Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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So tired of this flag and anthem smokescreen. I'm waiting for one of these high profile closet WS to slip up and say why they're actually mad.
So tired of this flag and anthem smokescreen. I'm waiting for one of these high profile closet WS to slip up and say why they're actually mad.

Nothing will happen. Richie Incognito called his own teammate a "n___ piece of @#%@" and got rehired eventually. Riley Cooper used racial slurs against black people and was welcomed back after the typical "that's not who I am" fake apology. Even if the protest was meant to disrespect the flag, apparently that's worse than disrespecting an entire race of your own Americans.

I think that whole Incognito incident is when I started hating the sport. I couldn't believe how many white fans and even some minorities were coming to Incognito's defense and calling his racist and violent language "locker room/friendly trash talk" and calling anyone against that @$#= "soft, never played sports, politically correct,etc." It got to the point where they even started blaming the victim for betraying Incognito's trust and revealing his racist scumbag nature. It got flipped to Incognito being a good friend who who just got carried away by his alpha nature...How is something like that forgiven but protesting against racism isn't? @$#% the NFL and its fans
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Would be dope to see Kap in a Steelers uniform. Big Ben is washed. He said it himself yesterday. That's why Antonio Brown blew up on him. Son getting senile. Missing open receivers. Should retired last yr when he started the talk. Will go next year tho. Kap would have a ready made squad and a solid coach.
Why is the guy on top of the other officer though? It looks bad on both sides, wish we could see the beginning of the video.
Jerry Jones, Donald trump and every other rich, white guy who is a white supremacist disgusts me. If you're wealthy and you're still doing the WS routine, you're a terrible human being.

While WS is always abhorrent, I can at least understand why a young white man, who is not wealthy and who is fighting in the Jungle of American Capitalism will use WS to get ahead. When 90% of the Country is either poor in are part of a precarious middle class, one at least understand why one would use every weapon at one's disposal, including the amulet of whiteness.

In the case of the white millionaires and billionaires, that excuse is off the table. You are now above the fray and you have emerged from economic melee of capitalism victorious. If you keep on using whiteness as weapon, you're going straight to hell.
They was prolly tryna hurt dude so he fought back... if that’s the case, respect.

Also respect to the people that tried to hold the cop back.
Nothing will happen. Richie Incognito called his own teammate a "n___ piece of @#%@" and got rehired eventually. Riley Cooper used racial slurs against black people and was welcomed back after the typical "that's not who I am" fake apology. Even if the protest was meant to disrespect the flag, apparently that's worse than disrespecting an entire race of your own Americans.

I think that whole Incognito incident is when I started hating the sport. I couldn't believe how many white fans and even some minorities were coming to Incognito's defense and calling his racist and violent language "locker room/friendly trash talk" and calling anyone against that @$#= "soft, never played sports, politically correct,etc." It got to the point where they even started blaming the victim for betraying Incognito's trust and revealing his racist scumbag nature. It got flipped to Incognito being a good friend who who just got carried away by his alpha nature...How is something like that forgiven but protesting against racism isn't? @$#% the NFL and its fans
I completely forgot all about that Incognito situation

ESPN suspends Jemele Hill for social media ‘violation’
By Mark W. Sanchez

October 9, 2017 | 3:33pm

Strike 2, and she’s benched.

ESPN suspended Jemele Hill on Monday, the network announced, for two weeks “for a second violation of our social media guidelines.”

The Worldwide Leader did not elaborate on her offending tweet, and Hill has not tweeted since 11 a.m. Eastern on Monday. However, on Sunday she suggested fans boycott Cowboys advertisers if they were upset Jerry Jones told his players they would stand for the national anthem or be benched.

“This play always work,” she wrote. “Change happens when advertisers are impacted. If you feel strongly about JJ’s statement, boycott his advertisers.”

On Monday, her last tweet read: “Just so we’re clear: I’m not advocating a NFL boycott. But an unfair burden has been put on players in Dallas & Miami w/ anthem directives.”

Hill was in the middle of an ESPN firestorm last month, when the White House called for her firing for calling President Trump a white supremacist on Twitter. ESPN had a sitdown meeting with her, where the “SC6” co-host apologized for the forum but not the message.

“She previously acknowledged letting her colleagues and company down with an impulsive tweet,” ESPN said in a statement. “In the aftermath, all employees were reminded of how individual tweets may reflect negatively on ESPN and that such actions would have consequences. Hence this decision.”
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