Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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you should look at da universal approval of FDNY among all people, learn something.

Ninja, why does Kaep need to speak though?

he started da fire, no pun intended... now ot has to be controlled, or else his whole Message is forever lost, that backlash is already on full tilt.

POLL: Majority of Americans disagree with Colin Kaepernick's protest

Colin Kaepernick's protest seems to be gaining steam with some of his fellow NFL players, however, it doesn't seem to be catching on with the rest of the country.

In two recent polls that were both conducted within the past week, a majority of respondents said that they disagree with Kaepernick's decision to protest racial inequality and police brutality by not standing for the national anthem.

In one poll, which was conducted by Reuters, 72 percent of Americans said that they thought Kaepernick's behavior was unpatriotic. Another 61 percent said that they do not "support the stance Colin Kaepernick is taking and his decision not to stand during the national anthem."

The Reuters poll of 2,903 adults was conducted between Sept. 6-12. Kaepernick's protest went public on Aug. 26.

The poll included 1,481 people who identified as white and 612 people who identified as racial minorities. Of those two groups, 70 percent of whites disagreed with Kaepernick's stance, while only 40 percent of racial minorities disagreed with the 49ers quarterback.

Although many respondents disagree with Kaepernick's stance, 64 percent of all the people who were surveyed agreed that Kaepernick has a constitutional right to protest and shouldn't be punished by the NFL.

In another poll, which was conducted by SurveyMonkey, 44 percent of people said they are "not supportive at all of Kaepernick's protest." Another 29 percent said they did support it and the rest were unsure.

In the Survey Monkey poll, which was conducted Sept. 13-14, 60 percent of respondents said Kaepernick should not be punished by the NFL for his protesting.

Since starting his protest in August, 13 NFL players have joined Kaepernick's cause. The 49ers quarterback has said that he's going to keep sitting during the national anthem until "meaningful change" occurs in our country.

knowing this now.... it would be wise to reframe da conversation away from da actual national anthem and into w/e cause he wants to spotlight. da floor is his now.
the people that participated in that poll also took the quiz to see which king of the hill character they are.

You're Hank Hill!
He can frame it however he wants, he's gonna get the same results. A bunch of white people telling him to shut up and be grateful.

The majority not stepping up and doing **** about racism is why we're where we are, so a poll ain't really telling us anything we don't already know.
you should look at da universal approval of FDNY among all people, learn something.

he started da fire, no pun intended... now ot has to be controlled, or else his whole Message is forever lost, that backlash is already on full tilt.

POLL: Majority of Americans disagree with Colin Kaepernick's protest

Colin Kaepernick's protest seems to be gaining steam with some of his fellow NFL players, however, it doesn't seem to be catching on with the rest of the country.

In two recent polls that were both conducted within the past week, a majority of respondents said that they disagree with Kaepernick's decision to protest racial inequality and police brutality by not standing for the national anthem.

In one poll, which was conducted by Reuters, 72 percent of Americans said that they thought Kaepernick's behavior was unpatriotic. Another 61 percent said that they do not "support the stance Colin Kaepernick is taking and his decision not to stand during the national anthem."

The Reuters poll of 2,903 adults was conducted between Sept. 6-12. Kaepernick's protest went public on Aug. 26.

The poll included 1,481 people who identified as white and 612 people who identified as racial minorities. Of those two groups, 70 percent of whites disagreed with Kaepernick's stance, while only 40 percent of racial minorities disagreed with the 49ers quarterback.

Although many respondents disagree with Kaepernick's stance, 64 percent of all the people who were surveyed agreed that Kaepernick has a constitutional right to protest and shouldn't be punished by the NFL.

In another poll, which was conducted by SurveyMonkey, 44 percent of people said they are "not supportive at all of Kaepernick's protest." Another 29 percent said they did support it and the rest were unsure.

In the Survey Monkey poll, which was conducted Sept. 13-14, 60 percent of respondents said Kaepernick should not be punished by the NFL for his protesting.

Since starting his protest in August, 13 NFL players have joined Kaepernick's cause. The 49ers quarterback has said that he's going to keep sitting during the national anthem until "meaningful change" occurs in our country.

knowing this now.... it would be wise to reframe da conversation away from da actual national anthem and into w/e cause he wants to spotlight. da floor is his now.

Poll: Majority says Trump not 'fit to serve as president'

A majority of Americans, including most independent voters, say President Trump is unfit for office, according to a new poll.

Survey results released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University show that just over half of American voters say that Trump is "not fit" for the office of the presidency. That number includes 57 percent of independents and 94 percent of Democrats.

A wide majority of Republicans surveyed, 84 percent, said that Trump is fit for office.

Responses were divided evenly among men, 49 percent to 49 percent, while 63 percent of women said Trump is unfit for the presidency. A small percentage of people declined to answer or said they were undecided.
The divisions over Trump's job performance on race relations are stark in the poll. Ninety-four percent of African-Americans surveyed disapproved of Trump's handling of race relations as president, compared to 66 percent of Hispanics who said the same.

White voters disapprove by a slimmer margin, with 55 percent disapproval compared to 39 percent approval.

Trump faced heavy criticism last month for his response to violence in Charlottesville, Va., that left one dead and dozens injured. In his response to the attack, Trump blamed "many sides" for the violence that occurred at the “Unite the Right” rally.

Six in ten Americans say Trump is doing more to divide the country than bring it together. Just over half, 51 percent, said they are "embarrassed" by Trump's presidency.

Quinnipiac University polled 1,412 voters nationwide between Sept. 21-26. The poll carries a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.
I see what GenericGreenShotokanNinja means when he wants Kap to speak up and attempt to reshift the focus of his protest.

It would be nicw but I think the SWS wouldn't care since it doesn't fit their storyline
well now ya know this place is a bubble, da majority of folks in America not rocking wit da flag protest, and now da NFL gotta fix they're face or they're gonna lose da a ish load of viewership over a flag controversy on both sides.

Da majority of the people they surveyed live in a bubble
It would be nicw but I think the SWS wouldn't care since it doesn't fit their storyline

they're not da ones pushing da issue with da flag..all they see is people kneeling on da anthem. heat would be removed if further clarification would be giving, and a refocus somewhere else.

da anthem and flag at this point is a distraction.
they're not da ones pushing da issue with da flag..all they see is people kneeling on da anthem. heat would be removed if further clarification would be giving, and a refocus somewhere else.

da anthem and flag at this point is a distraction.

Not sure why you are so sure they would even listen to Kap when he explains HIS logic.
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