy? Paranoid?

I am really trying to be a happy person. And I am mostly successful at it. Although I know the truths - I try not to let that cloud constantly hang over me. But maybe that is what being black is.

It really hit me hard last year. I had a moment when I was so frustrated I broke down for a couple of minutes. I had dealt with racism in the south growing up and moved west to "escape" it but it was still at every job I took. I've been profiled in California more than I have anywhere else. There's no escaping it.

Besides my run-ins with the law out here that I've luckily never been arrested for, I've had neighbors hate me for no apparent reason when I used to go out of my way to at least say hello.

At this point I've come to the conclusion that unless you prove otherwise, if you're not one of my people, you're probably at least a person that refuses to acknowledge racism is prevalent in the US. From there you can only prove me slightly correct or all the way correct and I actively avoid situations where I will have to find out. Yesterday a coworker tried to pick my brain about the protests and I told him I don't watch sports and changed the subject. I had a similar situation last week. I just don't see the point in discussing it with people that I'm going to disagree with on this subject. There's nothing more for me to learn from them.
The people in-between. The "moderate" or the people uncomfortable with the subject need to understand that if everyone "sticks to sports" or whatever unrelated job or activity they're involved in. People still have to live with prejudice and injustice. It still effects their lives. It still ruins lives and puts innocent people through undeserved pain and suffering.
It really hit me hard last year. I had a moment when I was so frustrated I broke down for a couple of minutes. I had dealt with racism in the south growing up and moved west to "escape" it but it was still at every job I took. I've been profiled in California more than I have anywhere else. There's no escaping it.

Besides my run-ins with the law out here that I've luckily never been arrested for, I've had neighbors hate me for no apparent reason when I used to go out of my way to at least say hello.

At this point I've come to the conclusion that unless you prove otherwise, if you're not one of my people, you're probably at least a person that refuses to acknowledge racism is prevalent in the US. From there you can only prove me slightly correct or all the way correct and I actively avoid situations where I will have to find out. Yesterday a coworker tried to pick my brain about the protests and I told him I don't watch sports and changed the subject. I had a similar situation last week. I just don't see the point in discussing it with people that I'm going to disagree with on this subject. There's nothing more for me to learn from them.

We have had similar experiences, I grew up in Alabama, went to college in Florida and then moved out here to LA to get to a more progressive area. But you really can't escape it no matter where you go. I'm not getting called the N word with the hard er like in Bama or getting profiled like I was at UF at times but the naivety of some people who claim to be progressive outchea on the West coast is almost as frustrating and tiresome. Being unaware or dismissive is almost just as bad as knowing and actively oppressing to me at this point and I just don't have time for it anymore. Everyone wants you to be for their cause, but yet trying to start a discussion on what's going on in our communities is taboo.
Gonna need a Kaep jersey asap if dude signs with the Als

would purchase and wear a CFL jersey at full retail for this purpose. ain't rocking Niners gear...old habits die hard. :lol:

FDNY make like 120 to 150k to basically sit in a firehouse all day and go out for menial jobs most of the time. That’s a good check. If I wasn’t so afraid of being burned alive or getting lung cancer that one day that I eventually have to run into a burning building, I would of been signed up for that job. Anyways you can’t be serious about racists not signing up to save minorities. Those jobs pay well. They sign up for the paycheck.

hey listen man, I know these are hot times but we can't be out here wholesale disparaging firefighters and this sentence says why.

I mean, he could show some support, but dude is Canadian. the American national anthem actually means nothing to him.

So how do you guys feel everyday? You guys hateful? Gloomy? Paranoid?

I am really trying to be a happy person. And I am mostly successful at it. Although I know the truths - I try not to let that cloud constantly hang over me. But maybe that is what being black is.

since Trayvon or so I've realized this country's populace is fundamentally divided along fault lines that never seemed to heal from when the country actually had a civil war. a civil war. today we're neighbors, next week we're shooting at each other. that **** happened and I don't think most people appreciate the gravity of those events and the precedent it set. THIS COUNTRY IS ONLY 300 YEARS OLD...that's "beta testing" in the grand span of sovereignty.

aaaanyway, as it relates to my everyday life, I just try to live my best one and keep the ******** to a minimum...or at least, I would if being black wasn't apparently a full time job.

so I just try to bring people together and help them see why they have common ground. squint as hard as I can to see everybody's point and add my insight to expand their perspective. definitely record where everyone stands.

I live abroad but encounter a lot of Americans in my travels, so I consider myself an ambassador to pretty much everybody.

I realized that the odds are I don't live in the lifetime where all this **** will be patched up between the human family, so I figure I'll at least really see where the beef is in the hopes that the dialogue will at least be useful.

the fact is we don't even know whether this grand experiment known as global integrated civilization actually works. I want to find out for sure one way or the other.

if you can meet me, talk to me, and still hate my kind on sight, then **** you. "let it be known then."
I'm surprised Obama hasn't made a statement about all this.

Edit: Just seen he made a tweet about helping PR though :smokin . That's way more important. Meanwhile SCROTUS is still talking about the NFL. :smh:
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Not really.

He already commented on Kaep's protest, and he said that he wouldn't speak out about Trump's buffoonery except for a few major issues.

His friends also said that he doesn't want to involve himself in too many things because Trump will use him to whip up support from his base.
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Anyways you can’t be serious about racists not signing up to save minorities. Those jobs pay well. They sign up for the paycheck.

if you're really a racist, you're practicing da exercise in self preservation. and da grueling training alone to potentially lose your life for "minorities you despise" is out of da cards...sorry, not happening with firemen, hence their public perception of them hasn't faulted at all since 9/11.
What makes fireman exempt from being racist?

this subtle goal post move is interesting but I'm not taking da issue there..i said for da most part fireman aren't signing up to potentially die in a fire saving minorities in da urban inner cities, da public of all stripes, races, and social backgrounds, show almost universal adulation for firemen.
What makes fireman exempt from being racist?
Simple b

A no racist would willing do a high paying secure job in fear that they might have to pull a minority out of a fire.

I'm sure every fireman is cool with a large number of black people in their neighborhoods, is pro immigration, wants his child's school to be as integrated as possible, and always votes the civil rights candidate.
Simple b

A no racist would willing do a high paying secure job in fear that they might have to pull a minority out of a fire.

I'm sure every fireman is cool with a large number of black people in their neighborhoods, is pro immigration, wants his child's school to be as integrated as possible, and always votes the civil rights candidate.
I mean like it’s so easy to refute what he is saying yet he still stands on this island alone. I feel bad for you guys in the political thread.
The mentality of most of these folks aren't even just parallels of the past, it's actually the same if not worse.
Yes things have gotten better in terms of ostensible opportunity for minorities but they'll never be truly equal.*
Even in this age of extensive information, videos etc, proof of police brutality, inequities etc. they still don't accept it.

Shame but not surprising especially if you're "woke."
It just keeps getting dumber and dumber, now I see how nonsensical it is when someone doesn't get all of their "facts" from tv or the web and is forced to use their own logic.
if you're really a racist, you're practicing da exercise in self preservation. and da grueling training alone to potentially lose your life for "minorities you despise" is out of da cards...sorry, not happening with firemen, hence their public perception of them hasn't faulted at all since 9/11.
Was his initial reasoning ever accepted by the media/general public?

I mean if we're keeping it funky...

he type muddled up his own message by protesting his issues with inequality by using da flag as emblematic of those problems, and by not standing for da "flag" he was showing his hand.

reporter literally asked him about da military in that same first interview, and he really didn't have a answer for those people in da military should feel at da perceived disrespect being laid to bare on da flag as a result of his protest.

so now its a year later, and that factor he didn't really factor in (you can tell by that very first interview), has overshadowed his original intentions, so now patriotic Americans are turning on da NFL cuz they see it as placating a slight on da flag, da conversation is no longer about police brutality and unfair treatment to blacks.

plus u add in da pig socks, and castro shirt, and its a dumpster fire now narrative wise.

it would be conducive to him to hold a press conference after he's done donating his mill to reframe da conversation back to where he wants it to go.
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